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My father's passing...


SOC-14 1K
Good Morning, All,

My father, who has not been in the best of health in the last few weeks, passed away at 3:22am Saturday morning, October 29th, 2005, in Amarillo, TX, at the age of 58, from complications due to toxemia. I was en route from Austin, hoping to get there in time, when we got the cell phone call.

My family and I have decided on a simple cremation and a funeral service to be held in the Bethany Chapel located on the property of Cox Funeral Home, 4180 Canyon Drive, Amarillo, TX, 79109. The service will be held at 11am on Tuesday, November 1st. Flowers are welcome, if such is your custom.

My father was instrumental in getting me into role-playing games such as D&D and Traveller. I will dedicate Issue #3 of Stellar Reaches to his memory, as a small tribute to him. I hope you will understand.

If you are of the persuasion as to send thoughts, prayers and warm wishes, or light a candle in honor or memory, I would be appreciative if you wouldn't mind doing such for my family during this trying time.

With Love And Friendship,
Jason "Flynn" Kemp
I definitely know where your coming from. My own father passed away this past August 31st of complications from diabetes at age 70. He had been in the hospital since February 21st of this year and had almost died previously in March. Grief is never easy as I learned back in '92 when I lost my younger brother suddenly. Though time can make the pain lessen, cherishing the memories you have definitely helps in getting through this period and in the future. If the pain is really bad, I found it really helps in talking about it to those you trust including professionals. My prayers are with you and your family at this most difficult time.

Frank Schuttee
If you are of the persuasion as to send thoughts, prayers and warm wishes, or light a candle in honor or memory, I would be appreciative if you wouldn't mind doing such for my family during this trying time.
Consider it done.

Take care Jason.

Really sorry to hear that. I know words can't take the pain away, but I'm afraid they're all I have. Todays word is "penguin". Hope it helps a little.

The next few weeks are gonna be a nightmare (been there, done that), but it does get better.

We're all here if you need us.
Flynn, sorry to hear about your loss. I lost my father nearly twenty years ago and found it difficult to understand how something so commonplace to people in general could be so painful to the individual.
All the best at this difficult time.
Jeff and Luck.

i understand what you're going through. i lost my father earlier this year also. my thoughts are with you and your family.
Sorry to hear, Flynn. You and yours are in my prayers.

Feel free to dedicate Stellar Reaches as you see fit. We will remain patient and supportive (look at the speed of posts here - lots of love).

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