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Nice Deckplans

Holy Crap!!!

Unfortunately Frank is a die-hard Star Wars RPG fanatic. I asked him about two years ago about other genre and he seemed to wrapped up in trying to make SW junk make sense to do much else!

This site is a must have on your favorites list! He updates it almost weekly.

Glad someone else appreciates the talent too. All MSPaint, freaking amazing!
I love this site. Gorgeous stuff -- perhaps too gorgeous. Sometimes it's hard to make sense of a deckplan because there is SO much detail. It's especially difficult to pick out staterooms as the weird symbol he uses for bunks tends to disappear into all the other stuff. I kind of wish he'd back off just a tad on the color and busy detail so that the deckplans were a little easier to read.

That's just my own preferance, though and I really do like his stuff.

I think you can see similar contrasts between my deckplans and Peter Vernon's [see http://www.sff.net/people/kitsune/traveller/peter/ and http://www.sff.net/people/kitsune/traveller/ ]: Peter likes to add more details -- rugs, bedding, coffee mugs in the galley, a dog curled up somewhere, and so on, while I prefer a plainer look, more like a traditional blueprint with a few touches of color to set off fuel tanks, avionics, and drives.

Or, for that matter, the contrast between my stuff and Scarecrow's wonderfully organic swoofy curves (which remind me of Roger Dean's art) -- I'm afraid I'm always going to be more of a utilitarian truck designer while Scarecrow does these lovely sports carsy shapes. :cool:
MSPaint - yeah the very thought gives me the fears. I used to do plans in MS paint and when I think of the things I used to have to do to get the results I needed - yeesh!

Still, much of it seems to be premade pieces pasted in to fresh deckplans so I guess that would save time and sanity points.

There is, as has been said, an awful lot of detail in the plans and whilst I'm not against that, Tanuki makes a fair point. The actual habitable areas (ie the areas the players would be most interestd in) can get lost in all that machinery and I think he needs to tone down the engine parts a bit. It doesn't really need less detail but some colour desaturation maybe. Just to make the habitable areas more obvious at a glance.

This said, the ships are really nice. Not just the external shapes and design but the interior layout too. Interesting shapes and layouts that give the ships real individuality and visual appeal.

Ya know, I have similar thoughts to the Crow when it comes to MSPaint, except that sometimes when working in PSP, MSPhotdraw or Adobe Photoshop or even CC2 or GRIP, I come to think of how a simple thing I want to do is quite involved and think to myself "ah for the simple bitmap editor".

It would be very nice to be able to develop a good 2D and 3D shape library(ies) that could be easily imported into bit map editors or into 3D modellers... thus things like bunks, etc. could be done once well, and that could serve as a basis for later work.

This has yet to be rendered a trivial excercise, IMO....
Originally posted by kaladorn:
Ya know, I have similar thoughts to the Crow when it comes to MSPaint, except that sometimes when working in PSP, MSPhotdraw or Adobe Photoshop or even CC2 or GRIP, I come to think of how a simple thing I want to do is quite involved and think to myself "ah for the simple bitmap editor".

It would be very nice to be able to develop a good 2D and 3D shape library(ies) that could be easily imported into bit map editors or into 3D modellers... thus things like bunks, etc. could be done once well, and that could serve as a basis for later work.

This has yet to be rendered a trivial excercise, IMO....
If I'm going to be working with bitmaps I'll use PaintShop Pro, as I used to do. The thought of doing that kind of stuff in MSPaint gives me hives. But I really, really like working in CC2 these days.

But as Crow says, external shapes, internal design, etc.: wonderful! I just can't help wondering what he'd do with better tools. :cool: