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New Toys


here are some new toys to make your game more interesting.

Tangle grenade.

Everyone in a six meter radius (without cover) is entangled in a thick web like substance. Anyone caught in the web can make a reflex save to become partially entangled. The victim loses his dex modifier to AC and cannot move for one round, all other actions are hampered and take a -4 penalty. If the victim made his reflex save the penalty is reduced to -2. He may attack with a ranged weapon without penalty provided he was not holding it when entangled, note rifles are always entangled, drawing a weapon when entangled is a full round action.
To escape the net, the victim must make a strength skill check DC20 to break the strands. If the victim rolls an 18 he is now partially entangled and the DC for escape is now 15. Once free the player regains half his dex modifier and can move at his base speed only. The player retains the entanglement penalty on all actions until most of the web has been removed. Removing the remanning web is a full round action, strength check DC10 and removes one penalty per success. Cutting your way out takes four rounds if completely entangled and two if partially entangled, not counting the full round action if takes to draw your knife. Having a large blade like a cutlass reduces the time by one round.

TL 12 cost. Cr 200 weight. 1kg Blast radius. 6 meters Range Increment. 6 meters

Tangle bomb

Same as above exempt this one is made for vehicles. It can stop an ATV in its tracks and hold it for 2D12+5 rounds. If your character gets caught in this stuff you might as well lay down and die. :D It has thirty SI points per strand and the escape DC...well...it can hold a ATV, so your not going any where.

TL 12 cost. Cr 5,000 weight. 50kg Blast radius. 225 meters, three hexes on the Tactical plot Range. dropped or rocket assisted as per standard missile

Sonar window

A flat screen that attaches to the wall and and uses sonar (or radar whatever you prefer) to show you what?s on the other side. Great for looking in on secret meetings, a waiting ambush, the girls locker room, :rolleyes: you name it! The quality of the image depends on tech level. At TL11 all you see are fuzzy gray blabs in the basic shape of whatever they are. TL12 is better but it?s not until TL13 that you can see any thing importuned, like who has the Gauss Rifle. At TL14 the image becomes crystal clear and full color, don?t ask me how I just write it.

TL11 cost. Cr900 TL12:Cr1000 TL13: Cr2000 TL14: Cr7000 weight. 3kg-varies

Holographic camouflage (AKA) Holoflag

A nifty little device used mainly by scouts and snipers of the imperium marines.
A holo camera records the environment around you and the projector sends that image to the same spot it was recorded from, the only difference is your not there. The character acts as if he rolled a 20 on a hide skill check. Even though the character is practically invisible he can?t just waltz into an enemy camp unnoticed. It?s hard for the computer to keep up with movement, so the air around the sniper seems to shimmer when he moves. The character can move up to half his base speed and maintain as if he rolled 18 on a hide check. The unit is also completely useless at close range. Anyone within three meters (two hexes) will be inside the holographic projection and able to see the sniper, and If he if he changes the environment in any way the holoflag will not be able to adjust the image soon enough.

Example: A worker in an underground drug packaging facility is taking a walk. He reaches up and moves a branch so he doesn't have to duck under it. The man suddenly realizes that the branch he moved is now two branches one in his hand and the other back where it started. Before his eyes the phantom branch moves up and merges with the branch in his hand, he lets that one go and gasps when it happens again. Hastily the man looks around for what is causing the strange phenomenon, barley noticing that the same thing is happening to his own body. Seconds later he sees the gleam of metal. With a start he realizes what?s happening and fills his lungs.
The marine sniper pulls the trigger and his laser rifle hums. The wanderer dies before he can cry out. Moments later his phantom image dies the same way.
Too close. The sniper muttered then faded into the trees in search of a better position.

Movement fore these snipers is always painstakingly slow. The equipment is very delicate and any kind of violent motion, like running or landing a moderate jump or even the recoil of a weapon, could damage it beyond field repair. For this reason most of these snipers use laser weapons.

TL 13 cost. Cr30,000 weight. 10kg Holo field radius 5 meters
TL 14 cost. Cr50,000 weight. 2kg Holo field radius 3 meters

Holographic cover

Same idea as above except with out the holo camera. All the holographic projections are preprogramed into the unit. Instead of building a holographic environment, this device simply creates a holographic object for the character to hide in. With the push of a button you can be anything from a bush to a trash can. This device is not equipped to handle movement, it must be placed on the ground in order to function properly. Each unit has three default programs, bush, rock and trash can. Additional programs may be bought or programed. Programing images requires a tech computer skill check and a holorecording of the object you wish to use. Each unit can hold a maximum of eight programs.

TL 13 cost. Cr1,000 weight. 1kg program cost. Cr500

Holographic disguise

This one is worn as a skin tight full body suit with openings for the eyes mouth and nose only. The suit projects the image of another person over who ever is wearing it. There are no default programs installed. The programs are usually custom made since the proportions of the image must match or exceed those of the wearer. The suit can be worn under regular clothing however no image can be projected through it. This can rarely be used to disguise one self as another race, in most cases it is practically impossible. For example a vargr trying to appear human would look like a human with funny legs and a vargrs nose and tail. Each unit can hole up to three programs.

