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New Campiegn in an earlier and alternate setting...


all right heres how it goes...

The Players are a combined-service commando squad in charge of doing some behinned the lines work as well as front line infultrations.

This setting is in the year 2264 and Earth is expanding in the Terran Confedracy, a series of worlds that are represented in an assembly, after years of only being able to send out sleeper colonies. only two sleeper colonies were sent out and one was lost over the far away star of Midway (that is the only system name other than Sol i kept from Traveller) and so the colony was supposed to be lost.

200 years later in 2264 the Terran Confedracy has refound Midway, whose government has become a cross between Joseph Stalin's and the UN, and wishes to almigment the lower tech world into the Terran Confedracy. However the government has said no friecely and has inspired the citizens to do the same. the original landings were successful but eventually the Terran forces were driven back to the make shift starport they had set up. and are holding.

the players are to infultrate a military R&D facility about 2000 Km away from the lines and steal the plans for a new tank that is supposed to turn the tide of the war for Midway...

the problems.

the players are in Bravo team of a commando squad with the two teams, Alpha and Bravo. they are to land 10Km away from the R&D facility and infultrate it and steal the plans of the tank. Alpha team is NPC's only. Bravo team is supposed to take and hold the LZ for Alpha team to come in and move on to the R&D facility while Brovo moves to take and hold the Extraction zone 5Km away.

on the way down alpha team is roasted and Bravo crash lands and needs to complete the mission all by itself.

more info to fallow...

(well any ideas?)
more details:

the equipment pod that alpha team was carrying with them was ejected but most of the higher tech weapons and equipment was damaged beyond reapair of the party. but they also have extra clips of ammo for the teams weapons as well as a few grenades and maybe a couple of ACRs.

how they locate the pod is one of the members of alpha team did manage to get out before the dropship exploded and will locate the party. he suffering from multipule broken ribs, a dislocated arm, a gash across the stomach, a disfunctual leg, and multiple fractures and fragmentations from the dropship. he will hand over a homingbecon for finding the equipment packages becon and tell them the situation then die from all the wounds.

the players don't know that the tank plans and project leader will be escorted with most of the guards to a manufacturing plant to start production of the new tank. when they reach the facitily's project room they should find this out along with examples of new technology that the planet shouldn't have (like a new Guass Rifle).

more to add latter...
Bury the dead, inventory the supplies & equipment, plan the mission, and attempt to complete the mission. One question springs to mind, what about extraction?
Sounds like you've been playing Halo! One question; is anyone in your group ex-mil? It will affect their thinking and the possible options they avail themselves to.

The real problem here is combat related injury. With the enemy already aware of Bravo team's existence (from downing 1 of 2 air targets), a search and destroy group should already be on its way to find them. If they engage in combat with the search team, there should be casualties due to the loss of surprise. Sounds like they're in deep kim-chi.

One bone you could throw them is finding an underground utility tunnel that leads in the general direction of the R&D facility, allowing them to avoid immediate detection. Sure, make it difficult to find and negotiate, but much better than facing several dozen heavily armed trackers.

Another possibility is close air support or orbital bombardment. Even if the craft is destroyed shortly after providing a battlefield miracle, it will facilitate an unexpected get-away. Destroying the assisting unit will also drive home the need for stealth and possibly expose more tech that "the enemy shouldn't have".

You could also give them the option of donning enemy battle gear and uniforms in order to penetrate the cordone around the facility. Hopefully they've received enough intel to allow them to imitate enemy tactics/bearing and avoid major enemy troop concentrations.

In the end, if they are slaughtered to the man, you can always announce, "Simulation complete, all trainees report to the briefing room for evaluation", at which point even the dead rise, brush themselves off, and schlep their gear out of the exercise area.

Good luck, sounds like an awesome set up!
so far there on the LZ and are going to call in Alpha team.

and no none of us have been in the military because were all in HIgh School
Bummer, it sounded pretty good to me too. Getting a cohesive group is tricky. The last time I got back into ftf rpging we had a small but committed group. Our main problem was two of us were located about a two hour highway drive from the center of the action, in opposite directions of course :rolleyes:

So we'd all meet in the city about once a month, sometimes with one or both of the Travellers absent. We kept it up for a while but it slowly got longer between sessions due to the mileage involved and finding a free date for everyone.

Then one more of the group moved, you guessed it, about two hours away and perpendicular to the line of travel for the other two. So we had a center with 3 players and 3 more players all two hours from it and just as far from each other

We kept it up a little longer with pbem to fill in but the gaming died.

