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Size: Huge (3,200 kg)
Type: grazer
Stamina: 12d4 (24)
Lifeblood: 32
Initiative: -2 (Dex)
To Attack: AS
To Flee: FS
Speed: 24
AC: 13 (-2 Dex, -2 size, +5 AR)
AR: 5
Attacks: Slam +8 (head butt)
Damage: 3d6
Saves: Fort +10, Ref +1, Will +5
Abilities: Str 30, Dex 7, Con 32
Skills: none
Special Abilities: Trample creatures 1 size smaller or less
Climate/terrain: Rough
Organization: solitary or small herd

Megahorns are riding beasts derived from bighorn sheep stock. They are hardy and feed off the land, so they are valued by colonists and low-tech militaries alike. As mounts, they make tremendous shock cavalry; the impact of the charge and trampling against medium sized opponents is enough to break even veteran infantry. If they return to the wild, however, they can become a serious problem to low tech settlements. They will forage in crops and occasionally charge lone humans for no good reason. Hunting these maverick megahorns is a dangerous task.

Note: this profile would also work for a bantha (maybe add a bit to the size) or for any other massive horned grazer that people ride. It might be reptilian or even insectoid. I picked bighorn sheep stock because a useful domesticated animal derived from Terran stock could be found anywhere in charted space.

You certinly cover alot of topics, and in an excellent fashion I might add. Thanks for posting your work, again.