I've done some more work. Here is the latest design that I came up with.
There are a few changes from my original design. First I removed the triple laser turet and reduced the power plant to account for this. I removed all of the extra fuel space that was allocated to give the base ship at least Jump-1. I beefed up the M-drives to give the base ship 6G.
I changed the configuration from flattened sphere to cone like the modular cutter. I also removed the space for the ships g-carrier.
I removed all this stuff because I though if one wanted all that stuff then one could just add a module.
Ship Type: Modular Transport (base)
TL: 13
Hull: 90 dT
Configuration: cone
Jump: 0 @ 9.6 dT (no space for jump fuel with the base ship. If you want to jump, add a fuel module or two. See below for performance info)
Manuever: 6 @ 15.3 dT
Power Plant: 7 @ 12 dT
Jump Fuel: 0 dT
Bridge: 20 dT
Computer: 2bis
Hardpoint: 1
Weapons: 1-Triple Missle
Quarters: 2 Single and 2 Double staterooms
Cargo: 2dT
Cost: MCr 78
</font><blockquote>code:</font><hr /><pre style="font-size:x-small; font-family: monospace;">Modular Configurations
Up to 5 30 dT Modules can be transported. Here is the performance matrix for possible configurations.
# 0 1 2 3 4 5 : Total number of modules carried
M 6 4 3 3 2 2 :Manuever performance
C0 - 2 4 4+1 3+2 2+2+2 :Jump performance with No cargo modules
C1 - - 2 3 3 3+1 :Jump performance with one cargo module
C2 - - - 1 3 3 :Jump performance with two cargo modules
C3 - - - - 1 3 :Jump performance with three cargo modules
C4 - - - - - 1 :Jump performance with four cargo modules
C5 - - - - - - :Jump performance with only cargo modules </pre>[/QUOTE]Thanks for all the posts on the different modular ships. I have found a bunch of different ideas for modules here on the web. Here are a few links.