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New TNE stuff


Has anyone bought any of the Comstar/Avenger TNE material? What is the general tone, is it revisionist in respect to the RCES and the RC, or more true to TNE? Who is the Author?
The author is MJD.

You can find reviews here:




The big changes are that... well... I'll let someone else spoil it for you.
If you take a look over on their forum (link in my sig)you will be able to ask these questions to the author himself (MJD) Martin Dougherty.
To clarify: I was asking about the 3 title set in the TNE timeframe about 1202 not the other material. I don't care for 1248, that's why I was asking about these three title before I buy them.
Oh.. you mean the TNE 1202 adventures:

"Early Fallen"

"Operation Dominoes: Moonshadow"

"Operation Dominoes: Minds of Idsur"

MJD authored the first with others.

Richard Perks and Myself the latter two Spank. These are set in the RCES/ PoT era, and each holds to the shoe-string method of contact-bootstrap-support-SAG missions that propel the Coalition into its expansion beyond their 1201 boundaries.

The latter two are set on the world of Tiniyd, Thoezennt in the Marax-Berkin cluster. Tiniyd is a world detailed in PoT, with sidebar adventures therein. From these we drew our outline for the sequential adventures we wrote.

Nothing revisionist about them..trust me ;)

that's all I'm allowed to tell you ;)
Originally posted by spank:
To clarify: I was asking about the 3 title set in the TNE timeframe about 1202 not the other material. I don't care for 1248, that's why I was asking about these three title before I buy them.
Oh, and I bought my copies even though I helped write them, as well as Early Fallen. No freebies, even for myself!

Our playtester group has posted their progress through OD: Book 1

& Book 2 here:


helpfully yours,
Originally posted by spank:
Thanks Liam,
I might give them a shot. BTW did Gilded Lilly ever get finished?
You're most welcome spank. :cool:

That's entirely up to you where you vote with your wallet! ;)

Yes. :D Parts 2 & 3 too will be coming out soon, via Avenger Press,

I have liked the first Operation Dominoes and saving my pennies for #2 and now you tell me that you guys have the Guilded Lily under the Avenger banner...there goes the mortgage in next to no time...what? next? Getting into the Belly of the Beast trilogy? Keep up the damn fine work, folks.
Originally posted by kafka47:
I have liked the first Operation Dominoes and saving my pennies for #2 and now you tell me that you guys have the Guilded Lily under the Avenger banner...there goes the mortgage in next to no time...what? next? Getting into the Belly of the Beast trilogy? Keep up the damn fine work, folks.
Thank you, Kafka47. High Praise indeed!

BoB is the title of part 2, yes, we maintained that. :cool:

Thank you, we shall.
:D :D
Originally posted by RichardP:
Speaking of TNE1200 adventures, anything anyone would like covering?

Yes, Richard and I are fishing for ideas for this explosive growth period of the region once we have OD 1-4 and GL2-3 out of the way...
Over on Random Static in the Congressional Space thread, we have been discussing my new novel "A Long Way Home" which is due to be published on line next month by Avenger Enterprises/Comstar books. Martin J. Dougherty has bought publication rights from me and is prepping it for publication.

I'll be posting news as it happens on both this thread and Congressional Space. Why here? That's because ALWH is set in the TNE/Path of Tears/RCES era.


Terry McInnes
Any hope of someone tracking down and publishing the third novel in the original TNE novel series published by GDW? I think it was supposed to be titled "Backward Masque?"
Originally posted by Sanjjuro:
Any hope of someone tracking down and publishing the third novel in the original TNE novel series published by GDW? I think it was supposed to be titled "Backward Masque?"
Would these be the series by the author (last name Bruno?) of The Death of Wisdom , and the other one (I know its here somewhere at home...)?

Unlikely, IMHO.

We're far more likely to see more dark and gritty TNE-fiction before we see that style again, Sanjjuro.
Naw, Brunette was shelved but Marc has commissioned a brand new author who we have not heard from lately. If you are out there how about an update.
Just so you know, Martin has requested some final edits on the A Long Way Home manuscript which I should finish by the end of next week. I hear from Martin that cover art is being developed as well. We should have something on the net and/or in print sometime next month.
A Long Way Home update: The manuscript is in Martin's hands after a final edit. I have seen and approved the cover art; it's great. The book is being laid out as I write this. It should make an appearance in some form later this month.