The copies I'm purchasing are for playing purposes only, so collectibility is irrelevant. I just tire of lugging around
The Traveller Book all the time. I guess I'm spoiled with the LBB's, because
The Traveller Book and the reprint series both are just too big to comfortably carry, especially if I want to travel light, as is my want.
Forms are not an issue, as I can just scan in forms from
The Traveller Book and do the same thing. Or, if I'm willing to risk breaking the spine of
The Classic Supplements I could do the same thing with Supplement 12. A better solution would be for me to just get Supplement 12 though.
The possible changes to the starship construction rules don't bother me too much if they don't invalidate the existing ship designs. If it's too much, I'll just use High Guard 2d Edition.
I'm surprised at the possibility of the weapon damages being different. Not a huge issue in any event. That's why man created the pencil.
I like the responses I'm getting and I encourage EVERYONE to keep 'em coming, even the smarmy ones.
When I do finally receive my copies, I'll go through them with a fine tooth comb and see where the changes are. Whatever changes there may be I can then always glue into the books, since I have no intention of ever selling them, and they're not collectible due to condition.