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New Races and Professions


Has anyone here added new races and professions to their traveller campaign?
If so how did you go about?
<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by SilentG:
Has anyone here added new races and professions to their traveller campaign?
If so how did you go about?

I haven't done new races but new careers are easy. Figure out what kinds of skills a person from that background might be exposed to and stick them in the skill charts. Come up with names for the ranks and mustering out benefits and your in. The easiest is usually modifying already published material. Just decide what changes you need to make to the nearest published career. Viola! Simplicity itself.

I am increasingly of the opinion that RPGs are by the nature of their creation subjective phenomenon. due to the interaction between game designers, game masters, and game players all definitions, rules, settings, and adventures are mutable in acordance with the uncertainty principle as expounded by Heisenburg. This is of course merely my point of view.

David Shayne

[This message has been edited by DaveShayne (edited 09 July 2001).]

[This message has been edited by DaveShayne (edited 09 July 2001).]
I had a player once adapt H. Beam Piper's Little Fuzzys for the game (although it had the merchantile instincts of a Ferenghi...)
Not really, I devised a way for characters to discover their Psi powers during character generation but never went as far as creating a "Psionicist" Carreer.
<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Vargas:
I had a player once adapt H. Beam Piper's Little Fuzzys for the game (although it had the merchantile instincts of a Ferenghi...)<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Do you still have the notes for the Little Fuzzys?
If you do, could post them or email them to me?
I have created the Corporate, Law Enforcer and Politician careers for my Classic Traveller TNEC/SAAB varient campaign and also allow the use of the Athlete and Clergy careers from old DRAGON MAGAZINE articles and the Journalist career from DGP's TRAVELLER'S DIGEST.

Padawan Jack

"Trust me Major, evil knows evil."
-- Dr. Zachary Smith, LOST IN SPACE
I have abolished careers, in favour of roles. What was careers merely represents archetypes.

I focus more upon character development, in which I use a modified Fading Suns (computer game) matrix that indicates a character's orientation. Skills and everything is incorporated as dialogue in the act of role playing. If the referee holds up a green card, it is indicated the task is EASY
yellow card for DIFFICULT. etc. It is the job of the players to look at their attributes and verbally describe their actions so as to interpete their own dice rolls.