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Looking for an old CT Super Scout


There was an article about a 200 to Super Scout I once ran accross. It had Jump 4 or 5 if I remember correctly. Kind of unique design.

Now I can't find it. Anyone heard of or remeber it?


Originally posted by Frito:
There was an article about a 200 to Super Scout I once ran accross. It had Jump 4 or 5 if I remember correctly. Kind of unique design.

Now I can't find it. Anyone heard of or remeber it?



Don't recall that one myself, but it may be one of the FASA designs.

The only scout variants I've seen in print are:
the Seeker (modified for mining) [supp 4]
the S1 Serpent (An aerodyne version of the 100Td Type S)[best of JTAS; Scouts and Assassins (Paranoia Press)]
The Donosev Class Survey Ship (500 Td IIRC, DGP, World Builder's Handbook for MT).

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super scout

There was the snowbird adventure in white dwarf with a 300 ton jump 5 scout. Is that what you mean?
Now that you've gone and raised the dead...

White Dwarf had the Khazad (technically a seeker, I think)
Space Gamer published the Ithilien.
High Passage (FASA) had a long range Scout-ish ship
FASA material rises to the level of "close enough" much of the time.
White Dwarf articles are not considered Canon, though Adventure Class ships are pretty small potatoes to worry about.
The Ithilien has not been mentioned ever again, and uses some approximations (being 150 tons in CT, for starters) that make it dubious. That said, it is just a ship. Some of the other stuff published in Space Gamer is a lot more out there than a funny sized ship.
What is the canonoicity of those early small press materials?

DGP, GW, Gamelords, and FASA - all seem to be treated as "Canon where they don't contradict GDW/IG/FFE materials"...

GTIW seems to be about the same as the above. But, being newer, and covering ground only barely mentioned, it helps make more of it clearly canonical.

GT and T20 are "Setting canon where not contradicted by GDW/IG/FFE materials, unless Marc decides otherwise. A step above, barely, the prior.

GDW/IG/FFE - newest trumps oldest. (Not my preference - generally, in History, closest to event primary trumps anything else, but newest interpretation may use more primaries.)

I don't have a handle on the rest. Marc's collected some of them for future CD releases... Keep an eye on the website.
Now that you've gone and raised the dead...

White Dwarf had the Khazad (technically a seeker, I think)
Space Gamer published the Ithilien.
High Passage (FASA) had a long range Scout-ish ship

Didn't White Dwarf have a whole article on the Hunter - a Type S variant for bounty hunters. One of the first set of deckplans I saw that was drawn (and it was the 80s, so it would have been *drawn*) like blueprints rather than squared paper.
I know Don Rapp had the Serpent and related winged hulls, and I could swear one of them was a 150t Scout...
This list doesn't hit all sources (yet), and is specifically a list of deckplans:

Type S and Type J (and other "Scouts"):

Type S
Scout/Courier, 100 tons, CT, Starships and Spacecraft (Judges Guild)
Intrepid Scout/Courier, 100 tons, CT, Snapshot
Sulieman Scout/Courier, 100 tons, CT, Traders and Gunboats
Bounty Scout, 100 tons, n/a, The Traveller's Digest 4 (Seeker ad)
Monitor Scout, 100 tons, MT, Challenge #38
Ninz Scout (Zhodani), 100 tons CT, Adventure Class Ships Vol 1 FASA folio
Ranger Courier (Imp.), 100 tons, CT, Space Gamer #81
M:0 Scout/Courier, 100 tons, T4, Starships (incomplete; nuff said)
Scout (Vargr), 100 tons, TNE, Traveller Chronicle #8
Serpent Scout, "100" tons, CT, JTAS #2
Serpent Scout (CS), "100" tons, CT, Scouts and Assassins pull out
Scout/Courier, 100 tons, T20, Epic Adventure 1-Stoner Express, Epic Adventure 2-Into the Glimmer Drift, and Epic Adventure 3-Chimera
1248 Scout/Courier, 100 tons, CT, Starships 2-Scout Ships (Comstar/Avenger)
Scout/Courier, 100 tons, MGT, Mongoose CRB
Sulieman Scout/Courier, 100 tons, GT, GT Main Rulebook (hexes)
Scout (Droyne), 100 tons, GT, GT Alien Races 3 (hexes)

