Is it possible to subscribe to it via the web only? (i.e. so you just check the web archives for the latest messages, and don't get a digest or individual emails at all, but can still post to it?)
I was refering to the ability to post from the web without subscribing. Yes the archives are obviously open to public viewing.Originally posted by MADDog:
c'mon Hunter...
There is a link right there on the menu bar between CHAT and EBAY...
I go in there all the time to read TML posts from the archive that haven't yet made it into a digest (I learnt along time ago not to accept the individual Emails from the TML...It gets VERY cluttered)...I've never been asked for any password to get into the archive...
It is at most a few hours behind real world in archiving active posts...I'm thinking anyone who wanted to could read the TML...I know we from the list use it to search for long forgotten posts...
If you aren't subscribed, you can't post, the system will reject emails from non-subscribers. If you are subscribed you will be sent either the individual emails or the digests.
As for posting, I just email to
TML at travellerrpg.com...I don't think listmom compares posters to those signed up, but you never know...