• Welcome to the new COTI server. We've moved the Citizens to a new server. Please let us know in the COTI Website issue forum if you find any problems.

Players wanted for Online CT Game


Sign on for a dangerous and daring mission beyond the Imperial Fringe. Head out from the Spinward Marches into dangerous space. Confront the dastardly Zhodani, fight pirates, discover strange new worlds, sneak around the Imperial forces to discover secrets best left hidden.

This campaign will be played every Sunday night at 2030 GMT, starting as soon as we get enough players together. We will be playing at a Yahoo! Group, the Imperial Fringe Yahoo! Group .

Send your characters to me at Methuslah@tongue.fsnet.co.uk ,and hopefully we can get started soon. All welcome, no experience required.

Richard Tongue
Darn, I've just committed to a 1-2 year mission on the other side of the Imperium in a TNE PBEM game. I don't think I could handle two games, my D&D group (if I still have one after not running it for a while) and my much anticipated (by me anyway) T20 game. I'm sure you'll have no trouble getting player's based on how quickly the TNE game filled up. Have fun!
