• Welcome to the new COTI server. We've moved the Citizens to a new server. Please let us know in the COTI Website issue forum if you find any problems.

New Look Children of Earth

Hi Guys, I've just overhauled the Children of Earth Website - and need some new content so if you have any traveller articles, stories, rules or indeed anything that you own the copyright for or have created yourselves and wish to share them then please have a look at


You can register for both the main site or the forums - articles can be posted anywhere - along with good conversations.

I haven't been much of a contributor to the community at large in 2006 due to health issues, but now I am back on track, That's set to change for 2007, so if you can help out let us know and have fun!
Front page looks very good, but the red on the forum page is a bit blinding... but overall I like the new look
Wow, nice upgrade on the front page, Commander Drax! Although I must echo Malenfant's sentiment on the forum red - perhaps a slightly darker tone would hurt less ... ;)

In all seriousness, I must apologise for my lack of activity on the CoE forums. My excuse (and it's a humdinger!) is that I've been a wee bit busy with the Spica project. I'll promise to drop in more regularly in the future.
Looking great - crisp, sharp and with the right kind of atmosphere.

A little note on credits: the UGM rules are listed on the CoE site as my article; it should be noted that it is the work of Kenneth "Supplement4" Bearden, with my editing and additions. Similarly, the Revised Character Generation tables are listed as "Revised Character Generator" and are listed as "Written by Administrator", even though they were written by me - or was I promoted to Administrator without my notice?

Also, when I click on the various eras (MT, TNE and so on) on the menu, I get the following error message on the page which is loaded:

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/sites/the-children-of-earth.org/public_html/traveller/components/com_content/content.html.php on line 126
"Heh. Joomla rules, doesn't it, Commander Drax?"

That's right, this is the first site that I've used Joomla for, I quite like it, ideal for my needs of rapidly and regularly updating the site.

As for the red, I'll tone it down, sorry dudes about the error messages, I will look into it, although everything was working perfectly (for me) yesterday. It could be because there's no content in those sections. I will have a good go.

Thanks for the comments guys and come take a look when you've got some time. As for Ownership of articles I will correct this on the fly tonight. Thanks everyone
Employee 2-4601 You are now correctly acknowledged as the author of the Revised Character Generation - Also you can be administrator if you like, indeed anyone who wants to sign up can have a free webmail address at the children-of-earth.org
Wow, nice upgrade on the front page, Commander Drax! Although I must echo Malenfant's sentiment on the forum red - perhaps a slightly darker tone would hurt less ...

In all seriousness, I must apologise for my lack of activity on the CoE forums. My excuse (and it's a humdinger!) is that I've been a wee bit busy with the Spica project. I'll promise to drop in more regularly in the future.
I've toned the red down. And you are all welcome to drop buy any time and browse or contribute as you see fit. It is my intention that The-Children-Of-Earth.org be a Traveller drop in Zone and veritable free port that is open to all.
Content is excellent but this is the only website I've been to in a long while where I've had to increase view character size two steps to be able to read it comfortably.
Beautifully done - but (being the blind git I am), the font is just a wee bit too small for me to read comfortably. Increasing character size only works for some of the text (I do this by pressing Control and moving the mousewheel). For example on the home page it's just the FFE Fair Use Policy text that gets bigger. Is there a way to increase the size of all of the text?

p.s. I think from a design point of view you should keep the text as it is - it looks cool at its default size.
The red on black text, while looking very good is difficult to read. Could you put a white highlight/outline around the red text to make it stand out from the border?

Otherwise, extremely good.