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{PREVIEW} The Vargr

Charisma score - interesting - could a high score effect humans? i get a hint that it could in your explaniation. can a vargar put togeather a crew of humans using charisma??
would or do humans follow vargar?? could make for some interesting missions or senerious.
Ability score mods: 2 -2s vs. 1 +2?
Their other abilities do not balance with having 2 -2s mods.

After watching some documentaries (I know, not the best reference materials) about dogs and their sense of smell I'd give the Vargr a bit more bonuses. Say, +4 bonus to Search, and a +2 bonus to Spot with another +2 if downwind (and add some description of how to determine/play upwind/downwind situations). These do not apply when in a contained environment such as a space suit. Smells from different planets could affect Vargr as well (i.e., some planets might have a smell that no Vargr will go there... or a planet that smells like dead fish causing a Vargr to roll on the ground uncontrollably at times [Fort save, DC 15]

I think you need to emphasis the unhuman-like nature of the Vargr, or any other alien; otherwise aliens get played like a human in a costume (even more so than elves and dwarves, etc).

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Gaming Glen:
Ability score mods: 2 -2s vs. 1 +2?
Their other abilities do not balance with having 2 -2s mods.

I think you need to emphasis the unhuman-like nature of the Vargr, or any other alien; otherwise aliens get played like a human in a costume (even more so than elves and dwarves, etc).


I agree with Gaming Glen - according to the Dungeon Master's Guide, a bonus on Dexterity is more than outweighed by malusses to Strength AND Constitution. Perhaps malusses to Strength and Wisdom would have been very Vargr-like.
But the way T20 works, Dex is a bit better than it is in D&D and Strength is a bit less useful. The COn and Dex are an even swap, and the Str is mostly irrelevant and is more than balanced by the extra move.

Dave "Dr. Skull" Nelson
It all depends on whether you go with the D&D (but not necessarily d20) notion of "game balance." Making the Vargr somewhat weaker than the default humans is not *necessarily* a mistake--as long as you make it clear, e.g. by giving the other nonhuman races equally widely divergent bonuses (positive or negative), that what you're aiming for isn't balance but strongly marked variety.

OTOH there's the fact that an ordinary Traveller campaign is much less populated with nonhuman PCs than a D&D campaign... so that a weak Vargr will be an even less popular PC to play--from a number-crunching POV, anyway.

[This message has been edited by Pierce_Inverarity (edited 22 May 2002).]
<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Gaming Glen:
Ability score mods: 2 -2s vs. 1 +2?
Their other abilities do not balance with having 2 -2s mods.

No they do not balance as per the DMG, but they reflect the original modifiers from CT (-1 Str, -1 End, +1 Dex).

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by hunter:
No they do not balance as per the DMG, but they reflect the original modifiers from CT (-1 Str, -1 End, +1 Dex).


The Traveller canon and different combat parameters in a futuristic environment are of course valid arguments against Glens and my more mechanistic perspective.
All in all, I'm very much looking forward to the T20 book!
Really, guys. STR will be the "throw away" characteristic in T20, or any modern game. Honestly, who really wants bonuses to hit with a Pole Arm when you can buy Auto Pistols in every starport?

"Leave it to a Varger to bring a knife to a gun fight..."
DEX applies to both melee and ranged combat in T20 instead of STR for melee and DEX for ranged.

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by hunter:
DEX applies to both melee and ranged combat in T20 instead of STR for melee and DEX for ranged.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Hmmm. Interesting. So will a character get ANYTHING for having a high STR?

If the answer is no, I don't blame you. just be ready for a bunch of PCs with STR 6.
I am sure that Str will be needed. Low Str characters won't be able to wear the heavy armor, or carry much. They won't do as much damage in melee as well. I'd like to see a Str 6 character walk around on a high gav planet.
Ah, thanks for the explanation. All I could see were the raw numbers, not how they work in the game.

My statement still stands that more emphasis needs to be placed on an alien's alienness. Otherwise an alien will be a human in a "bug" suit.

Since Vargr are descendent from our own wolves, players will already know how wolves behave here on earth and apply that somewhat to their Vargr character (how do you distract a Vargr guard? Have a cat that runs away. A thrown tennis ball or a stick might work as well.
). But, I wonder if a different alien can be played effectively? I guess aliens can be more fully explained in an alien "handbook". (ka-ching!)

What?! STR is unimportant? What about all these "sci-fi" miniature games (*cough* Warhammer *cough*) with brawny space orcs that use melee weapons? You mean those games are not for real?

Couple of points:

I think the Class would be a bit better balanced that if you gave the Vargr the "Scent" Feat (monster Feat mentioned in the DMG). This would would really match their "keen sense of smell" a lot better than just a +1 to Search.

Also, the reference to "+1 to BaB when using teeth and claws" is a bit of an odd reference. Base Attack Bonus is level-based stat is applied to both melee and ranged attacks, and is also used in determining accessibility to certain Feats. A better way of saying this would be "+1 attack bonus in melee combat when using teeth and claws".

Terminology is important when dealing with established systems...
Originally posted by Luthyr:
Couple of points:
...the "Scent" Feat (monster Feat mentioned in the DMG). This would would really match their "keen sense of smell" a lot better than just a +1 to Search.
You mean +1 to Spot, right !?

After showing this preview to my D&D D20 group of players they also pointed out that due to "Eyesight is much sharper than human sight, but has a more limited range of color sensitivity..." they should only receive a +1 to Search checks.
Originally posted by Kentares:
You mean +1 to Spot, right !?
Yup, that's correct - Spot, not Search.

Alternately, you could just say that Vargr have the option of taking the Scent Feat.

After showing this preview to my D&D D20 group of players they also pointed out that due to "Eyesight is much sharper than human sight, but has a more limited range of color sensitivity..." they should only receive a +1 to Search checks.
In that case, I'd suggest eliminating the Search bonus entirely; the color sensitivity cancels out the keen vision.

-- Randy Mosiondz
Originally posted by phydaux:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by hunter:
DEX applies to both melee and ranged combat in T20 instead of STR for melee and DEX for ranged.
Hmmm. Interesting. So will a character get ANYTHING for having a high STR?

If the answer is no, I don't blame you. just be ready for a bunch of PCs with STR 6.
</font>[/QUOTE]High STR gives increased melee damage and carrying capacity. Just not bonuses to hit.