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Question on Colonist Class


Colonists get the Far Shot feat as a starting feat. That feat lists the Point Blank Shot Feat as a prerequisite.

Point Blank should be included also, or it should replace Far Shot, and Far Shot would then be put in the list of Bonus Feats.
Fixed, though I admit to some curiousity as to how wou even saw that. The playtest files aren't public yet, or at least they aren't as far as I know.
In any case, these sorts of comments should go on the playtest forum in the Moot.

2320AD Writer
Tired and Puzzled
Actually anyone with Moot access can get to them ;)

Fair warning to those of you who did grab the files there now. They are out of date. I was waiting for Colin to send me the latest batch of updates to be sure we had everything to date and as accurate as he wanted before I opened the playtest.

So you'll have to download em again once I post the correct files.

That's what ya get for not waiting for the official announcement

Also, this not the place to post 2320 playtest comments and questions. There will be a seperate playtest forum accessible from the Moot for that.

Originally posted by hunter:
Also, this not the place to post 2320 playtest comments and questions. There will be a seperate playtest forum accessible from the Moot for that.

Sorry...I was poking around and found them.
This seemed like the closest to correct forum.
I'll be good and wait...
It's not easy though.
Originally posted by hunter:
Actually anyone with Moot access can get to them ;)

Fair warning to those of you who did grab the files there now. They are out of date. I was waiting for Colin to send me the latest batch of updates to be sure we had everything to date and as accurate as he wanted before I opened the playtest.

So you'll have to download em again once I post the correct files.
*drums fingers slowly on edge of keyboard*
Sent them out last night. Might take a day or three to get them up.

Here's what I sent:

Background and History
Character Gerneration
Core Worlds
Frontier Worlds
Alien Space
Orbitals, Outposts and Enclaves
Technology, Equipment, and Weapons
Starship Operations
Starship Encounters
Starship Combat
Personal and Vehicle Combat Additions
Vehicle Design
Starship Design
World and Colony Design

Still to come: Aliens (doing some tweaking)
Vehicles (awaiting feedback on design system)
Starships (ditto)
NPCs and animals (awaiting feedback on chargen)
Adventure Seeds (finishing up)
Near Star List (still compiling)

All told, 19 chapters, 4 appendices and around 190,000 words.

2320AD writer
Tired and crazy
In response to the original question, it doesn't matter that Far Shot has Point Blank Shot as a pre-req. Colonists either get the benfits of the feat if it is specifically spelled out as such in the class ability description or they have a feat they can't use until they get the pre-req. Both options are available to a designer.