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Power Projection Game At RockCon 03

Hello All:

I just got back from RockCon 2003 (Rockford, Illinois, USA) where I ran a demonstration game of Power Projection escort. Turn out was far better than I expected. When I signed on for the game back in September, I stated that the game would have a minimum of 4 players or a maximum of 6. I was able to fill all six slots! Most of the players where old hands at FT, only one was unfamiliar with the system.

I decided to throw in a little spice into the game and rather than playing the usually drab "Fair Fight" engagement, I choose instead to run the Blockade scenario from the rule book. I choose to have the Imperials try to "break out" of the system and have the Zho's intercept them. I was able to divided up the fleets between the six players: 4 players took two Zhodani ships each, while the other two took two Imperial ships each.

The first turn I spent helping the players get used to the rules. Tactics for the first turn were simple. The Imperials, started away from the planet at a velocity of 4 and had kicked is up to 10, hoping they could use pure speed to break through the incoming Zhos. Meanwhile the Zho's where maneuvering to a point where they could create a wall between the planet and the edge of the board. No ships where in range of one another, so no combat.

New turn we began to see a little more action. The Imperials Continued to accelerate. They seemed a little reticent about using their sandcasters, so only one or two ships deployed them. Missiles where also unleashed at this point. There was some direct weapons fire, but due to crappy die rolling, only a few points of damage where scored.

Turn three was where the action REALLY took place. Needless to say, the Imps tried to continue to burn their way off the board. Knowing that they would pass them, the Zhos began to maneuver their ships so that they can keep their weapons on their opponents. Missile launched last turn came in, but due to a combination of point defense fire and the afore mentioned crappy die rolling, no missile launched from the last turn scored any damage. The Zhos had been consistently winning the initiative rolls and this turn was no exception. Missiles where launched again, and this time they intercepted their targets in the same turn. While not getting the "second-turn-of-flight" bonus, the effects where devastating! Three of the smaller Imperial ships where destroyed by a barrage of nukes. Another ship was brought down with both missiles and secondary weapons fire. Finally, the Sloan died after failing a catastrophic damage that finished off it's damage track. Although the Imps fought hard, and damaged more than a few ships (two Zho vessels had temporarily lost their bridges), there were no kills for the Imperials at all.

In the end, a total Zhodani victory! The game session lasted about 3-and-a-half hours. Everyone came away feeling that Power Projection was the greatest thing since sliced bread. I had handed out flyers with WWW address of various sources or where they could purchase the game (Warehouse 23, Mystic Station, GZG), and to keep a look out for Fleet when it comes out.. The only thing I regret was not bringing any of my "cheat sheets" along. Passing around the one copy of the book to figure out the damage rolls was rather inconvenient.

I had taken some pictures of the game and I downloaded them into the Photos section. I'll also be posting them to the UFTWWWP as soon as I find the time.

Otherwise RockCon was very good this year. A few dealers had some B5 Wars ships for 50% off. I picked up a few blisters for Fleet Action ships and two of the "full sized" Warlock Destroyers and a Brakiri warship that caught my eye. Those, along demo and some old Ral Partha dinosaur figures made it a fine convention.

I'll definitely be doing this next year.
Thanks for the AAR Mark! I wish I could have been there, sounds like a great game and a good con too. In your opinion, do you think the one-sided victory was due to bad luck, bad tactics or a combination of both? Can't wait for Fleet to come out, it will make starship combats considerably easier for me to visualize.

As always, YMMV
John Hamill
Originally posted by jwdh71:
Thanks for the AAR Mark! I wish I could have been there, sounds like a great game and a good con too. In your opinion, do you think the one-sided victory was due to bad luck, bad tactics or a combination of both? Can't wait for Fleet to come out, it will make starship combats considerably easier for me to visualize.

As always, YMMV
John Hamill
Well, In PP the fleet with the most ships and/or most agile ships get a bonus. The Zhos had the Imperials outnumbered, so they kept losing initiative which allowed the Zhos to fire first. Also, there was some reticence toward the use of sandcasters. The Imperials would pop maybe one or two clouds per turn. Personally, I would have had them set up entire walls of sand to give the fleet a barrier to cushion them against incoming fire. That, and since there was nothing in the Imps victory conditions that stated that you had to take out any of the Zho fleet, I would used my energy weapons for point defense and launched missiles to keep the Zho's weapons busy with point defense.

Next I'm I play PP:E with my friend, Tim, I'll run this scenario and give that strategy a try.
Mark, thanks for the AAR.

