The next ship design contest is up over at JTAS. Come on over and join the fun.
Remember that any Traveller ship design system is OK.
The requirement is for a Q-ship based on a standard merchant design.
A Q-ship, for those unfamiliar with the term, is an armed vessel designed to
The requirement is for a Q-ship based on a standard merchant design.A Q-ship, for those unfamiliar with the term, is an armed vessel designed toresemble a merchant ship. They were generally converted from real merchantships. Two main types existed; defensive Q-ships designed to sinkunsuspecting submarines attacking seemingly unescorted merchants, andoffensive Q-ships that served as raiders and used their appearance to gainsurprise on enemy merchants and warships alike. In the Traveller universe,a Q-ship could be a pirate, an anti-pirate decoy, a military raider, or anyother role the designer can imagine.
The Q-ship may be based on a standard canon design (e.g. a Type R subsidizedmerchant) or a previously undescribed design as long as it is less than1,000 tons. In either case, general performance details and a very briefdescription of the original are required, but the detailed design is notrequired for the original ship. A detailed design of the modified ship isrequired (of course) along with a description of the conversion process andthe ship's role. In particular, designers must consider how any new systemswill be powered. An additional reactor may be required or the existingreactor may be replaced entirely, at the designer's discretion.
The Q-ship design may be a unique conversion or one of a class of standardconversions.
[NOTE: I had considered allowing new ships designed specifically to mimic astandard design but this much less challenging from a rules perspective, soI dropped that option. If this causes anyone a major problem, let me knowand I'll consider a further change.]
One or more scenario hooks is desirable.
Special Rule: A ship of any size with sufficient volume may carry one (1)50-ton internal bay weapon at the expense of half of its regular turrethardpoints(round down). For example, a 400-ton ship may carry one bay and 2 turrets,or a 700-ton ship may carry a bay and three turrets. [This is an optionalrule from T20, based on rules in 1stedition High Guard that allowed very small ships with bay weapons.]
Administrative: Designs are due no later than0500 EDT (0900 GMT) on Monday April 28
Remember that any Traveller ship design system is OK.
The requirement is for a Q-ship based on a standard merchant design.
A Q-ship, for those unfamiliar with the term, is an armed vessel designed to
The requirement is for a Q-ship based on a standard merchant design.A Q-ship, for those unfamiliar with the term, is an armed vessel designed toresemble a merchant ship. They were generally converted from real merchantships. Two main types existed; defensive Q-ships designed to sinkunsuspecting submarines attacking seemingly unescorted merchants, andoffensive Q-ships that served as raiders and used their appearance to gainsurprise on enemy merchants and warships alike. In the Traveller universe,a Q-ship could be a pirate, an anti-pirate decoy, a military raider, or anyother role the designer can imagine.
The Q-ship may be based on a standard canon design (e.g. a Type R subsidizedmerchant) or a previously undescribed design as long as it is less than1,000 tons. In either case, general performance details and a very briefdescription of the original are required, but the detailed design is notrequired for the original ship. A detailed design of the modified ship isrequired (of course) along with a description of the conversion process andthe ship's role. In particular, designers must consider how any new systemswill be powered. An additional reactor may be required or the existingreactor may be replaced entirely, at the designer's discretion.
The Q-ship design may be a unique conversion or one of a class of standardconversions.
[NOTE: I had considered allowing new ships designed specifically to mimic astandard design but this much less challenging from a rules perspective, soI dropped that option. If this causes anyone a major problem, let me knowand I'll consider a further change.]
One or more scenario hooks is desirable.
Special Rule: A ship of any size with sufficient volume may carry one (1)50-ton internal bay weapon at the expense of half of its regular turrethardpoints(round down). For example, a 400-ton ship may carry one bay and 2 turrets,or a 700-ton ship may carry a bay and three turrets. [This is an optionalrule from T20, based on rules in 1stedition High Guard that allowed very small ships with bay weapons.]
Administrative: Designs are due no later than0500 EDT (0900 GMT) on Monday April 28