I think the best time and place for rpging was highschool and college, free time, lots of like thinking friends, and no families. Nothing seems to kill a gaming group more than a marriage or birth happening to a player
Not that there's anything really wrong with either event ;)
^T R U E

Finding a committed group of gamers is extremely difficult unless the situation is just right, such as school, military service, crew type work, etc. A friend was a fireman and managed to get most of his shift into gaming.

My recommendation is to cultivate a gaming group 1 or 2 people at a time. I've always found 1 GM and 3 players to be the best anyway so starting small was never a major stumbling block. Try starting with 1 or 2 like minded friends and get the game going. Then have them recruit for you too. Sort of like the French underground but it is an effective method.

Keep your chin up and use this time to refine your materials and develop more adventures.
well thanks i am in highschol (as with the rest of the players) and fortinetly we didn't get past them landing on the ground so it can be reused but i don't know how well.

finding players is kindof hard around here because of the fact most people are sports players/fanatics and or there wershipers. so far tough i do have two players that can make it most days that we play.

and i do know how it is with people having children. my biology teacher i would talk to about Ecsape Volocity Nova his wife had a daughter during the year a he had to stop playing.

anyway thinking up a new scinerio thats kind of a cross between Event Horizen, Aliens, and the Resident evil games. if interseted i could probly explain it but im not going to in theis message.
qeustion about the governments
Stalin Un style Governments.
Firstly The Un is not a government it is a Coalition between Countrys.
And Stalin style which mean early stalinism or Proposed Stalinism(Socialism, which was undermined)or Late stalinism.
Early Stalinism tried to stay as a Social Government and appeared so but used Sercret sevices to oppose oppersition.
Late Stalinism got rid of the secret service causing them to regroup agaisnt there own country's Leader and party (THE SECOND KGB uprising. The first killed many Socalists in Russia). and the Government creating the Infamous Siberian Camps.

Thats a general undetailed explaination
Stalin had no interest in socialism, only dictatorship. The UN is a voluntary assembly with rotating powers of administration and no legislative powers.

Sorry to hear that no one would commit. In coming up with this scenario, did you ask your prospective players what kind of game they wanted?
Long time before getting back on the boards...

As for info on Stalin's regime. sorry if i got it messed up what I was meaning was that it is a Totalirism Council of powers more or less if that clears anything up.

also got the Campiagen running again but I'm Starting them up eairlier in the time line and increasing the tech level of the planet to that of one having SDBs. and their first mission is to take out a space station that is stopping the landing from happening.

modifing the weapons so that the earth forces are starting to experiment with minturized lasers for infantry useage, but strangly the Midway Forces already have them.

adding 2 new missions afterwords one that is a mix of Resident Evil, Aliens,and, Event Horizen. Basiclly recover lost mobile R&D ship. And the other is the Tanks are coming out to play and they are based off of OGREs ,which i am a fan of, are overruning the beach head that earth forces have set up. There was 3 when the transmission came but since then 1 has been wiped out while the others are still procceding to the "spaceport".

any way its good to be back (sort of)

Ambitious scenario, especially for a newlie group - doable (this is not a criticism) - but righteous challenging.

suggestion - consider a series of little bites leading up to the scenarios you describe - the players learn to manage their characters, weapons systems, rules etc, little bites at a time - possibly they disperse to set up guerilla raids, find the local resistance to those nasty Stalinists (early, middle, late - still Bad Mans!)
provide cadre and leadership to eventually free the people from the oppressive tyranny (the initial mission appears to be too big for the B team to accomplish - develop a plan B!)

What you really have on your hands is a Campaign aimed at freeing an entire People, not "just" gathering intel about the tank. I think the scenario might be one I would like to steal - with your permission, of course.

Also, if you'd like, I would be happy to throw ideas at you on scenarios - remember, when you take an idea, you make it your own - then you have to report how well it flies.
Oops - hit wrong button, not quite through.

Traveller is the game of games - many laughs, stories my buddies and I still love to tell and retell, some stories 20 years old, and growing in the retelling. Welcome to the grand story line of man's venture to the stars.

Welcome, and I say, welcome friend.

musings of the sojourner
I geuss it would be ok for you to use it...

as for the planet, yes they are tring to "Liberate it" from the current government and they will but it will take alot of work and its not going to be in the begining of the storyline(to much).

my parnets actually played it and thats how i got into it beginning wit CT and later MT, and ive more or less got my friends to play T20 because they are used to D&D 3rd Ed. One of the players just joined the boards a couple of days ago.