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Letters of Marque

First time poster, long time reader.

I'm GM'g a new campaign, and one of my players just received a Letter of Marque. After looking for material online, I banged together a very rough draft of rules and regs for Letters of Marque. (I'm GM'g a MT campaign in 1140, but the basic concepts still apply to most settings, I think.)

I thought I might post it here to get some feedback from the community. Comments and criticism welcome. Be gentle.

Letter of Marque or Reprisal:

Definition: The legalizing and commissioning of private enterprises to outfit and send out armed merchant ships as commerce raiders. Privateers have the legal authority to prey on certain designated shipping (“the privateer’s Mandate”).

Privateering is legal and recognized in the Imperium, although public and military opinion of privateering is low. Privateering is often seen as a “hot war” between rival governments or megacorporations; in addition to capturing cargo or destroying shipping, it drives a competitor’s insurance rates up and undermines reputation as a secure, reliable transporter of goods.

Letters of Marque or Reprisal are issued to governments or megacorporations by Ducal Authority and regulated by the Imperial Naval Office. These Letters can be assigned to certain private individuals or legal entities. Letters must be Registered in the Imperial Naval Office, Ministry of Shipping & Commerce, to an Imperial citizen. Registration requires posting of a Bond to ensure compliance with the Rules of War and Privateering. Bonds are often 1% of ship’s value, though Bond financing may be available through banks or investment houses.

Registration includes installation of Certification software at the level of Ship’s General Registration Information (GRI Code). Cert Soff allows broadcast of official identification as a registered privateer. Privateers can send Official ID broadcasts to opposing ships to compel surrender. Official ID info must be presented upon boarding. If requested, ID must be sent to Imperial Naval ships, although, as an element of GRI Code, Cert Soff can be remotely accessed by Imperial Naval ships.

Registration details include Ship Specification (laid down, owner, crew, ship systems & weapons details), Declaration by privateer captain of Adherence to the Rules of War and Privateering, Mandate setting out Legitimate Targets (ships of governments or megacorporations that may be engaged). All privateer ships must carry current information on megacorporate structure (parent corporations, subsidiaries and affiliates) so that Legitimate Targets can be properly identified. N.B.: Molesting or attacking a ship that is not a Legitimate Target will be considered an Act of Piracy, and prosecuted as such.

Note: Naval ships are ill-disposed towards privateers and, though they cannot officially interfere with privateer engagement, will often demand broadcast of ID at an inopportune time (eg: during combat), to the detriment of any privateer ship that does not have maser or laser comms.

Right of capture and salvage: Privateer may retain prize and prize goods (ship, cargo) to be sold in market. Privateers must pay 10% of prize to authorizing megacorp or government, in addition to any local or Imperial taxes. Insurance is not available to privateers.

Imperial systems must recognize the right of privateers to engage in privateering. However, privateering is not allowed within 50 diameters of starport’s world, or within traffic controlled area of an asteroid/planetoid-based starport.

Privateers are often disliked around starports, and will find themselves discriminated against at repair, resupply and recreation facilities. Privateers make many enemies and few friends; enemies include members of victimized megacorporations or governments, captured ship’s crews, governments of worlds where privateering is practiced (due to consequent reduction of shipping, economic reprisals from megacorporations & governments, etc), starport officials and other business owners who rely on ship traffic, many the Imperial Naval crews (who detest piracy) often called upon to aid striken ships.

Known privateers often find that, though their actions are legal and acknowledged by Imperial society, they are treated little better than pirates at Imperial starports. For all this, successful privateering can be amongst the most lucrative, if dangerous, occupations: seized cargoes usually find a buyer, and captured ships can legally be sold at auction (unlike vessels captured by pirates).

Some privateer’s have made a virtue out of a vice, arriving in a starport with outlandishly painted ships (complete with Skull & Crossbones), trailing a captured vessel, advertising their victories by spraying their hulls with “kill marks”, buying rounds of drinks at a starport bar after auction, even contributing a percentage of profits to charities such as the War Widows’ Fund. Several popular netvid programs include the adventures of privateer ships.


