presenting Dr. and Mrs. Hans Chevalier
Dr. Hans Chevalier (NPC) Male Human(mixed, but mostly Solomani) Academic 8 Hair: Black Eyes:Blue Ht: 1.75 m Wt: 68 kg Age: 34
Str: 12 Dex: 15 Con: 15 Int: 18 Edu: 20 Wis: 14 Cha: 14 Soc: 14 HD: 8d4+16 Stamina: 41 Lifeblood: 15 Init: +2 Spd 9 m (6 Hex/SQ)
AC: 14 (Tailored Vacc Suit-14, Dex)
Saves: Fort +4 Ref +6 Will +6
Atk: +4 Melee and Ranged
Skills: T/Medical +23, T/Computer +18, T/Electronics +18, T/Sensors +16, T/Communication +10, T/Astrogation +10, K/Genetics +15, K/Chemistry +15, K/Xenobiology +15, P/Research Scientist +13, Pilot +6, Gather Information +14, Decipher Script + 15, Use Alien Devices + 13, Survival (Vaccuum)+3
Feats: Armor Prof (Vacc Suit), Vessel (Grav), Research, Advanced Research, Skill Focus (T/Medical), XenoMedicine, Surgery, Medical Specialization, Pseudo-Eidetic Memory, Advanced Knowledge, Mental Discipline
Languages: Galanglic, Low Vilani, Vargr-Gvegh, Zhodani, Droyne
Possessions: High Passage x1, Middle Passagex1 5,000 Imperial Credits
Dr. Chevalier was born on the backwater asteroid mining colony of Gandr (Luinon/Spinward Marches 2425). Since he had been a young boy floating around his rockball home, he dreamed of a way out. Someone listened. Every so often, the University of Mora sends recruiters to these low population, out-of-the-way worlds and Hans was allowed to take the entrance exam to the University of Mora. He scored in the top 99% percentile and after a collection by the other belter families of the Gandr colony, was sent on his way. He did not disappoint: graduation with Honors in both Genetics and Chemistry, going to graduate school for a degree in Xenobiology also at Mora, and not stopping there. At the age of 26, he graduated from Medical School. Soon after he obatained a very prestigious Fellowship to study Droyne culture in far away Five-Sisters subsector. Returning to Mora he received accolade and award for his work entitled Droyne Casting: A key for an egalitarian society
. Then he began pursuing his latest interest...Ancients and genetic engineering. Sponsored by SuSAG, L.I.C., he conducted field research and indigent care at several Vargr refugee camps along the Coreward border even at the height of the Fifth Frontier War. It was during his last trip that he met his wife-to-be on assignment for the megacorporation. Disgusted with the corporate control of his findings--still in litigation--, he returned one year of funding and headed back towards Mora. To his joy, Rani came with and they were soon married somewhere between Scangen (Gvurrdon 2937) and Rhylannor. Meeting up with Captain Lenard was another coincidence that went the good Doctor's way. Here he could pursue his work near (and hopefully in) the Vargr Extents without the corporate watchdog looking over his shoulder.
Rani KaiLani-Chevalier (NPC) Female Human (mixed) Professional 7 Hair: Red Eyes: Green Ht: 1.58 m Wt: 46 kg Age: 30
Str: 13 Dex: 18 Con: 14 Int: 16 Edu: 18 Wis: 14 Cha: 14 Soc: 13 HD: 7d6+16 Stamina: 54 Lifeblood: 14 Init: +4 Spd 9 m (6 Hex/SQ)
AC: 16 (Tailored Vacc Suit-14, Dex)
Saves: Fort +4 Ref +6 Will +7
Atk: +5 Melee and Ranged
Skills: P/Administration +15, K/Interstellar Law +12, K/Business +10, T/Medical +14, T/Computer +11, T/Electronics +13, T/Sensors +11, T/Mechanical +13, T/Gravatics +11, T/Engineering +11, Pilot +8, Entertain +9, Survival(Dense Atmosphere) +4
Feats: Armor Prof. (Light Armor), Armor Prof (Vacc Suit), Vessel (Grav), Weapon Prof.(Marksman), Skill Focus (P/Administration), Professional Specialty (Technical), Professional Specialty (Interstellar Trade), Naval Architect, Surgery, Jury Rig, Gearhead, Miracle Worker
Languages: Galanglic, Low Vilani, Vargr-Gvegh, Zhodani
Possessions: Snub Pistol, gold watch, 150,000 Imperial Credits
Rani hails from the self-styled cultural center of the Domain of Deneb, Mora "Gateway to the Marches" (Mora/Spinward Marches 3124). As such she has a tendency to let everyone remember that. However, she herself is a self-educated "dame-of-all-trades" serving first with a ship-building consulting firm, then working with Mora Highport in the Ministry of Engineering, and then landing a managerial position with SuSAG, L.I.C.'s biotech division. During this last job she travelled into the Vargr Extents and even near Zhodani space doing technical consulting as well as tending to her managerial duties. Somewhere along the way she met Hans where she picked up (under his expert tutelage) techniques in field surgery. They soon fell in love and saw that their scope of expertise complimented each other. Leaving SuSAG (more to the point--leaving the frontier) to return to Mora was difficult, but now she sees the reward for that sacrifice--a chance for her and Hans to make their own way. Rani is not afraid to get dirty and the scrappy woman from Mora is not a bad shot with a pistol. As well as ship's steward and chief beureaucrat, she helps Kigu' in engineering (despite his complaints) and assists Hans as ship's nurse. She can also play a mean guitar.