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Play by E-Mail Time Traveller T20


SOC-14 1K
Anyone interested in playing in a Time Traveller T20 Campaign? I'd like to get one going if anyone is interested. I'm considering a campaign universe tailor made for time travel. The history includes our own up to the present. The tech levels up to TL 7 are the same as in the T20 book. Tech level 8 is from 1990 to 2010;
Tech Level 9 is from 2010 to 2040 The Jump Drive becomes available in this time period.
What the Jump-1 drive does is leap over the light barrier to UltraLuminal speed Jump-1 causes the ship just above the speed of light and backwards in time at a rate of -100 years per minute of ship's proper time. The ship must spend 60 minutes at this FTL speed while it recharges its capacitors and is able to jump back again into normal space about 6,000 years in the past and 6,000 light years away. the ship then needs to refuel at a distant gas giant, spend 60 minutes recharging its capacitors and then repeat the same process to head back to Earth for a total distance of 12,000 years into the past.
Tech Level A (10) is from 2040 to 2060.
Tech Level B (11) is from 2060 to 2080, Jump-2 is invented. Jump-2 causes the ship to reach an Ultraluminal speed of -10 years per minute of ship's proper time. The ship must spend 60 minutes of time at this speed before it can emerge in normal space 600 years in the past and 600 light years away, the ship would then refuel at a local gas giant at this distance and then turn around and head back to Earth for a total time displacement of 1200 years into the past.
Tech Level C (12) occurs from 2060 to 2100 AD. Jump-3 drive is invented. Jump-3 causes the ship to reach an Ultraluminal speed of -2 years per minute of the ship's proper time. The ship must spend 60 minutes at this speed before it can jump again back into normal space 120 years into the past and 120 light years away, it can go further than this of course but 120 light years is the minimum. The Time/Starship refuels at a local gas giant and then returns to Earth arriving 240 before it left.
Tech Level D (13) occurs from 2100 to 2120 AD. Jump-4 is invented and it has the capacity to send a ship at a rate of -1 year per minute of ship's proper time. Spending 60 minutes at FTL, it arrives 60 years into the past and 60 light years away refueling at a gas giant and returning to Earth for a total time displacement of 120 years into the years 1980 to 2000 AD but no later than that.
Tech Level E (14) occurs from 2120 AD to 2140 AD. Jump-5 is invented allowing travel at a rate of -6 months per minute. the ship travels 30 years and 30 light years on its outbound leg and another 30 years on its inbound leg for a total of 60 years.
Tech Level F (15) is the tech level of the time travel campaign. Jump-6 is invented allowing for travel at -3 months per minute for a total distance of 15 light years and -15 years on its outbound leg and another -15 years on its inbound leg for a total distance of 30 years into the past. Is any one intrigued? All the traveler classes are available. Characters can originate from any time period, but they are generally human.