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Introduction and a Request

Hey there.

Brand new here as of today. I haven't actually played Traveller since about ummm... 1990 or '91. In fact, I haven't even roleplayed but maybe a dozen or so times in the past 7 years (After being an *avid* RPer since I was 1983). But the other day a friend and I got to talking and I got to reminiscing about what a great game Classic Traveller was. He and I both have really fond memories of the LBBs. In fact, one of my best memories as a kid was when Marc Miller sent me a poster of the Imperium that he signed on the back in response to a letter I had sent him. That got me a ton of geek cred for years

Whenever I get all nostalgic, I tend to get on the web and start looking at stuff, in this case... Traveller stuff

When I found out about T5 coming out, I got really excited, and I'm sure when it (eventually) does, I'm going to take up my old hobby again. Looking through some of the old playtest files on Traveller5.com really whet my appetite.

I'm a graphic designer by trade, and a lot of times when I get excited about things I end up making websites about them. So, of course, I had to roll out something for Traveller.

It's just a template, right now, but I'd like for you all to take a look and let me what you think of the design itself and how it can be improved. Also let me know if it seems seriously FUBAR in your browser (I've done a bit of cross-browser testing, but you can never do *too* much)

Link: I'm calling it Imperium Voyagers. That may change, but probably not.

Just so you know, the only links that work on the left are the ones to change the styles (and technically it's not even a true style switcher yet).

Oh... and another technical thing. In the stylesheets for the site, I used Optima (the font that the Traveller logo uses) and a couple imitations. If you don't have any of them installed (If you use Mac, you almost certainly *do* have it installed), it's fine... it'll just fall back to Helvitica or Arial and look fine. My question, though, is for folks here who do designy stuff related to Traveller: do you use Optima, or do you use an alternative? If the latter, let me know which one. I plan on adding as many alternatives as I can find.

Also, if anyone would be interested in submitting any content... anything at all... let me know, and I can let you know how to get a hold of me.

Shwew... sorry for such a long, rambling intro. I'm all hopped up on coffee right now... :D
Welcome aboard vertigo25 :D

You've found a safe port here, even if you came in during some repairs after a bit of trouble. Browse around, lots to see. Lots of links besides the forums to check out, even if some of them are still undergoing some maintenance.

Jump in, as if I have to tell you that ;)

Your site is pleasing on the eyes and I can't wait for it to open to the public. Can't have too many places to take a break
Looks fine on this Win2K and Firefox fwiw, though the "red" text could be redder. Looks a bit pinkish on my rig. I know first hand the differences there used to be in colours between Mac and PC on the web. I'd thought they'd have worked that out by now.
Couple quick caveats...

There are ongoing server issues so at times the site is slow to update and show posts, often resulting in the more impatient (myself included) posting in triplicate or more. Best course is to select edit in the extras and click the delete post box then edit to tidy up. And you may also get some errors and such.

Things are a bit untidy in the Moot at the moment. Good help is so hard to find, after a long day of debating minutia of Imperial Governance none of us feels like cleaning. Which is to say most of the extras there are 404 and getting full use out of a membership is not in the cards at the moment. But work is underway, to draft a resolution, to make a motion, to form a committee, to prepare a report, on looking at getting it fixed...

Really, you should always make a motion *before* you draft a resolution. It just won't work any other way

I made the text red. Good eye, BTW. I had been playing with the pink/orange color because the red just looked to "solid" to me, but now I think it evokes the classic design a lot better.

I was just perusing the other forums and found a link to Mike Jackson's old Third Imperium zine archive. Those things were *brilliant*.

Is he a member here? I'd love to publish some of those articles on my site...
I've not played Traveller in a couple years, and many on here have been longer than that.

No worries.
What... you don't understand Lipsum? It's spoken by, like, billions of people in the Deziner sector.

That was bad. Sorry... kinda

I'm actually trying to figure out *exactly* what I want to do with the site. I have several ideas, and in a way, I don't want to try to incorporate *all* of them because I kind of like to have a niche and stick with it.

