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Kafer Dawn

I remember playing this module years ago and had some fun times with it. Does anyone have some stories or adventure ideas to for it?
Some Kafer-related spoilers below. Read at your own risk!

One adventure idea that I had was for a French geneticist to come up with a virus to infect the Kafers and make them smart PERMANENTLY in hopes of taking away their need to and reason for fighting/conquest. The geneticist was part of a team that went into the bush on Aurore to capture some Kafers alive for experimentation. The team never returned.

Now the geneticist was a friend of one or more of the PC party members, giving the party the impetus to go find out what happened. Turns out the science team was killed in a firefight, but by humans using Kafer weapons (this was to be discovered by the PCs). Everyone was meant to think that the Kafers committed the deed, but one of the assailants got sloppy (I hadn't decided how, i.e. whether it was a boot print in the underbrush, etc.).

The culprits? The Ukranian Secret Service. Seems that Ukraine has been steadily rising on the world/galactic scene since the Kafer War due to their colony on Aurore and the success of their space navy in battle vs. the Kafers. Ukranian Powers-That-Be feel that if the Kafer War came to an abrupt end, so would Ukraine's chances of becoming a powerful nation. Ukranian intel got wind of the geneticist's efforts and decided to eliminate him before he could get very far with his research.

That's all I've come up with so far. Details would be added later if my gaming group ever actually got around to playing (and I know for a fact that none of them read these boards).
<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Captain Tylor:
Some Kafer-related spoilers below. Read at your own risk!

One adventure idea that I had was for a French geneticist to come up with a virus to infect the Kafers and make them smart PERMANENTLY in hopes of taking away their need to and reason for fighting/conquest. The geneticist was part of a team that went into the bush on Aurore to capture some Kafers alive for experimentation. The team never returned.

Now the geneticist was a friend of one or more of the PC party members, giving the party the impetus to go find out what happened. Turns out the science team was killed in a firefight, but by humans using Kafer weapons (this was to be discovered by the PCs). Everyone was meant to think that the Kafers committed the deed, but one of the assailants got sloppy (I hadn't decided how, i.e. whether it was a boot print in the underbrush, etc.).

The culprits? The Ukranian Secret Service. Seems that Ukraine has been steadily rising on the world/galactic scene since the Kafer War due to their colony on Aurore and the success of their space navy in battle vs. the Kafers. Ukranian Powers-That-Be feel that if the Kafer War came to an abrupt end, so would Ukraine's chances of becoming a powerful nation. Ukranian intel got wind of the geneticist's efforts and decided to eliminate him before he could get very far with his research.

That's all I've come up with so far. Details would be added later if my gaming group ever actually got around to playing (and I know for a fact that none of them read these boards).

I se a lot of potential for ideas here. The one question is that by making them smart all the time could lead to an even deadlier enemy than to stop them from fighting, so why would you want to take the chance?
That was to be the reason for the science team to go out into the bush in the first place. So little is/was known about Kafer biology and biochemistry that only a live specimen would do. And IIRC, by the time period that the Kafer Dawn module takes place, no Kafers had been captured alive. But you do have a good point, tho. I suppose that issue (permanently smart = permanently hostile?) is a detail best left for the referee to decide to fit his campaign.
<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Captain Tylor:
That was to be the reason for the science team to go out into the bush in the first place. So little is/was known about Kafer biology and biochemistry that only a live specimen would do. And IIRC, by the time period that the Kafer Dawn module takes place, no Kafers had been captured alive. But you do have a good point, tho. I suppose that issue (permanently smart = permanently hostile?) is a detail best left for the referee to decide to fit his campaign.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

That is true. I am thinking of running Kafer Dawn again with a new group so anymore ideas or suggestions would be nice.
One thing I remember doing as an adventure hook/ add new player to party was that a plane was shot down carring urgent supplies to a base. The PC are the closest to the crash site and are told to retrieve the supplies. When they get there one of the members of the plane crew is alive (the new PC) and must then get him and supplies to the base in a set time. Of course throw in a few Kafer and pitfalls to slow them down to make it a race to get to the base in time.