Rules of War and Privateering: 1) During and engagement, all reasonable steps must be taken to ensure that opposing crew casualties are minimized. 2) Offers of surrender must be given at the earliest opportunity 3) All declarations of surrender must be honoured. 4) Captured crew must be accorded the protections of the Regina Protocols on Prisoners of War, 1127 (food, shelter, prompt medical attention, repatriation, communication with family members, etc) 5) Captured crews must repatriated to a C+ class starport in an Imperial system within the next jump transit or as soon as reasonably possible 6) Privateers must follow registration and bonding requirements as set out by the Imperial Naval Office, including the filing of reports disclosing all privateering engagements immediately following same. 7) Only Legitimate Targets may be engaged by Registered Privateers. Molesting or attacking non-legitimate targets will be considered an Act of Piracy.

Let me know what you think.
Originally posted by shayde:
First time poster, long time reader.
Well then, glad you dropped in for a proper welcome aboard :D

Registration includes installation of Certification software at the level of Ship’s General Registration Information (GRI Code). Cert Soff allows broadcast of official identification as a registered privateer. Privateers can send Official ID broadcasts to opposing ships to compel surrender. Official ID info must be presented upon boarding. If requested, ID must be sent to Imperial Naval ships, although, as an element of GRI Code, Cert Soff can be remotely accessed by Imperial Naval ships.

Registration details include Ship Specification (laid down, owner, crew, ship systems & weapons details), Declaration by privateer captain of Adherence to the Rules of War and Privateering, Mandate setting out Legitimate Targets (ships of governments or megacorporations that may be engaged). All privateer ships must carry current information on megacorporate structure (parent corporations, subsidiaries and affiliates) so that Legitimate Targets can be properly identified. N.B.: Molesting or attacking a ship that is not a Legitimate Target will be considered an Act of Piracy, and prosecuted as such.

Note: Naval ships are ill-disposed towards privateers and, though they cannot officially interfere with privateer engagement, will often demand broadcast of ID at an inopportune time (eg: during combat), to the detriment of any privateer ship that does not have maser or laser comms.
Nice bit with the GRI and Cert Soff, and of course as an IN Officer (retired) I can't tell you how many times we experienced tight comm failures while requesting ID and had to ask for radio broadcast


Rules of War and Privateering: 1) During and engagement, all reasonable steps must be taken to ensure that opposing crew casualties are minimized. 2) Offers of surrender must be given at the earliest opportunity 3) All declarations of surrender must be honoured. 4) Captured crew must be accorded the protections of the Regina Protocols on Prisoners of War, 1127 (food, shelter, prompt medical attention, repatriation, communication with family members, etc) 5) Captured crews must repatriated to a C+ class starport in an Imperial system within the next jump transit or as soon as reasonably possible 6) Privateers must follow registration and bonding requirements as set out by the Imperial Naval Office, including the filing of reports disclosing all privateering engagements immediately following same. 7) Only Legitimate Targets may be engaged by Registered Privateers. Molesting or attacking non-legitimate targets will be considered an Act of Piracy.

Let me know what you think.
Hmm, I wonder if there needs to be a note there about Legitimate Target Identification? Presumably the Cert Soff does not include IN type transponder query so I think a statement of intent by the Privateer (optionally including transmission of the Letter of Marque/Official ID to save time and prove more authoritive, though pirates may bluff or have counterfiet/stolen Letters
) and request for ID broadcast of the presumed target would be in order. Failure of the presumed target to comply would be sufficient grounds for going active and demanding immediate surrender under threat of legitimate engagement.

Otherwise most comprehensive imo and very cool treatment, thanks.
Hm I hadn't thought about forged Letters used by pirates. Good call. It's probably reasonable that player ships would be obliged to reveal themselves before engagement; increases the risk and p*sses them off.

Nice touch with the malfunctioning Imperial tight beam comms. I can hear my players cursing now.

I suppose the Rules of War and Privateering should be amended to read:

"8) If requested by an potential Legitimate target, a privateer must transmit the Letter of Marque, as filed with the Imperial Naval Office, to the potential Legitimate target before engagement. 9) The privateer must request that the potential Legitimate target transmit information sufficient to ascertain corporate &/or government affiliation of the potential Legitimate target 10) Failure to transmit such information by the potential Legitimate target may constitute evidence of legitimacy, but may not be used to excuse attacks on non-legitimate targets. See Acts of Piracy, above."

