I know this topic has been a bone of contention during many a civil discourse on these boards. So what better than to devote a thread to it!
Plus, I'm very interested in the opinions of most of my compatriots here, contrary or otherwise
LET IT BE KNOWN: I do not favor the concept that in the Trav 'verse (regardless of the age) that standard civilian hardware/software is comparable to military tech. Outside the necessities to meet the minimal requirements of the mission, the contract specifications for each would be, IMHO, extremely different. This doesn't mean a civilian can't pay more for military style capabilities, but they are not standard fair (just like leather interior) and are not always available to civilians (like 155m howitzers and Harpoon missle launchers are today).
Generally, miltech has higher performance but also stricter requirements than civilian tech.
Some of my other gross generalizations:
- Powerplants -
(Mil) frontier fuel capable (except extreme high performance vehicles), increased PM frequency, higher repair costs and limited parts, more reliable (if PM'd), reduced efficiency
(Civ) refined fuel required, normal PM, standard repair costs, standard reliability, easy to repair, higher efficiency
- Drives -
(M) increased PM freq, high rep costs, more reliable, higher load capability (125% power, no problem)
(C) per the norm, very white bread
- Computers -
(M) faster processing, hardened against damage, less security but harder to access, non-standard protocols and languages, limited interconnectivity
(C) greater memory storage (more space for it), easier to program, very flexible
- Navigation (mix of jump/computer)-
(M) manual precip anywhere they want to if they can plot it right, capable of plotting coordinated jumps with other ships, require frequent updates
(C) plot nav beacon to nav beacon, auto precip under computer control, auto dump inside 100d (no refund)
- Weapons systems -
(M) fully automated (gunner is a formality), greater range/power, multiple target engagement, auto coordinated attack (multi-turret), auto defense, improved cycle time, improved countermeasures
(C) mostly manual, no triple mounts, average range, slower cycle time, and no missiles for merchies (really, can you see Capt. Stubbing launching Exocets from the Pacific Princess?)
Keep in mind, the reason I do this IMTU is many fold. It:
- Increases the worth of a standard Type S, giving my players reason to want to keep the old bird jumping (although not top-of-the-line Miltech, this makes them far more capable than the even showroom model freighters)
- Makes the occassional piece of working military surplus extremely rare and equally valued
- Gives the ex-mil types plenty to complain about
- Encourages a well deserved respect for even light tonnage warships
- Increases the diversity of equipment by adding plenty of tweakable characteristics (i.e. personalizes ships even more)
Please respond as you see fit! <- I am ready for flame!
LET IT BE KNOWN: I do not favor the concept that in the Trav 'verse (regardless of the age) that standard civilian hardware/software is comparable to military tech. Outside the necessities to meet the minimal requirements of the mission, the contract specifications for each would be, IMHO, extremely different. This doesn't mean a civilian can't pay more for military style capabilities, but they are not standard fair (just like leather interior) and are not always available to civilians (like 155m howitzers and Harpoon missle launchers are today).
Generally, miltech has higher performance but also stricter requirements than civilian tech.
Some of my other gross generalizations:
- Powerplants -
(Mil) frontier fuel capable (except extreme high performance vehicles), increased PM frequency, higher repair costs and limited parts, more reliable (if PM'd), reduced efficiency
(Civ) refined fuel required, normal PM, standard repair costs, standard reliability, easy to repair, higher efficiency
- Drives -
(M) increased PM freq, high rep costs, more reliable, higher load capability (125% power, no problem)
(C) per the norm, very white bread
- Computers -
(M) faster processing, hardened against damage, less security but harder to access, non-standard protocols and languages, limited interconnectivity
(C) greater memory storage (more space for it), easier to program, very flexible
- Navigation (mix of jump/computer)-
(M) manual precip anywhere they want to if they can plot it right, capable of plotting coordinated jumps with other ships, require frequent updates
(C) plot nav beacon to nav beacon, auto precip under computer control, auto dump inside 100d (no refund)
- Weapons systems -
(M) fully automated (gunner is a formality), greater range/power, multiple target engagement, auto coordinated attack (multi-turret), auto defense, improved cycle time, improved countermeasures
(C) mostly manual, no triple mounts, average range, slower cycle time, and no missiles for merchies (really, can you see Capt. Stubbing launching Exocets from the Pacific Princess?)
Keep in mind, the reason I do this IMTU is many fold. It:
- Increases the worth of a standard Type S, giving my players reason to want to keep the old bird jumping (although not top-of-the-line Miltech, this makes them far more capable than the even showroom model freighters)
- Makes the occassional piece of working military surplus extremely rare and equally valued
- Gives the ex-mil types plenty to complain about
- Encourages a well deserved respect for even light tonnage warships
- Increases the diversity of equipment by adding plenty of tweakable characteristics (i.e. personalizes ships even more)
Please respond as you see fit! <- I am ready for flame!