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Ministry of Justice Article

One of the old Traveller magazines I used to own had an article I absolutely loved about the Imperial Ministry of Justice, including the character creation framework. I lost/gave away/had stolen that magazine long and long ago, and I've been trying to remember which magazine the article was in, without avail.

Can anyone tell me which magazine and issue had the article so I can start looking for the blasted thing!

Simon Jester

Good. Fast. Cheap.
Pick two.
I think it was an old High Passage magazine, that FASA put out. Maybe Issue #3? I'll have to try to dig thru my boxed materials.

Joe Brown
<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Simon Jester:
One of the old Traveller magazines I used to own had an article I absolutely loved about the Imperial Ministry of Justice, including the character creation framework.

Can anyone tell me which magazine and issue had the article so I can start looking for the blasted thing!

Unfortunately, you gave away FASA's High Passage#1. Unless Marc is going to do the magazines with the FASA reprints there is not much chance of actually seeing that article again.

It has to be the rarest of all Traveller items that I have yet seen, that was at the same time cannon. I have been seeking it now for 5 years unsuccessfully.