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personal armor Q&A


Absent Friend
Initially posted at the ships locker forum...

Since we're talking about personal armor...

Is the Flex-9 armor from T4 the same thing as the Combat Environment Suit from CT?

How does Flex-9 and Combat Environment Suit compare with the armor in 2300? Is it inertial armor? Rigid? Nonrigid, or what?
Originally posted by plop101:
Initially posted at the ships locker forum...

Since we're talking about personal armor...

Is the Flex-9 armor from T4 the same thing as the Combat Environment Suit from CT?

I'm not sure (Haven't looked at T4 for over a year) But I don't think so. CES is a full, sealed suit, while I think flex is meant to be worn under clothing.

How does Flex-9 and Combat Environment Suit compare with the armor in 2300? Is it inertial armor? Rigid? Nonrigid, or what?
I would call the advanced Traveller cloth armors Inertial armor in 2300 terms. I'm not sure about the Flex, like I said, but the CES would be a sealed suit of Inertial Armor with a full NBC/life support system fitted.