Originally posted by DaveChase:
But I going to try, and you can't stop me.
<edit> <see note after>
But seriously

this reminds me of a ponder I pondered once upon a ponder...
Why not allow and use the same formulae for exiting Jumpspace as entering? By which I mean you could plot your Jump to start at the safe 100 diameters, or less with some risks, and also plot your Jump to emerge at the safe 100 diameters, or again less with some risks. Plotting both ends at less than the safe would impose greater risks even. Maybe an extreme example would be clearer:
Our not-so-happy crew is on the run and in a panic they plot a hasty exit from the current system. They will be engaging the Jump drive as soon as they can, lets say 15 diameters (CT penalty of +5 on the misjump chance).
Not only that but the only system in range is Red Zoned and interdicted by the IN. So they need to get in nice and close to the Gas Giant and make a quick fuel skim and run again before they are caught there. So they plot the end run of the Jump for the same 15 diameters (CT penalty of +5, again, total penalty now +10).
Fortunately they are using refined fuel (CT no penalty) and the old Type S is built to take the abuse (CT bonus +2).
The course is plotted and engaged... (CT misjump chance is 13+ on 2d6 with total modifiers of +8)
The PC's are lucky (and roll a 4 + 8 = 12) and will manage to arrive very close to where they wanted to be.
Anyway, just a nutso idea I had once
Note in the example above if the roll had been 8 or more the ship would have been utterly destroyed, so it would be a very risky play, unless you allowed a bonus for the Navigator and/or Engineer, maybe +1 each if they make a skill check.