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My Starports


SOC-14 10K
Admin Award
My starports are built using a basic modular system. I'm looking for ideas. I have browsed the "Starports 101" forum and found it generally edifying.

I'm not satisfied with the codes I use to describe modules. Suggestions are welcome.

Each module is 'rated' based on whether or not it's mandatory for certain types of starports. It's also got flags denoting what price modifications are needed due to environmental considerations. There are also price mods for volume in many cases.

Modules rated by volume-capacity have a size noted after the module code. For example, D/1000 is a 1000 ton-capacity drydock, and F/100k is a 100,000 ton-capacity fuel depot.

In the case of modules rated by capacity ("ships per week"), or modules representing an aggregate unit, such as a parkbay which has 11 actual bays (which also is essentially "ships per week"), the multiple is given after the capacity. For example:

P/1000 x11 (Parkbay) MCr50
Represents a parkbay which contains 11 bays large enough to hold a 1000 ton vessel each.

Prices are always given in terms of construction in situ with the infrastructure at hand; prices are modified further, based on transport.

For example, landing facilities are generally of a technologically-appropriate material, are usually dirt cheap (if supporting infrastructure exists), and are required for all starports. For a hunk of bedrock, "infrastructure" might simply mean "a can of special spray paint costing Cr100". But if you're building a non-trivial starport, the landing facilities are usually free.

L x100 (Landing facilities) surface A-H Cr100

x100 means '100 ships per week capacity'
'surface' means 'surface only'
'A-H' means all starports from A to H, inclusive.
Likewise, beacons are generally one-size-fits all. They program one for you, you pay for it, stick it somewhere, and you're done. More traffic may dictate more beacons, but generally a beacon is just a transponder in a small, sealed container. The only price modifier here might be in delivering a beacon to orbit, if needed. But if you're building a non-trivial starport, beacons are thrown in for free.

B x100 (Beacons) A-H Cr100

x100 means '100 ships per week capacity'
'A-H' means all starports from A to H, inclusive.
On the other hand, parking facilities range from an allocated hunk of landing area to a fully-fledged, maglev-connected parkbay complex.

Modules such as parking facilities may be enclosed, environmentally managed (env), sealed with internal power and environment (sealed), or pressurized and reinforced for vacuum (Va). They may also come with gravitics (grav), and if required in orbit or off-orbit, may also incur shipping charges.

P/1000 x11 (Parkbay) Va AB MCr200

'/1000' means each bay can hold a 1000ton ship.
'x11' means the parkbay has 11 bays.
'Va' means this unit is pressurized and reinforced for vacuum use. (Cost has been modified to reflect this).
'AB' means class A and B starports use these.
Next, things like fuel depots, refineries, transportation, defense, and drydocks may not require environmental niceties, but they do have scale price modifiers. A 1mt fuel tank may cost ten times a 100kt fuel tank. I assume, for simplicity's sake, that engineering requirements and economies of scale offset one another evenly.

F/100kt (Fuel depot) ABCD MCr1

'/100kt' means this depot can hold 100kt of fuel.
'ABCD' means class A,B,C,D starports use this.
Finally come things like warehouses, traffic control, concourses, and habitats, which require both volume price mods and environmental price mods. Habitats and concourses have the additional element of being empty hulls which one fills with stuff -- life support, entertainment, commercial, public service, administration, what-have-you.

W/1000 (Warehouse) sealed ABCD MCr1

'sealed' means sealed, with internal power and environment
Delivery to orbit increases cost by a factor of ten.

Delivery to anywhere else in the system increases cost by a factor of twenty.

Delivery to a different system increases cost by a factor of twenty (i.e. past the 100D limit) then an additional Cr1000 per ton shipped.

That's my view in a nutshell.
I use a much simpler system. I use a 3 character extension for each of the UWP codes. These extensions, all rolled randomly with LOTS of variety, give me a good flavor for playing the world.

For Starports, I use the following extensions:
B - Build Capacity (only used for A and B ports)
R - Repair Capacity (A-C only)
T - Trade volume (DM for cargo and passengers)

This keeps is really simple. Each code, rolled separately, is in the range of 0-A. They can be modified by all of the other UWP codes, but not any of the other extensions.

It has been a while since I dug through them, I will have to see if I can find all the details, if anyone is interested.

I am just now digging out my old Traveller stuff, so most of what I have is mental, but I do have this stuff written down somewhere.
I have thought of expanding the starport UWP description, but not much has come out of that so far.

So far I´m thinking of adding "+" and "-" qualifiers to the starport type.

A "+" starport would be big and modern enough to handle all the traffic that occurs on this world, even during peak traffic periods (i.e. rush hour, regular convoys arrive, or whatever)
A normal starport would be sufficient to handle regular traffic, but would experience some delays (i.e. it would get crowded, ships would have to wait a while for landing clearance) during peak traffic periods.
A "-" starport is inadequate to handle the planet´s traffic, because it is too small, too old and/or too run-down.
Originally posted by Plankowner:
It has been a while since I dug through them, I will have to see if I can find all the details, if anyone is interested.
Definitely! And welcome a-board!
Originally posted by Chaos:
So far I´m thinking of adding "+" and "-" qualifiers to the starport type.
That's how I do it - a "C+" might have refined fuel, while a "B-" might have no small-craft construction facilities.

Generally these reflect transition states as a starport is upgraded or downgraded.
After letting my concept cool a bit, I can revisit it and fix some of the bits I don't like.

Parkbay, capacity 11 @ 1000t, MCr50
Parkbay, capacity 11 @ 1000t, Va, ports A-B, MCr200
Airstrip, capacity 100 per week, surface, ports A-H, Cr100
Beacon, capacity 100, ports A-H, Cr100
Fuel depot, capacity 100kt, ports A-D, MCr1
Warehouse, capacity 1000t, sealed, A-D, MCr1

I think these will work well in a table.

</font><blockquote>code:</font><hr /><pre style="font-size:x-small; font-family: monospace;">Module Type Capacity Codes Min Port MCr

Parkbay 11 @ 1kt C 50
Parkbay 11 @ 1kt Va B 200
Airstrip 100/week surface H *
Beacon 100 H *
Fuel depot 100kt D 1
Warehouse 1000t sealed D 1</pre>[/QUOTE]