Type J
Seeker, 100 tons, CT, Traders and Gunboats
Khazad Seeker, 100 tons, CT, White Dwarf #23
Seeker, 100 tons, MT, Traveller's Digest #21 DGP ad; partial plans
1248 Seeker, 100 tons, CT, Starships 2-Scout Ships (Comstar/Avenger)
Seeker, 100 tons, MGT, Mongoose CRB

Other "Scout" ships:
X-Boat, 100 tons, CT, Traders and Gunboats
1248 X-Boat, 100 tons, CT, Starships 2-Scout Ships (Comstar/Avenger)
Express Boat, 100 tons, GT, GT First In (hexes)
Fast Courier/Blockade Runner (Sword Worlds), 130 tons, T20, QLI "Forgotten War"
Chatl Leader Scout (Zhodani), 150 tons, CT, Adventure Class Ships Vol 1 FASA folio
CF Fast Courier, 200 tons, T20, Golden Age Starships 1-Fast Courier
Stayaow Combat Scout (Aslan), 200 tons, CT, Adventure Class Ships Vol 2 FASA folio
EDSV Fighting Scout, 300 tons, T4, Gateway
EDSV Fighting Scout, 300 tons, T4, Long Way Home
Explorer Scout Ship, 300 tons, CT, White Dwarf #40
Donosev Scout Cruiser, 400 tons, MT, World Builder's Handbook
Donosev Survey Ship, 400 tons, CT, Grand Survey
Donosev Survey Ship, 400 tons, GT, GT First In (hexes)
Khadumir Fast Courier, 400 tons, GT, GT First In (hexes)
Telemon Survey Scout (1248), 400 tons, CT, Starships 2-Scout Ships (Comstar/Avenger)
St. Christopher Explorer, 490 tons, CT, White Dwarf #26
Kurgilash Medical Scout, 400 tons, CT, Adventure Class Ships Vol 2 FASA folio
Kon-Tiki Scout Cruiser, 800 tons, T4, Milieu 0 Campaign
X-Boat Tender, 1000 tons, CT, Traders & Gunboats
Purcell X-Boat Tender, 1000 tons, GT, GT First In (hexes)
1248 X-Boat Tender, 1000 tons, CT, Starships 2-Scout Ships (Comstar/Avenger)
Qasar Scout Cruiser, 1000 tons, T20, Epic Adventure 5-Scout Cruiser
Machii Scout Cruiser (1248), 1000 tons, CT, Starships 2-Scout Ships (Comstar/Avenger)
Didn't White Dwarf have a whole article on the Hunter - a Type S variant for bounty hunters. One of the first set of deckplans I saw that was drawn (and it was the 80s, so it would have been *drawn*) like blueprints rather than squared paper.

Type H (Type SN variant) - article Dead or Alive, White Dwarf #70
Based on a Suleiman-class Type S scout hull.

I know Don Rapp had the Serpent and related winged hulls, and I could swear one of them was a 150t Scout...
Yes, extended scout, Wind class, 150 tons, 2G J3, stats were in Merchants & Merchandise

Type SX "Wind" class extended Scout (exterior side view only) 150dt
Type A2 "Avian" class Far Trader (exterior side view only) 200dt [cover shows the nose of an Avian - the nose-cone lifted up like that of a C-5 Galaxy, with a tank driving out and down the ramp]*.

Both are derivations of the Type S "Serpent" class Scout presented in Scouts & Assassins (deck plans were a 11"x17" insert, in blue with 1/2" grid squares).

Scouts & Assassins and Merchants & Merchandise were both by Paranoia Press, copyright 1980 & 1981 respectively.

* A lot like this image, but reversed:

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