I've been looking for an old-line FTer to give me some feedback of PP:Escort. I've got all the FT stuff and of course have played and run large battles in it. But I've always found it made small engagements kinda dicey to run. How close is PPE to FB-style FT? Vector movement like FT or like EFSB? Weapons compare to what kinds of FT weapons? (Or is there no comparison)? Is it cinematic or vector? How many boxes of hull does something like a free trader or scout courier have? How do player skills factor in?

I like FT, but it is just a wee bit too simplistic and makes little accomodation for an RPG element for me to want to use it resolving my Trav RPG combat. What do you think about PPE in this role?

Your input and opinions are valued. ;)

Originally posted by kaladorn:

"I like FT, but it is just a wee bit too simplistic and makes little accomodation for an RPG element for me to want to use it resolving my Trav RPG combat. What do you think about PPE in this role?"

Mr. Barclay,

While I've only played FT rarely; twice IIRC, I do own PP:Escort and have been fortunate enough to get a sneak peek at PP:Fleet. IMHO, PP:E & F's utility for small scale, PC ship combat is limited - forex: 500dTons equates one hull box. Furthermore, any RPG aspects; such as PC skills effecting rolls, initiative, damage controls, etc., are missing. While those effects could easily be grafted into the game, they could also easily unbalance any scenario.

All that being said, I also believe that PP:E and PP:F are absolutely superb games. I cannot praise them enough and have played them dozens of times. PP:E & F marry the vector movement of LBB:2 and Mayday with the large ship combat of HG2 in a seamless manner. Combat between large vessels and large numbers of vessels can be handled easily. What's more, the PP rules allow 'area defense'; vessels can attempt to screen other vessels from enemy fire. This cannot be done at all in LBB:2 and Mayday and can be done too well in HG2; i.e. one fight in the 'line' shielding 100 dreadnaughts in the 'reserve'.

Weapons in PP have been simplified. The various alphanumeric desingations of HG2 have been streamlined. HG2 battery ratings of 1 to 5 comprises one PP rating and HG2 ratings or 6 to 9 comprise another. The various defensive system ratings; sand, nuc dampers, etc., are streamlined in a similar manner.

All damage flows from the hull boxes, much like WS&IM and SFB. All hits are marked off on hull boxes. As a row of hull boxes is destroyed, operability checks are rolled against all ship systems. Fail the check roll and the system is gone. As each row of hull boxes is marked off, the system check roll gets harder.

Various bits of 'chrome' include damage bonuses for missiles that have moved in two turns, different types of missile warheads, negative 'to hit' DMs imposed by sand clouds or nuc detonation markers, damage control parties, frozen watches, and high intensity fire.

While I will definitely purchase PP:Fleet as soon as it hits the shelves, the RPG utility of the PP games will depend on the type of campaign a GM is running. If the PCs are a Beowulf crew schlepping along the Spinward Main, the games may not be of use. If the PCs are the command staff of an IN squadron, the games will be of great use.

Hope this helped.

Larsen is right. PP is a stand alone fleet combat game rather than an RPG supplement. However, maybe with some tweaking, a more PC friendly version can be created.
Darn. I was hoping PP:E would be RPG-useful.

Larsen, I've played FT a lot and run large FT games. It scales reasonably gracefully until you throw in 32 fighter groups per side..... (ow!!!!). So I'd expect PP:E to do the same. I can imagine how most of the things are implemented from FT rules. I *like* vector FT, except for the fact the 'fist' is really the ultimate space combat formation as long as no aliens are involved....

Anyway, I may have to just tinker with FT on my own to try to make a Travellerized version where 1 hull box might equal 10 tons or so. Anyway, we'll see....

Thanks for the advice.
This is a very interesting discussion, especially as I'm also on the lookout for the ideal ship combat system, at least as far as the setup I'm running is concerned (ie., a Kinunir cruiser on patrol). Typical engagements are on the border skirmish level : 1250 Dt Kinunir vs corsairs, small patrol boats, armed traders and the like.
I don't own Mayday, I don't have access to a basket ball field so I can't play LBB2 properly, I got rid of brillant Lances in disgust years ago.
I used HG2 fort the lats engagement, but it seems to abstract and streamlined for my tastes. Moreover, it's definitely not suited to small-scale engagements . So, I'm analysing the Traveller adaptations done for Full Thrust at the moment , while trying to get hold of Power Projection.
By the way, could someone post a glossary of the acronyms in use on this thread ? :confused:
Mark --

Thanks for the after action report.

