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International Pre-Orders


Hi everyone,

First of all, I would like to warn you that I'm neither Canadian nor American, I live in the land beyond the Sea... no not Japan, the other way... Europe. The Old World.

I have noticed that a lot of members are of European origin and/or residence, and of course I expect a lot of you have pre-ordered T20.

Having myself pre-ordered T20 a long, long time ago, I am still waiting for it's arrival.

How many of you have received your player bludgeoning tool, disguised in the artful form of a Traveller's Handbook?

I arrive home after work everyday frantically searching for a package from the US, and feel miserably after knowing it still has not arrived.

It's SOOOO frustating that I need to know I'm not alone, so if you:
1) are european;
2) pre-ordered;
3) and have not received the book yet;

Please post here in order to receive confort and support from others who suffer with you.
Me niether, i even emailed and pollitely asked if it was at least on the way and no reply what so ever. I'm a little disappointed, but will still love Traveller so I'm patiently waiting.
It's SOOOO frustating that I need to know I'm not alone, so if you:
1) are european;
2) pre-ordered;
3) and have not received the book yet;

Please post here in order to receive confort and support from others who suffer with you.
1) yes
2) yes
3) yes

but one day we'll get that book... one day...
I'm still waiting for my copy to arrive, and in another thread said that when I ordered GRIP:Traveller it took about 6-8 weeks to arrive. Ten days of that was a detour via Swedish customs.
* le bump *

Anyone else???
Originally posted by MrStealth:
Arrived in Sheffield (UK) this morning!


Whoopee! :D

Got home today (Cambridge, UK) to find an implausibly large box full of expanded poly bits, and a fat glossy T20 book!
now, to get reading...