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Is the Digest Group material Canon?


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Are the starmaps and information published by the Digest Group considered "canon" for locations and UPP?

It certainly is excellent material, and should IMHO be considered Canon material.
<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Murph:
Are the starmaps and information published by the Digest Group considered "canon" for locations and UPP?

It certainly is excellent material, and should IMHO be considered Canon material.

My rule of thumb is no. There are some very serious problems with the data. AFAIK the only canon data for those sectors not already mapped is Atlas of the Imperium
<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Andrewmv:
My rule of thumb is no. There are some very serious problems with the data. AFAIK the only canon data for those sectors not already mapped is Atlas of the Imperium


The general feeling is that the DGP data is still cannon albeit due to copyright issues it falls into the category of "Forbidden Cannon" (IE material SJG can't make use of directly in the Guprs Trav line.)

Which of course doesn't and shouldn't mean that if it doesn't work for you you have to feel guilty about not using it.
I certainly think that the star locations on their dot maps is canon, or close to it.

When is anyone going to re-release the DGP stuff, and (Please Lord) the old FASA modules!?
<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Murph:
I certainly think that the star locations on their dot maps is canon, or close to it.

When is anyone going to re-release the DGP stuff, and (Please Lord) the old FASA modules!?

Well as someone who had to work with the old DGP dot maps (for the Interstellar Wars period) I curse the day it was ever released. Look closely at the map of the Ziru Sirka at it's height in V&V, you will notice that the entire Dingir subsector (the battleground and Vilani heartland during the Interstellar Wars) is not included! Trying to explain away how the ZS made such a major territorial expanision *after* the borders had been sealed and all expansion forbiden was not easy (you can see the results in GT Rim of Fire).

As to when the DGP (and FASA and Seeker IIRC) material will be republished, never is probably a good guess (apparently there are inreconcilable differences between the current copyright holder and Far Futures that are best not gone into).
<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Murph:
Are the starmaps and information published by the Digest Group considered "canon" for locations and UPP?

It certainly is excellent material, and should IMHO be considered Canon material.

I pray not - And yes it's cool stuff and yes I use much of it IMTU: otoh there is a certain &^#%$ named Rodger who owns all of that material and as a result it all needs to _officially_ die. Hopefully material from SJG and FFE will fully contradict it soon.

Surely all this material is MT cannon, and therefore by default Traveller cannon. Yes, we cannot reproduce it in a sourcebook. But, what stops us from obtaining usuage rights. Surely, DGP as a licencee would have to aknowledge the propertial rights of main game system which MT (copyright: GDW, now Marc) and therefore, they are protected in terms of not reproducing it but not usage.

Otherwise, design your campaign around DGP concepts letting your imagination fill the rest. Plus, didn't GDW aknowledge many of the events in DGP's formulations in TNE. And, TNE belongs to Marc, so what is the problem, trace it back to things like the Regency Sourcebook or Arrival Venegence.
Originally posted by Andrewmv:
As to when the DGP (and FASA and Seeker IIRC) material will be republished, never is probably a good guess (apparently there are inreconcilable differences between the current copyright holder and Far Futures that are best not gone into).
Actually, according to the Far Future Enterprises website, the FASA material will be reprinted starting in late 2002 (based on FFE's track record, however, it probably won't be in stores until early 2003). Just thought I'd point this out.
Ownership of DGP Question...

Forgive a relative newcomer, but who owns the rights to the DGP materials and why is there a problem with using this information?

Is this situation similar to The Fantasy Trip issue?

Quick answers to the DGP canon and ownership questions can be found in the TML FAQ here: http://www.downport.com/traveller/tml/tml-faq.html#Q5.11-DGPCanon

The short version is: DGP is owned by a guy named Roger Sanger who has done nothing and, based on past (non-)performance, will do nothing with the material.

Therefore, canon or not, the DGP stuff is effectively "dead" and unreproducible.

The one caveat here is that anything that was published with a "GDW" copyright instead of a "DGP" copyright is owned by Mark Miller, not Sanger, and is fair game.

Is there a way to add a FAQ to CotI with answers to the DGP, Nilsen, JG, etc questions that every newbie seems to ask? (I include myself in that list.)

I know no one likes to talk about "unpleasant" questions like DGP and Nilsen, but they do get asked and do deserve answers. Plus if QuikLink makes the FAQ, it can be as diplomatic as you want.

Just an idea.
Roger Sanger and DGP

Thanks for the info, I'm up to speed now.

Does anyone know what the current situation is? Is Roger still unwilling to pay Marc Miller for a license so he can re-print the DGP materials? Or is there some other complication?

Thanks again for the data.

Originally posted by PadawanJack:
Roger Sanger and DGP

Thanks for the info, I'm up to speed now.

Does anyone know what the current situation is?
I don't have any details, but I did recently come across a site that was reprinting Digest Group's 2300AD material, apparently with Sangar's permission.
Pentapod's World

The disclaimer seems to indicate that they have not sought permission from Far Future Enterprises.
From what I've been able to gather over the years there are really two conflicts in one. The first is that R*g*r S*ng*r won't accept FarFuture's standard licensee agreement and wants a special agreement (special in what exact way I don't know) which Marc Miller is unwilling to grant, so S*ng*r couldn't reprint the material he owns even if he wanted to. The second is that S*ng*r is apparently totally unwilling to sell the rights to anyone else (even though he can't use them himself). Various reports have him demanding either a 6-figure payoff or payment-in-kind helping him develop some sort of pipe-dream computer hardware that's supposed to revolutionize the way the world reads.

The general consensus among those who've dealt with R*g*r S*ng*r is that the only time the DGP material will ever see print again is when its copyrights expire (which under current law, and assuming he remembers to keep filing his extensions, could be 75 years or more away). This applies to everything published by DGP except for the text contents of MegaTraveller Journal issues 3 & 4, which, for whatever reason, were listed as copyright GDW (not DGP) and thus have reverted to Marc Miller/FFE, along with all the other GDW Traveller copyrights.

P.S. I'll gladly donate this post, as well as my "Case Against Dave Nilsen" summary on the TNE board, to any kind of Traveller Controversies FAQ, and will gladly allow Hunter/Avery/whoever to edit either or both for the sake of diplomacy/clarity/accuracy.
I surmise that MTs 3 and 4 were printed under GDW copyright because DGP could no longer afford the licensing fee what with it being broke for all intents and purposes.
at the time of priting it was canon and it has been used as canon for a great amount of time - so it should remain canon untill the traveller comunity has a vote??
From this topic Sanger seems to own the rights to the DGP canon. The question I have is what about items that licensed publisher developed with approval from Marc Miller?

Two different samples of consulting MWM:

  • IIRC there were couple of sidebars in the Digest that were approved by MWM. Are these DGP or official canon? One sidebar I clearly remember dealt with the Aslan development of Jump, and a definite answer was given which MWM approved.</font>
  • From the JTAS board, Loren mention several times about running ideas and clarifications with Miller.</font>
So my question: Are all of Marc's replies considered official canon or do they only apply to that specific product line? :confused:
If I find my Digest issues I will site, in later message, the exact wording of the forementioned sidebar.