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Personal Armor

Here's a piece of equipment I designed. I have it available as a Word or PDF document.

Commando Armor

Commando Armor is a special armored and improved version of the
Tailored Vac Suit designed for use by Special Operations units.
It is designed for almost any environment from a depth of 100
meters underwater to the vacuum of space. It includes IR/Light
Intensification, Heads Up Display, a short range communicator,
and a 6 hour oxygen supply. It has chameleon capabilities, and
can switch to filters in order to conserve the oxygen supply.

AR: 4
Max Dex Bonus: +6
Armor Check Penalty: 0
Cost: Cr30,000
Weight: 2kg
Tech Level: 15
Speed: 9m=9, 6m=6

Here's an updated version.

Personal Armor

Commando Armor
Commando Armor is a special advanced armored version of the Tailored Vac Suit designed for
use by Special Operations units. It is designed for almost any environment from a depth
of 100 meters underwater to the vacuum of space. It includes IR/Light Intensification,
Heads Up Display, a short range communicator, and a 6 hour oxygen supply. It has chameleon
capabilities, and can switch to filters in order to conserve the oxygen supply.

AR: 4
Max Dex Bonus: +6
Armor Check Penalty: 0
Cost: Cr30,000
Weight: 2kg
Tech Level: 15
Speed: 9m=9, 6m=6

Scout Suit
A Scout Suit is a lighter, close-fitting Chameleon version of the earlier Combat
Environment Suit that is designed for sniper and covert operations. The built-in pullover
hood is equipped with a Light Intensifier/IR capable visor, and the tough lightweight
material of the suit is designed to minimize the sound of the wearer's passage through
brush and debris (+2 equipment bonus to Move Silently checks). Use of the Scout Suit
requires the Armor Proficiency (Light) feat.

AR: 3
Max Dex Bonus: +7
Armor Check Penalty: 0
Cost: TL12 CR5,000/TL14 Cr10,000
Weight: 2kg
Tech Level: 12/14
Speed: 9m=9, 6m=6

If anyone wants a PDF or Word version just let me know.


Since we're talking about personal armor...

Is the Flex-9 armor from T4 the same thing as the Combat Environment Suit from CT?

How does Flex-9 and Combat Environment Suit compare with the armor in 2300? Is it inertial armor? Rigid? Nonrigid, or what?
2300 armour would probably convert as
Rigid armour being equivlant to combat armour but usually worn over only part of the body.

Inertial armour would be a combat enviroment suit equivlant but again sometimes only partial, basically the upper end of traveller no rigid armours.

The non-rigid armour of 2300ad is probably equivlant to a raveller flak jacket or cloth armour the lower end of traveller non rigid armours.
However 2300ad allows for hit locations and partial body armour so there is no precise conversion unless you are using a traveller variant with hit locations such as GURPS. If using CT fine distinctions of armour are not really practical .
Sounds good, but i think there should be some features added, like a depth and elevation meter, boromiter. compass, programable clock(multiple timers and alarms). Could be some very handy gear.
IMTU all TL10+ Vacc Suits, Combat Armor etc. have the following as standard features:
A digital display of atmospheric content/pressure, GPS, alarm clock, compass, external temperature, micro video camera, suit status, and a short range comm.

TL10+ Combat helmets have the following: A short range comm, alarm clock, compass, atmospheric filter, GPS, and a micro video camera.

IMTU, you get a suit that keeps you alive... any other bells and whistles is what keeps the Vacc suit companies in credits...

See three designs (including a Vargr Design) at

Sidur Haski Design Consortium

(shameless plug)

All of the equipment in the helmet "is" survival oriented.

The standard feature TL10+ Combat Helmet costs Cr400, weighs 1500g, and provides AR6 vs Called Shots.

The deluxe version with an LI/IR capable visor costs Cr1500, and weighs 1800g.

HUD equipped helmets are even more expensive.

Lord Rhys writes:
TL10+ Combat helmets have the following: A short range comm, alarm clock, compass, atmospheric filter, GPS, and a micro video camera.
Yeah, now the filter thing brings up this question:

Combat Environment Suits are said to protect against "tainted" atmospheres. The TL10 Combination mask shown in the last Megatraveller Journal was said to protect against atmospheres 2,3,4,7, and 9.

Given that, could the CES protect against atmospheres 2 and 3 as well as 4, 7, and 9, or does it only protect against atmospheres 4, 7, and 9?
The combination mask I believe includes a compressor which ennables breathing of the very thin atmospheres I see no reason why such could not be added to a CES
Andrew writes:
The combination mask I believe includes a compressor which ennables breathing of the very thin atmospheres I see no reason why such could not be added to a CES
I guess what I'm wondering is if it was integral to the combat environment suit or not. I'm just being a fuss-budget; I don't want to have to pay for a combination mask if its already included in the cost for the CES.
While were at it, is CES available for civilian purchase, or is that a no-no? And, :D would it
be availble for detached duty scouts for purchase?
Well, it was available for civilian purchase on Tarsus, in the Tarsus boxed set. Then again, Tarsus is Law Level 0. It does make excellent inclement weather gear, which is the purpose it was sold for on Tarsus.