I've played a few PP:E games - I'm by no means an expert but I'll throw in my cr0.02

Originally posted by Mark A. Siefert:
Well, In PP the fleet with the most ships and/or most agile ships get a bonus. The Zhos had the Imperials outnumbered, so they kept losing initiative which allowed the Zhos to fire first.
I asked Dom about this same issue - are you assigning initiative per side (i.e. all Zho ships fire first) or per ship (i.e. Zho's lead off then alternate sides until finished)?

We've found that initiative by side puts a LOT of emphasis on the initiative throw and the side that loses the throw usually dies before they have a chance to shoot back. When I asked Dom about this he suggested initiative by ship as outlined above. We found it makes things a lot less one sided.

I believe this one made the faq.

Also, there was some reticent toward the use of sandcasters.
This *will* get you killed. By our third game I had to run three additional sheets of sand counters because we were popping sand at max capacity every round. If you 'save' your sand - chances are you'll be dead before you would have failed magazine checks on your casters anyways.

Sand is your *friend* It gets really fun when you start plotting your vectors to utilize your enemy's sand cloud to your advantage.

That, and since there was nothing in the Imps victory conditions that stated that you had to take out any of the Zho fleet, I would used my energy weapons for point defense and launched missiles to keep the Zho's weapons busy with point defense.
Spot on - always use the victory conditions to your best advantage.

I can't wait for 'fleet.'

Originally posted by Thierry Maitrejean:
By the way, could someone post a glossary of the acronyms in use on this thread ? :confused:
AAR - after action report
FT - Full Thrust - miniature starship combat by Ground Zero Games
FT:FB - Full Thrust Fleet Book - introduced vector movement to FT.
EFSB - not sure - maybe FT: FLEET BOOK Volume 2: The Xeno Files ?
PP:E - Power Projection: Escort - Traveller Starship combat based on FT
PP:F - Power Projection: Fleet - upcoming Fleet expansion for the PP ruleset.
YMMV - your milage may vary :D
HG2 - High Guard Version 2
LBB:2 Traveller Book 2

HTH (hope that helps)

Originally posted by kaladorn:
Anyway, I may have to just tinker with FT on my own to try to make a Travellerized version where 1 hull box might equal 10 tons or so.
Please let me know if you're going to do anything with this - I'd love to playtest and/or brainstorm on the topic.

Originally posted by theSea:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Thierry Maitrejean:
By the way, could someone post a glossary of the acronyms in use on this thread ? :confused:
EFSB - not sure - maybe FT: FLEET BOOK Volume 2: </font>[/QUOTE]EFSB: Earth Force Source Book. A supplement for the short lived "Babylon Project" RPG from Chameleon Eclectic that featured a FT derivative set in the Babylon 5 universe.
kaladorn wrote: "Darn. I was hoping PP:E would be RPG-useful."

Mr. Barclay,

With care RPG elements could be grafted onto PP:E. However, most rolls are 1D6 so even minimal skill levels can wildly skew things. At first blush, I'd halve or third any applicable CT skills and still round down.

kaladorn wrote further: "Larsen, I've played FT a lot and run large FT games. It scales reasonably gracefully until you throw in 32 fighter groups per side....."

Ouch... There are no small craft; i.e. sub-100dton, in PP:E. IIRC, PP:F handles fighters be grouping them into squadrons, much like the HG2 variant article in the dead tree JTAS issues.

Mr. Maitrejean wrote: "This is a very interesting discussion, especially as I'm also on the lookout for the ideal ship combat system, at least as far as the setup I'm running is concerned (ie., a Kinunir cruiser on patrol). Typical engagements are on the border skirmish level : 1250 Dt Kinunir vs corsairs, small patrol boats, armed traders and the like."

Mr. Maitrejean,

PP:E meets most of your needs. Small craft; sub-100dTon, are not covered. There are 14 vessels listed, 13 warships and 1 transport. The Kinunir is one, as is Broadsword, P.F. Sloan, Midu Agashaam, and everyone's favorite Zho oddity, the Shivva. A 200 dTon Imperial SDB is listed as are a few Zho, non-jump capable 'boats'.

What PP:E doesn't have is conversion rules. There is nothing that tells you how to convert that LBB:2 or HG2 design into PP:E Ship Status Diagrams. A method can be inferred. PP:F does have necessary conversion rules.

Sorry about all the acronyms in my posts. Using them is like using a type of shorthand, one can then write faster.


P.S. Oops, a few acronyms not explained yet. WS&IM - Wooden Ships and Iron Men, an Avalon Hill 'age of fighting sail' ship combat game. SFB - Star Fleet Battles.
Power Projection designer Dominic Mooney wrote the following on the PP Yahoo Group:

"We're not currently planning to publish an 'RPG' level supplement but if I get time (!!) I do want to put some notes, probably using the BITS Task system, on the website."