Pirates could still forge the Letter, but this might make it more difficult; crews could compare the Letter to the latest download of Imperial Registry data auto-dumped into their files upon entering a system.

I haven't thought about what to do with independantly owned ships that only partially fill their holds with Legitimate target cargo. What can the player do? Demand spacing of the cargo? Attack and seize the whole cargo if denied?

All of this might lead to interesting situations - something like:

After the target ship is blasted into submission:

Player captain: "Close range, match vectors and have the boarding party suit up."

Sensor Ops/Comms: "Sir, the opposing captain still maintains that his ship is no longer owned by General Lines LIC."

Pc: "He's lying. Our corporate structure registry was updated yesterday."

SO/C: "Uh, sir, I just checked, and it seems that the X-Boat broadcast update just sent shows a sale by General Lines LIC of their small craft shipping subdivision."

Pc (sweat springing to his forehead): "What?! It's wrong! Check again."

SO/C: "Sir, I've got two Imperial Patrol Cruisers, Armed and Dangerous, closing fast, demanding ID and Letter details."

Pc (dreams of glory crumbling; me, enjoying the spectacle): #$%!&#. Come about. Full burn!"
That's all well and good, but will privetters of the future sing shanties?

with apologies to Stan Rogers
Sung to the tune of Barret's Privateers.

Oh the year was 9 and 98,
How I wish I was in the Marches now,
When a letter of Marque came from the Duke,
To the scummiest vessel I've ever seen.

God damn them all,
I was told we'd cruise the skies for Zhodainie gold,
We'd fire no guns, shed no tears,
Now I'm a broken man in the Rhylonor port,
The last of Barret's privateers.

Well, Elcid Barret cried the port,
How I wish I was in the Marches now,
For twenty brave men, all merchants who,
Would make for him the Antelope's crew.

God damn them all,
I was told we'd cruise the skies for Zhodainie gold,
We'd fire no guns, shed no tears,
Now I'm a broken man in the Rhylonor port,
The last of Barret's privateers.

Oh, the Antelope's Frigate was a sickening sight,
How I wish I was in the Marches now,
She'd list to the port with her drives in parts,
And the cook and the locks with the leaks and holes.

God damn them all,
I was told we'd cruise the skies for Zhodainie gold,
We'd fire no guns, shed no tears,
Now I'm a broken man in the Rhylonor port,
The last of Barret's privateers.

On the Duke's birthday, we put to space,
How I wish I was in the Marches now,
We were ninety-one days to boarder reaches,
Pumping like mad men all the way.

God damn them all,
I was told we'd cruise the skies for Zhodainie gold,
We'd fire no guns, shed no tears,
Now I'm a broken man in the Rhylonor port,
The last of Barret's privateers.

On the ninety-sixth day, we sailed again,
How I wish I was in the Marches now,
When a bloody great Zhodainie hove in sight,
With our cracked pulse lasers we made to fight.

God damn them all,
I was told we'd cruise the skies for Zhodainie gold,
We'd fire no guns, shed no tears,
Now I'm a broken man in the Rhylonor port,
The last of Barret's privateers.

The Zhodainie lay slowed down with gold,
How I wish I was in the Marches now,
She was was broad and fat and loose in the stays,
But to catch her took the Antelope two whole days.

God damn them all,
I was told we'd cruise the skies for Zhodainie gold,
We'd fire no guns, shed no tears,
Now I'm a broken man in the Rhylonor port,
The last of Barret's privateers.

At length we stood 12,000 k's away,
How I wish I was in the Marches now,
Our cracked pulse lasers made an awful din,
But with one fusion gun, the Zho stove us in.

God damn them all,
I was told we'd cruise the skies for Zhodainie gold,
We'd fire no guns, shed no tears,
Now I'm a broken man in the Rhylonor port,
The last of Barret's privateers.

Oh, the Antelope shook and we lost our grav,
How I wish I was in the Marches now,
Barret was smashed like a bowl of eggs,
And the stray shot blew off both me legs.

God damn them all,
I was told we'd cruise the skies for Zhodainie gold,
We'd fire no guns, shed no tears,
Now I'm a broken man in the Rhylonor port,
The last of Barret's privateers.

Now here I lay in my twenty third year,
How I wish I was in the Marches now,
It's been six years since we sailed away,
And I just made Rhylanor yesterday.
Rover, I'd give you stars for that, but I can't decide if that rates a one or a five!

