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It go boom

Andrews Light and Magic.

Very cool
I can't seem to make any of the animations from your otherwise very enjoyable site work; It says quicktime is missing software to play the file, but the software isn't available. Any suggestions? I'd love to see these...
Very cool. Nitpick: the fighter doesn't seem to slide around properly to line up the guns on the target. It would seem to need to skid more. But, maybe its just me. :D
Originally posted by Fritz88:
Very cool. Nitpick: the fighter doesn't seem to slide around properly to line up the guns on the target. It would seem to need to skid more. But, maybe its just me. :D
He starts firing early and swings around until he's lined up. I made sure a couple of shots do actually hit!
Andrew, I can tell the shots hit. Its just something about the slide that doesn't look natural to me. But, as I said, its a nitpick - and a small one at that.
Maybe it's just me but it seems that the fireball/ gas cloud after the explosion acts like it's in an atmosphere. It puffs up into a cloud. I would think that in space the explosion would expand completely, the pod would just shatter without the cloud. Otherwise it's good.

BTW, how's the remainder of the Merc movie coming along?
Ha what a fool I am! I didn’t even recognize the fighter type at first. Solomani scum!
The next movie should be one of those fine SDBs blasting it into so much dust . . .
The fighter flies in an arc, from roughly 5 o'clock to 1 o'clock, with the beacon at 3. It probably does behave more like an aircraft than a spaceship, but that and the explosion fall into the "coolness beats realism" category.

No progress on the mini-movie yet, but hopefully soon.
Originally posted by Andrew Boulton:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Jame:
I like it. No sound, but it is in space, right?
The stars kind of give it away... </font>[/QUOTE]Could be at night, though...
Originally posted by Kurega Gikur:
Ha what a fool I am! I didn’t even recognize the fighter type at first. Solomani scum!
The next movie should be one of those fine SDBs blasting it into so much dust . . .
Dang right yo a fool, Impy Dog! The final frames of the follow on movie would show two 50,000 dton Hawkmore Armored Cruisers dropping out of jump, launching 48 of those little suckers and turning the SDBs into crispy fried scrap metal!