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Modular Ships


Has anyone had a go at building a modular ship. Similar to the RC clippers but where every section is a seperate module?

I know such a ship would not be able to compete with a standard built vessel due to the increased mass and volume consumed by the modules, but in a post virus setting I believe that being able to swap out a damaged module and swap in a replacement would minimise port turn around times.

Also great for refit work.

Antoher question was the Huntner Gratsner (how was that spelt) a civilian version of an RC clipper? It did seem to have a spine with modules attached.
Originally posted by Antony:
Has anyone had a go at building a modular ship. Similar to the RC clippers but where every section is a seperate module?
I haven't, but that's a good point to bring up as that's what they're getting ready to do in the US Navy with the new Virginia Class Submarines. Also they're doing mods with some old Tridents and adding special gear for different missions to what used to be missile tubes. The Virginia's'll be mod-ready out of the "box."

Well since it looks like no one else has tried i'll give it a go over the next few weeks. Perhaps a good type to work with would be a ten thousand ton Escort Destroyer. This should demonstrate if this is a practical system in FFS1.
Yep ... I've done it. Started it as a hobby a few years ago and it has now taken on a semi-life of its own. Ended up created an entire campaign line with subplots included. I've created a modular vessel in the 4000 disp ton range with the ability to carry up to another 4000 disp tons in swappable modules.

The campaign is set to start around the year 1185 approx.

I started to try the idea even before I became aware of the RC's Clipper design. I got the idea from the very old 'ACCOLADE' PC game StarControl II and developed it from there. (Also pinched other ideas from here and there.)

Ended up with a final design (with very little tweeking and design rule twisting in the end) that can take on capital vessels ... and win if required to do so.
For those who would like a taste of what I've got, contact me.

Cheers, DJG