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Power Projection Fleet is MINE!

It arrived today in the mail: A plain, brown enevelope with the words "Royal Air" stamped on it. Inside is something I've been waiting well over a year for: My copy of Power Projection: Fleet. For all of those who have read the reviews, let me assure you that this product looks fantastic! I can't wait to try a game out with my friends!
Will expect complete review in short order then eh, Mr. S?
Originally posted by soloprobe:
Where did you get it ??? :eek: I check the power projection website every week
The site has a minor problem at the moment (which should be resolved shortly). It's on the same ISP as BITS and I've gone and uploaded too many files and can't get into the server. I'm sourcing a new server at the moment so all should be resolved soon!

www.warehouse23.com is now accepting preorders. The shipment should reach the US this week, and will probably take another week or so to ship from the stores.
Originally posted by soloprobe:
Where did you get it ??? :eek: I check the power projection website every week
Oh yes, Mark ordered it off Gnometrader, who had 4 copies after Dragonmeet.


Originally posted by soloprobe:
Well I just checked the site......I gues i won't be ordering this week......(Sigh) :(
I'll post when W23 get them in.

Mystic Station Designs LLC may well have copies available before W23 as they act as our US distributor. As I type this they only have PP:E listed on the website.



Ok Dom,
Please let me know when w23 gets them in .I'll check back here frequently ....As I'm eager to own this game....
A question from the uninitiated. I know that both games (fleet and escort) use traveller ships, but do they have the high guard traveller stats on the ships or are they in some sort of Power Projection specific rating (as per Battle Rider)

Richard, according to one of the posts on this thread PP:F includes rules for converting ships from the various versions of Traveller into PP ratings. It favours HG (and therefore T20 ;) ).
Hope this helps.
Originally posted by Shane Mclean:
They use a modified Full Thrust system. It isn't based on anything previously done for traveller.

Actually, all the ships were originally designed in High Guard. However, the stats are in a format unique to Power Projection which will not reverse engineer backwards correctly to HG because of the break points in conversion. The Imperial designs are predominantly from Supplement 9: Fighting Ships (except when they were really broken). The Zhodani ships were mainly designed by Tobias Riepe, who sometimes posts on these forums.

Power Projection: Fleet contains the conversion method to allow you to take any HG / T20 or MT ship and turn it into a Power Projection formatted SSD (ship status diagram). The actual SSD icons can be downloaded in a number of formats from the PP website to allow you to build your own ships.

Power Projection: Escort does *not* contain the conversion rules.

http;//www.powerprojection.net/ contains more information in the FAQ, plus an example SSD combined with the original HG design (the Red Glory class light BC).

Beyond the legality and the time to do the SSDs, converting TA7 would be very easy.
Originally posted by Dom:
The Zhodani ships were mainly designed by Tobias Riepe, who sometimes posts on these forums.
You can find the HG stats for most of these ships on the Traveller_FullThrust YahooGroup as Doc files. Tobias has kindly posted them there.

Do you have the full URL for the Traveller Full Thrust Yahoo Group.

I just get silly - unable to process request when I go via the Yahoo home page

Originally posted by Hal:
Warehouse 23 has a disclaimer at their site saying that the first shipment will have spines that are scuffed. That sucks. :(
They left the UK intact. It may be worth asking Mystic Station what theirs are like.

There again, if you use the game you're gonna scuff them anyway, but I know what you mean :-/
Originally posted by Dom:
There again, if you use the game you're gonna scuff them anyway, but I know what you mean :-/
FWIW I've emailed Andy Lilly and told him what's happened. I am surprised because my copy is from the same print run and has some light wear from being read and travelling half way around the world, but no real damage.