It's possible to make a jump to an oort cloud, but the hard part is finding an object to jump to. Oort cloud objects are small, dark, cold, and extremely distant from one another, so it's a major astronomy project to find one.
Minijumps is how the Terrans used the Jump Drive to start with. In fact, there first attempt to the Stars was a multistage Starship leaving behind the remnants between here & Barnard's only later to be recovered to hang in the Smithsonian.
I have often tried to visualize those early Starships and somehow I draw a if anyone would like draw me a picture or point me in something that says Terran First Contact. I would be obliged.
Ah. I thought oort clouds were made up of comets and asteroids, and would make another possibility for a belter adventure. Hence the reason I asked the question