Does anybody know "Sword World Girls?"
Unlike the other poster, I think this *is* worth stars! And I'm sure the number is large. Some suggestions:

Oh the year was 9 and 98,
How I wish I were in the Marches now,
When a letter of Marque came from the Duke,
To the scummiest vessel I've ever seen.

God damn them all,
I was told we'd cruise the skies for Zho lanthanum,
We'd fire no guns, shed no tears,
Now I'm a broken man in Rhylonor port,
The last of Barrett's privateers.

Well, Elcid Barrett cried the port,
How I wish I were in the Marches now,
For twenty brave men, all merchants who,
Would make for him the Antelope's crew.

God damn them all,
I was told we'd cruise the skies for Zho lanthanum,
We'd fire no guns, shed no tears,
Now I'm a broken man in Rhylonor port,
The last of Barrett's privateers.

The Antelope's hull was a sickening sight,
And she'd yaw to the port and and her drives alight,
with the cook in fresher with the staggers and the jags

God damn them all,
I was told we'd cruise the skies for Zho lanthanum,
We'd fire no guns, shed no tears,
Now I'm a broken man in Rhylonor port,
The last of Barrett's privateers.

On the Duke's birthday, we put to space,
How I wish I were in the Marches now,
We were ninety-one days to the client states,
pushing like mad men all the way.

God damn them all,
I was told we'd cruise the skies for Zho lanthanum,
We'd fire no guns, shed no tears,
Now I'm a broken man in Rhylonor port,
The last of Barrett's privateers.

On the ninety-sixth day, we spaced again,
How I wish I were in the Marches now,
When a bloody great Zho hove in sight,
With our crack pulse lasers we made to fight.

God damn them all,
I was told we'd cruise the skies for Zho lanthanum,
We'd fire no guns, shed no tears,
Now I'm a broken man in Rhylonor port,
The last of Barrett's privateers.

The Zhodani wallowed loaded with mass,
How I wish I were in the Marches now,
She was was broad and fat, her drive crystals out of phase,
But to catch her took the Antelope two whole days.

God damn them all,
I was told we'd cruise the skies for Zho lanthanum,
We'd fire no guns, shed no tears,
Now I'm a broken man in Rhylonor port,
The last of Barrett's privateers.

At length we stood 12 kays away,
How I wish I were in the Marches now,
Our crack pulse lasers made an awful din,
But with one fusion gun, the Zho stove us in.

God damn them all,
I was told we'd cruise the skies for Zho lanthanum,
We'd fire no guns, shed no tears,
Now I'm a broken man in Rhylonor port,
The last of Barrett's privateers.

Oh, the Antelope shook and we lost our grav,
How I wish I were in the Marches now,
Barrett was smashed like a bowl of eggs,
And the nav console severed both me legs.

God damn them all,
I was told we'd cruise the skies for Zho lanthanum,
We'd fire no guns, shed no tears,
Now I'm a broken man in Rhylonor port,
The last of Barrett's privateers.

Now here I lay in my twenty third year,
How I wish I were in the Marches now,
Its been six years since we spaced away,
And I just made Deneb yesterday.
Alas...wither the 4th Geneva Convention in the era of star Travellers?
I believe that letters of marque and reprisal and privateering were first outlawed under the Treaty of Paris of 1856, ending the Crimean War.

Not allowing the survivors of an attack ot die in the cold reaches of space might be a later as addition...but then as some old science fiction movie I saw back in 1979 said..."in space no one can hear you scream...."
Anyone know the lyrics to "When You're a Professional Pirate," sung by the muppets in Muppet Treasure Island?

Part of it goes, "Hey hey ho! We're honorable men. And before we lose our tempers, we will always count to ten..."
Originally posted by Mythmere:
Anyone know the lyrics to "When You're a Professional Pirate," sung by the muppets in Muppet Treasure Island?

Part of it goes, "Hey hey ho! We're honorable men. And before we lose our tempers, we will always count to ten..."
My google-fu is strong this morning sensei...

