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New Game openning


I have spent hard time thinking and have come with a simple game plan.
All i need now Is players whom are willing to play.

But I will not be ready till i make a group on yahoo and upload all the files that are needed.

The slight twirst is that you are not a standard human and all characters have been already made.
there upto 7 Slots each a different Core Class.

If you are interested please reply to me.
Ar, finally. The game shall be ready soon, i've got no definates yet.

Those whom are interest please contact me to see more Concepts.

Just need to upload files by the end of the week.
Greetings Fellow Citizen!

I am indeed interested in your campaign and have time to play, but haven't PBEMed before. I have played and GMed the game in its first three incarnations, and have been into RPGs for about 23 yrs. Mostly I've been a GM, but only because it was very hard to find dependable, creative GMs around here (NW Indiana). If you'll have me I'd love to play. You can e me at jjechenthal@yahoo.com

Deathwisher - just a random FYI here, are you aware of the GURPS Traveller: Sword Worlds book? It's got lots of info on the region, and it's not very GURPS specific either (there's about 8 pages of vehicle/ship stats for GURPS and a few GURPS character sheets for important NPCs). And it's dead good too
. Might be handy for your campaign anyway.

Some links:

Originally posted by BugscuttlerJ:

I am indeed interested in your campaign and have time to play, but haven't PBEMed before.
PBEMs are pretty easy to get into, but it is important to make sure that the PBEM is of the style (setting, ruleset, and how the game is run, among other elements of style) that you would enjoy.

If you happen to purchase a CotI subscription (only $12 for Peer of the Realm level), Hunter published my PBEM primer last week in the Moot (not that it's worth subscribing just for the article, particularly because the player section of the article is pretty short).

If you'd like to observe how how I run my PBEM game, you're welcome to lurk at: http://games.groups.yahoo.com/group/Travellogue2/ .

Deathwisher - just a random FYI here, are you aware of the GURPS Traveller: Sword Worlds book? It's got lots of info on the region, and it's not very GURPS specific either (there's about 8 pages of vehicle/ship stats for GURPS and a few GURPS character sheets for important NPCs). And it's dead good too . Might be handy for your campaign anyway.

That Got me The Idea Thanks for saying it but I was well ahead of you.

Two players great, Firstly what type of Cor Classes would you like to play out of the following:-

All the Characters are ready with weapons and Feats and there Main Skills done up (i've left a number of Skill points to allow personalisation)
I'll give details after I actually get them on a File.

Hey, haven't played in so long, a mecr would likly be the easiest to get back into the swing of things with.

You can always fall back into shoot it or salute it mode, and survice until you get back up to speed. Makes everbody else a little uneasy, but then, you expect a merc to be that way anyway, unless the player is really good. ( I tend to solders taht kind of fell like they have to protect the non solders in the group, or the professional solder type.)

Any way, if the mecr is open, I will take them.

(you had said something somewhere about not being human either, is that still the case, or am I hallicinating?)

Anyway, let me know. I will be rough around the edges for a short time no matter who I play till I get back in the flow, but I am looking forward to a good game.


Jim ROker
Mr TEk.
(you had said something somewhere about not being human either, is that still the case, or am I hallicinating?)

You Are Correct that the Characters Are not Fully Human, But they are humanish in looks apart from they slimmer and shorter a tad bit(still Medium)
I'll eventually make the info about the Race.

Mercanery is yours, but you'rl need to becarefull.
Just to get you in the Mood He's Queit, and cares for the group(there all College Friends anyway). He may put himself at risk for others.

Thanks Thats one Character down. I'll send you the Character file soon.
ill play if you want i mean ive never PBEM. im new more or less to T20 but i have played d20 rules before ill play as the rogue.
4 Players so Far these are;
Michael Taylor-Traveller
Mr Tek-Mercanery

Soon i will send information about your characters and start the game. But i'm have problems with my yahoo account access as yahoo is changing things so i'll be getting a new account on MSN which will be used for the game.

Another thing i'll need is e-mail addresses that you will use for the game.

thank you
I would like to join this game if there is still room. I would not mind the academic if it is not yet spoken for. I played Traveller in high school but that was many years ago. I've been trying to get back into it as I am getting a bit tired of swords and sorcery. For the time being I can be reached at shmoo@overlordgaming.com but once the game gets going I will create a dedicated email account for the game.

I will be away for a week beginning next Thursday. I'll also be at a local gamming convention the following weekend. Until that's over I may not be able to participate frequently. If that is a problem I will understand.