Does it happen in your TU? I imagine that the Referee could use it to penalize that one player who is always flying in the face of the odds (“1-in-20,” you say? “I’ll go for it!") to teach them that there are consequences to every action. But, the PC’s are such a part of their soul after creating them and guiding their development that it could sour the faint-of-heart if the Referee were to kill their PC off. No matter that the PC’s owner was being stupid, it could still be a group breaker. So, what to do?
My poorly conceived (read half-baked) idea would be to have that “daring-do” PC be declared seriously injured. Using an auto-doc on one’s vessel will not resolve the injury. The injured party member must be transported to a medical facility at least one (or more) tech levels above that of the planet the near-death injury occurred on. Local medical facilities “might” be able to deal with the injury (throw in a unique disease to exacerbate the situation and take it out of the “broken appendage” category) but it’s another close dice toss. It would increase the odds favorably if the injured party is transported off-planet and taken elsewhere to resolve the issue.
Of course, during the sequence of taking the injured member to the advanced medical facility, the PC’s owner cannot communicate with the other players. His or her lack of participation for the next several hours just might teach the lesson to everyone that risks are a part of life but not to be entered into foolishly without facing possible dire consequences.
How do you deal with the concept of possible PC death in your game?
My poorly conceived (read half-baked) idea would be to have that “daring-do” PC be declared seriously injured. Using an auto-doc on one’s vessel will not resolve the injury. The injured party member must be transported to a medical facility at least one (or more) tech levels above that of the planet the near-death injury occurred on. Local medical facilities “might” be able to deal with the injury (throw in a unique disease to exacerbate the situation and take it out of the “broken appendage” category) but it’s another close dice toss. It would increase the odds favorably if the injured party is transported off-planet and taken elsewhere to resolve the issue.
Of course, during the sequence of taking the injured member to the advanced medical facility, the PC’s owner cannot communicate with the other players. His or her lack of participation for the next several hours just might teach the lesson to everyone that risks are a part of life but not to be entered into foolishly without facing possible dire consequences.
How do you deal with the concept of possible PC death in your game?