The idea I'm leaning towards most is having it be dedicated to a campaign, published serial style. Kind of an online "The Traveller Adventure," with a complete new adventure put up about once a month or so. {As an aside: when my friends in 8th grade and I played through TTA, we changed the name of the March Harrier to the Imperium Voyager. - and now you know where that comes from.}

I also love the idea of a general online fanzine, but, really... that ground is *really* well covered, and I'm not entirely sure I could bring anything new to it.

I just need to concentrate and pick an idea
We'll see what my head does in the next few days.
Originally posted by vertigo25:
I also love the idea of a general online fanzine, but, really... that ground is *really* well covered, and I'm not entirely sure I could bring anything new to it.
If I were to do an online site, I'd start a new onine fanzine (Freelance Traveller comes to mind), but I'd focus only on one rule system. Since my system of choice is Classic Traveller, I'd focus on that. I'd make the site a mecca for CT players. Any material from other Traveller versions covered would have to useable to a CT game (background material or equipment 100% compatible with CT).

I'd have links to various CT resources on the net. All the downloads would be things geared towards a CT game.

You might consider doing something like that. It doesn't have to be CT oriented. Simply pick your system of choice (you can even make it a T5 focus), and start building your 'zine from that perspective.

For me, the Traveller magazines and supplements that are multi-edition loose a lot of their appeal. Which is why I'd focus on one edition only.

Just a thought.

Originally posted by vertigo25:

Brand new here as of today. I haven't actually played Traveller since about ummm... 1990 or '91. In fact, I haven't even roleplayed but maybe a dozen or so times in the past 7 years
Jeeze, that sounds familiar.

Originally posted by vertigo25:

I'm a graphic designer by trade, and a lot of times when I get excited about things I end up making websites about them. So, of course, I had to roll out something for Traveller.

Nice design, pleasing on the eyes.

Good looking site. Sadly, my translator 'bot does not have Lipsum programmed into its memory banks. Still, the language seems to have some Latin influence. I always say, singulus bonus lingua est a mortuus lingua (the only good language is a dead language)! We'll see if my 'bot got that right. :cool:
You don't know Loren Ipsum? I dated her for a while. A little dolor sit amet, if you know what I mean. But when it comes to the adipiscing... Well, let's just say that site says it all. Ooh, La La!

Wait... Lorem?
oh, and welcome, vertigo25!

You'll find folks aroun' these here parts a little on thuh strange side, 'ceptin' that thar Hunter, cos that thar med-ee-kay-shun them fancy city doctors got him takin' is a-workin' reeeel good now.....

....oh, and I'm the local friendly Hiver, btw ;) ...

Nice test site as well, looks good in IE7 on WXPHome.
Very cool. Thanks everyone.

I've got quite a bit of work ahead on it, but I'm hoping to "officially" launch sometime in the next couple of weeks.

I think I've decided that it's going to be CT specific at least until such time that T5 comes out and I've been able to absorb it enough to decide that I like it. After that, it will be CT fused with T5 by way of homebrew conversions.

So, basically, I'll have some conversion guidelines that will allow people to read the stuff on the site and easily use it in their CT games, even if the adventure, ship, alien... whatever comes from T5, or vice-versa.

I agree with you about dividing a site or zine up across versions, Supp4. I want for readers to be able to use *all* of the things on my site for *either* CT or T5. When there's a conflict, I'll try to fall back to making it more generic.

It will, however, be open to all milieus, including fan original settings.

If it turns out nicely, I may do an annual or biannual "Best Of" collection in print and PDF.

Traveller Formerly Known As:
Sure. Send me some stuff. You can email me at my user name at gmail.com, or through the forum.
Aside from lacking content, looks good!

I'm on a mac, running firefox.

Links page gave a 404, tho'.
Just an update (from a post on the Striker group), the original poster vertigo25 may be back only sporadically and his website work is on indefinite hold. He's had a string of bad luck topped with his computer has died and he has no easy way to connect.