Follow this link but beware the popups - "A Pirate Song"
Marcus Aaron Erechs, Archduke of Gateway Domain,
To all who shall see these presents, Greeting:
BE IT KNOWN, That in pursuance of a declaration of the Emperor of the Third Imperium and an act of the Imperial Moot, passed on the 26th day nine hundred and ninety one, I have Commissioned, and by these presents do commission, the private armed starship, called the Prince Iilgkagaanrru of the burden of three hundred & fifty Displacement tons, or thereabouts, owned by Victor Ordro & Sir Peitr Gnaouukgh of Sentry, sector of Ley and Lady Josephine geelliBel of Keryn’s Tyr, sector of Ley Mounting six carriage lasers & three missile tubes, and navigated by twenty sophonts, hereby authorizing Sir Millin’hap Turkallin captain, and Vgregrg Stetson lieutenant of the said starship and the other officers and crew thereof, to subdue, seize, and take any armed or unarmed Solomani vessel, public or private, which shall be found within the jurisdictional limits of the Third Imperium, or elsewhere on the space lanes, or within the orbits of the Solomani dominions, and such captured vessel, with her apparel, guns, and appurtenances, and the goods or effects which shall be found on board the same, together with all the solomani persons and others who shall be found acting on board, to bring within some starport of the Third Imperium; and also to retake any vessel, goods, and effects of the people of the Third Imperium, which may have been captured by any Solomani armed vessel, in order that proceedings may be had concerning such capture or recapture in due form of law, and as to right and justice shall appertain. The said Sir Millin’hap Turkallin is further authorized to detain, seize, and take all vessels and effects, to whomsoever belonging, which shall be liable thereto according to the law of empires and the space lanes and the rights of the Third Imperium as a power at war, and to bring the same within some starport of the Third Imperium, in order that due proceedings may be had thereon. This commission to continue in force during the pleasure of the Emperor of the Third Imperium for the time being, through me, his servant and duly vested powers as Archduke of Gateway domain.
GIVEN under my hand and seal of the Third Imperium and the Domain of Gateway, at the City of Highport, Planet of Dukh, the twelfth day of the year of our Empire, nine hundred and ninety three.
BY THE ARCHDUKE, Marcus Aaron Erechs
Or if you like the blank form, easily completed by plantary dictators and handed out to their favorites, in presigned bundles of 500!
Marcus Aaron Erechs, Archduke of Gateway Domain,
To all who shall see these presents, Greeting:
BE IT KNOWN, That in pursuance of a declaration of the Emperor of the Third Imperium and an act of the Imperial Moot, passed on the 26th day nine hundred and ninety one, I have Commissioned, and by these presents do commission, the private armed starship, called the _____________________________of the burden of _________________________Displacement tons, or thereabouts, owned by __________________of _____________ sector of_________ and ________________ of _______________ sector of ________________ Mounting _________________________, and navigated by ___________ Sophonts hereby authorizing _________________ captain, and _________________lieutenant of the said starship and the other officers and crew thereof, to subdue, seize, and take any armed or unarmed Solomani vessel, public or private, which shall be found within the jurisdictional limits of the Third Imperium, or elsewhere on the space lanes, or within the orbits of the Solomani dominions, and such captured vessel, with her apparel, guns, and appurtenances, and the goods or effects which shall be found on board the same, together with all the solomani persons and others who shall be found acting on board, to bring within some starport of the Third Imperium; and also to retake any vessel, goods, and effects of the people of the Third Imperium, which may have been captured by any Solomani armed vessel, in order that proceedings may be had concerning such capture or recapture in due form of law, and as to right and justice shall appertain. The said Sir Millin’hap Turkallin is further authorized to detain, seize, and take all vessels and effects, to whomsoever belonging, which shall be liable thereto according to the law of empires and the space lanes and the rights of the Third Imperium as a power at war, and to bring the same within some starport of the Third Imperium, in order that due proceedings may be had thereon. This commission to continue in force during the pleasure of the Emperor of the Third Imperium for the time being, through me, his servant and duly vested powers as Archduke of Gateway domain.
GIVEN under my hand and seal of the Third Imperium and the Domain of Gateway, at the City of Highport, Planet of Dukh, the ______________ day of the year of our Empire, nine hundred and ___________________.
BY THE ARCHDUKE, Marcus Aaron Erechs

How about adding this to the elibrary or the new resource area in a generic form or two? After all, the more privateers out there with me, the less chance the navy will pick on me! ;)