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New Far Trader Deck Plans: Princess Kyuseita



I've created deck plans for the Princess Kyuseita, a new version of the ubiquitous Empress Marava style Far Trader. These plans are based on the Prince Teriadeven plans by Paul Schirf and the Empress Marava plans from Supplement 7: Traders and Gunboats.

I created these plans in Canvas mainly because I wanted cleaner versions as well as something to use as the basis of plans for the Bray Keaven (the Far Trader appearing in our Travellogue PBEM game) and the ORBIS 5 (aka ImpEx Vision), a mobile teaching hospital appearing in another message.

The plans are available in small versions intended for on screen use (at 72 DPI) and larger versions intended for print use at 15mm scale and 300 DPI.

I've put the plans on the web at:


Please let me know what you think.


Ron, I think you have done a fine job on these deckplans. I know how hard it is to make deckplans for ships. I redrew the S-Scout so I would be able to print out a clear copy with no fuzzy lines and also so I could modify it if I wanted. I used Microsoft Word to create mine. I spent about at least a week doing it. It was almost like... shudder... work.
Originally posted by Jame:
Beautiful, Ron! My only problem is that they're a bit small, and that's minor.
Thanks for the kind words. What do you mean they're a bit small? The previews are small, but the print versions at 15mm (available in the deck plan files section) should be considerably larger.

Does anyone want 25mm versions for printing?

A weeks work, no wonder I never create anything like this. The deck plans are great, thanks for sharing. I like your ORBIS 5 model.
Originally posted by Burocrate:
A weeks work, no wonder I never create anything like this. The deck plans are great, thanks for sharing. I like your ORBIS 5 model.
The Far Trader plans took about 4-6 hours or so (it's hard to tell exact times though since the work was a bit interrupted. Any future work will take considerably less time since I spent part of the time creating/finding graphics for iris valves, freshers, and furniture.

It helps to have the right tools. Canvas is a wonderful drawing/graphics package and well suited for doing deck plans. I can't imagine trying to do deck plans in Word, and I can understand things taking a week in Word.

I'm thinking of doing deck plans for a subsidized merchant next or various small craft.
