• Welcome to the new COTI server. We've moved the Citizens to a new server. Please let us know in the COTI Website issue forum if you find any problems.

Kick the tires, and light the fires...

Spinward Scout

SOC-14 5K
Hey everyone,

I'm heading out tomorrow morning to begin my truck driving training for Luckey Trucking. Taking gaming stuff with me to do during my off time. Will be using my experiences to write some Traveller stories or gaming ideas. But I have a feeling it's going to be tough. I gotta do what I gotta do if I want to get the things I've been wanting (like more gaming books!). Not sure when I'll get a chance to be on CotI for a while. So, I hope everyone is well and continues to be so...

Take care!

Sigh, another good Scout gone to the Merchants ;)

I'd say good luck but then you took care of that by signing up with Luckey Trucking
(is it really spelled like that or is that a typo?)

Keep the greasy side down and mind the double nickles (if that's still the law down there*). I suspect your free time on the road will be short and long between and you'll be happy to just sleep, eat and tend to nature calls.

Be well Traveller

* bit of an assumption (to bite me right on the assumptive part) that you'll be hitting the roads of the USA

My first week went and gone pretty fast. I've been to Minnesota, Iowa, Wisconsin, Indiana, Ohio, a little bit of West Virginia, and Pennsylvania. Didn't get a lot of time to myself, didn't get much time to sleep at all, but came up with a ton of ideas. A Wi-Fi laptop and a digitial voice recorder are at the top on my list of things to get. I'll have to up my cell phone to include national long distance coverage. But it's good money, and if I can still keep in touch with everyone (once I get a portable computer), I won't mind being gone as much. Hope everyone had/has a great week.

Scouting the Merchant Way...

Boomp, boomp, boomp, boomp - KABOOM! There, kicked the tires and lighted the fires.

Good luck, and thump any punks double-hard for me!
*Jame takes a good hard look at Wolfman, and then takes out a (still sheathed) cavalry saber.*

THUMP! And Wolfman staggers back, stunned - Jame walks away, having gotten revenge for the insult.

Hey Scout, got one for ya!