TL 14 cost. Cr4,000 weight. 2kg program cost. Cr1,000

Web line
Using the same technology as the Tangle Bomb adapted for instant rope. A 25cm cylindrical tube contains one cartage of tangle web compound (good for 90 meters of line); one grav repulser (used for launching the lines adhesive tip a max distance of 30m straight up); one electric reel and power cell capable of lifting one average weight human and medium equipment at 9 meters per combat round. The line it self is strong enough to hold ten times that weight but the reel can only take about two before suffering strain. At three times the weight the speed is reduced to one point five meters per round, any more will certainly damage the unit. The outside of the launcher is covered in high friction rubber to ensure a good grip. Anchoring the line is a ranged touch attack.
The Web gun is an advancement on the Web line. It is pistol shaped so weapon prophecy marksman gets the character a +2 on attack roles to anchor the line. The max range is doubled and the reel can take twice as much strain. The Web gun also has the capacity to hold three web compound carriages.

Web line TL 12 cost Cr250 weight 600g range 30m recoil yes rounds 90m of line
Web gun TL 12 cost Cr500 weight 750g range 60m recoil yes rounds 270m of line
Web cartridge cost Cr30 weight 50g

Corrosive marker

A 10cm silver tube with a nasty surprise. Simply snap off the top to activate the concentrated acid jell inside. Once activated you have five minutes to spread the acid on what ever is in your way. Metal wall, wooden door or stubborn bouncer, it makes little difference. (though the bouncer will probably hurt you more than the acid.) The marker is one time use only, five minute after activation it will melt from its own acid. Because of the one time use factor it dose not have very much acid to use. There is just enough to draw a meter wide circle on the wall. The acid deals 3D10 damage per minute for 2D6 minutes. It won?t be long until you can kick the circle out and step through a big hole in the wall. The time it takes for this to be effective makes it impractical as a weapon.

TL10 cost Cr250 weight 50g

well what do ya think? Did I miss any thing?
I'm going to post these for the characters in my party, which will put them on a website that has some links out there. I will attribute. I hope this is okay.
Are you kiding? Of course it's ok.
Sonar window

A flat screen that attaches to the wall and and uses sonar (or radar whatever you prefer) to show you what?s on the other side. Great for looking in on secret meetings, a waiting ambush, the girls locker room, you name it! The quality of the image depends on tech level. At TL11 all you see are fuzzy gray blabs in the basic shape of whatever they are. TL12 is better but it?s not until TL13 that you can see any thing importuned, like who has the Gauss Rifle. At TL14 the image becomes crystal clear and full color, don?t ask me how I just write it.

TL11 cost. Cr900 TL12:Cr1000 TL13: Cr2000 TL14: Cr7000 weight. 3kg-varies
Once again we find ourselves trailing reality. Qinetiq, the British company that used to be their equivalent of DARPA has prototyped a millimeter-wave / extremely long IR device that pretty much does just that! Look for guns under coats, bad guys in locked rooms, etc. Even better, because it functions like a camera, there's no need to put it up against the wall.

I'd suggest lowering the TL a notch or two for this one. And I'd want it on my FGMP for targeting, instead of that useless optical thingy!!
millimeter-wave / extremely long IR device that pretty much does just that! Look for guns under coats, bad guys in locked rooms, etc. Even better, because it functions like a camera, there's no need to put it up against the wall.
Nice, though I'd probably develop that in a league all its own. The sonar window is use mainly for infiltration, most are the size of a hand computer. It has to be put up against the wall because that's what it uses to project and receive the sound waves.
I'd suggest lowering the TL a notch or two for this one. And I'd want it on my FGMP for targeting, instead of that useless optical thingy!!
A millimeter-wave IR sight is a good idea but already I can see some problems. :( First of all, are you using an FGMP-14 or 15? The long length suggest a lot of internal instruments so I would treat it like a telescopic sight. I don't think it could handle the recoil of the FGMP-14.
Here's a good compromise, memory alignment. The correct alignment of every component is recorded and saved. After the first shot, the sight shuts down to realign everything knocked loose by the recoil, this takes three combat rounds. If the weapon is fired before realignment is complete it resets adding one round of time to the process. If the time reaches six rounds (ie three shots with an unaligned sight) the unit is damaged beyond repair.
Memory alignment is not perfect, the sight must be serviced at least once a month.
Impressive, very spy-tech. Love the holo stuff. I'm thinking of the holographic cover device installed on an ATV(or other vehicle), programed to look like a old fashioned blue police box...

Hmmm...why stop there, ship mounted holo projectors for scouts who don't want to freak the natives (aka duck blinds), or for ethicaly challenged merchants who do (make ship look like a dragon for example)

This has possibilities...
I have one or two more ideas...still on the drawing board.

I probably won't post them until I have a bunch more to go with them.

So don't worry, there is plenty more were these came from.