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linking the CT adventures together


SOC-14 5K
Had a flash of insight, would it be possible to link the CT Adventures together. With the LLB adventures being the tale of how the adventuring party was accumulating enough capital to buy out a worn out Fat Trader called the March Harrier. Has anyone written the backstory and the connecting adventures? Please share.
I had an ambition to do that in the early 90's. I was to start with the Traveller adventure, and then play through all 12 GDW Adventures and all 6 Double Adventures.

I've got notes on it in a box somewhere. I think I posted to the TML years ago about it, but that may be hard to find with the state of the TML archive these days.

I started off with the campaign, but then realized how unrealistic I was being. It would take much more time gaming than I have to game to play through a mega-campaign like that (especially with my tendency to elaborate and grow adventure source material).

Alas, it was never more than a dream. Never got off the drawing board.
I, too, had attempted this, back in the late 80s. The problem was, while most of the early Adventures (also Amber Zones and Double Adventures) were set in the Spinward Marches, a few (and subsequent) adventures were set in the Solomani Rim, and a couple of adventure settings were unspecified. I think some later ones were even located in District 268. The difficulty being, if one strictly followed the canon timeline, some of the events would be occurring simultaneously. Short of an Ancient artifact (gate?) allowing l-o-n-g distance teleportation, it would be all but impossible to campaign through them all sequentially.

It might be possible (fun, even) for a referee to conduct parallel campaigns, with the same players but different character groups adventuring in the different venues.
I tried to start a similar thread a while ago. The link is here:

CT Adventure Timeline

Please examine the timeline and post your opinions there.

The difficulty is in digging through all of the adventures and noting the more subtle clues that would place a particular adventure along the timeline from 1100 to 1111 ICE. Then, of course, there is the fact that some adventures seem to occur simultaneously in widely-separated sectors.
The link I cited above seems to have been broken during the transistion. Here's the list I posted:

CT/TA 001-1105 to ???-1107 The Traveller Adventure

CT/TA01 001-1105 Leedor On Aramis
CT/TA02 085-1105 In Search Of Longer Legs
CT/TA03 168-1105 Pysadian Escape
CT/TA04 253-1105 First Call At Zila
CT/TA05 337-1105 The Wolf At The Door
CT/TA06 056-1106 Exotic Encounters
CT/TA07 140-1106 Scent Of Fear
CT/TA08 225-1106 The Psionics Institute
CT/TA09 309-1106 Zilan Wine
CT/TA11 028-1107 Kidnapped On Aramanx
CT/TA12 112-1107 Tradewar
CT/TA13 197-1107 Inselberg
CT/TA14 281-1107 Showdown On Jesedipere

CTA00 001-1100 The Imperial Fringe
CTA01 001-1105 The Kinunir
CTA03 ???-???? Twilight's Peak
CTA09 ???-???? Nomads Of The World Ocean
CTA11 ???-???? Murder On Arcturus station
CTA12 ???-1105 Secret Of The Ancients
CTD01a ???-1105 Annic Nova
CTD01b 190-1105 Shadows
CTA05 ???-1106 Trillion Credit Squadron
CTD02a 090-1106 Across The Bright Face
CTD02b ???-1106 Mission On Mithril
CTA02 300-1106 Research Station Gamma
CTA04 001-1107 Leviathan
CTA06 175-1107 Expedition to Zhodane
CTA07 196-1107 Broadsword
CTD03a ???-1107 The Argon Gambit
CTD03b ???-1107 Death Station
CTD04a ???-1107 Marooned
CTD04b ???-1107 Marooned Alone
CTD05a ???-1107 The Chamax Plague
CTD05b ???-1107 Horde
CTD06a ???-1107 Divine Intervention
CTA08 ???-1108 Prison Planet
CTD06b ???-1108 Night Of Conquest
CTA13 075-1110 Signal GK
CTM01 ???-1110 Tarsus
CTM02 ???-1110 Beltstrike
CTM04 120-1110 Alien Realms
CTA10 132-1110 Safari Ship
CTM03 120-1111 Spinward Marches Campaign
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Wanted to do something like that for the Scout type adventures. Also, want to go though these and figure out which ones are for Regina and Aramis subsectors only - or generic enough to modify. The scope of Imperial Fringe daunts me. I want to drop it down to one or two subsectors, maybe three at the most.
Wanted to do something like that for the Scout type adventures. Also, want to go though these and figure out which ones are for Regina and Aramis subsectors only - or generic enough to modify. The scope of Imperial Fringe daunts me. I want to drop it down to one or two subsectors, maybe three at the most.
I would figure actually dealing with 4 and starting them near the junction of the 4 subsectors. Remember though that Players being what they are they will want to go out past where you thought they should go. :) So while you might not be planning on them getting outside the 4 subsectors, make sure the 8 subsectors around those are at least mapped. :)
Well, with the Imperium Border along the edge of the Regina Subsector, I'd go with Regina, Aramis, Rhylanor, and Lanth subsectors for the 4 subsectors. But still, those 4 subsectors are about a 5 year mission just to survey them.

Hey wait a minute! I've got a great idea!

Wait, no... It's been done before.

Many of the main worlds can be modified to be secondary worlds - and therefore unstatted - in system. Pagliacchi, for example, in the Marooned scenarios doesn't require star/spaceship access until the very end so would make a good secondary world.

It also lets those with the Ship's Boat skill get more scope, if secondary worlds come into play more often.
That's a great idea! Using some of the lower Pop, E or X starport for a small moon or something away from the mainworld. Time to raid Behind The Claw and Solomani Rim for ideas.