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interdiction satellite(s)


SOC-14 5K
Has anyone mounted deckplans on the web or would be able to send deckplans for an interdiction satellite (either official or their homebrewed variant), asap. Running an adventure which requires a stopover.
High Passage had one, set in the Edge system, Old Expanses, Ile subsector, and the deck plans. As RichardP, Kafka, he's the one who scanned a copy of the plans and showed me 'em.
Not quite, I converted a HG interdiction sat to TNE rules and thats on the bard site. But no deckplans. There is another in the IISS ship files.

Interdiction Satellite TL-12
12 tons (treat as small craft for combat.
Power plant A (4 tons)
M-drive A (1 ton)
Mod 1bis computer (1 ton)
Advanced sensor package 2 tons
Triple turret
2 Pulse
1 Missile

2 tons of fuel.
Deployable solar panels

Designed to maneuver just enough to avoid incoming missile and laser fire the IS-12 can remain on low power mode until it encounters combat and then spring into action.
Hi Kafka

Check your mail, you have a few kilobytes of text describing the "slab" class Orbital weapons Platform. These were built using FF&S, so the level of detail borders on neurotic: I only sent you the useful "fluff" for adventurers, and hope that they are not having to deal with a Mod-8 (a pod of these work well as cruiser killers...) Sorry about the lack of deckplans, looks like I didn't scan these beasties in when I roughed them out.

Note that Base TL ranges from 9 to 13

By ~TL-12 the manufacturing base of any system should be good enough that throwing away crew on a "deathtrap" like this is no longer needed, and SDB's come into the fore. These were ubiquitous enough that raiders got used to "busting" them, thus the version with far too much capability, effectively an SDB masquerading as an OWP.

These are known as "Slab" or "Brick" class orbital weapons platforms, and were originally designed at ~TL9 as a last ditch attempt to stave off technically advanced (~TL-12 at the time) raiders. The alternative was slavery or extinction, and the early versions suffered better than 80% loss rates.

The base hull form is 6m high (2 decks) x 10m wide x 20m length (or 22m length in later versions) with 1/2 meter of hardened steel hull armour on all faces. The two ends are entirely occupied with 4 strategic missile launchers, each of which carry 5 missiles (40 missiles total) while the central area is 2 decks high with a spherical "command module" which doubles as an emergency escape system. Primary power is a 10 MW fission pile (good for 1-2 years at max output) with backup power provided by a fuel cell, batteries and solar cells. Standard crew is 4 (2 gunners, an engineer and an electronics specialist)

Thrust is provided by an ion thruster, which provides a massive 1 mm/sec thrust, with fuel for about a year of sustained operation (yup, it's a mobile minefield) An emergency low berth is provided (not in the "command / escape" section) in case the crew needs to abandon ship with a crew member not in the command module. (The command module is a sepearte hull, and the ion thruster pushes it at about 1/10 of a G) Crew quarters and life support is planned for durations of roughly 3-6 months (including consumables) and normal deployment is in a "pod" of 5 pairs to allow crews to exchenge to avoid "cabin fever", although a picket would only have a single pair, with crews likely to be exchanged every 4 weeks. These OWP's were often grounded on small moons and manned as planetary missile bases, and "scrap" versions are often found as labs, construction shacks, and anywhere else a high-tech vaccum-capable "trailer module" would come in handy, especially in high-radiation or debris environments.

In their standard configuration these typically either carry a Lab or workshop, so that the crew has something to do while waiting for the sensor arrays to detect something, and a "pod" of these will actually provide a significant orbital manufacturing presence (arguably enough to qualify as a class "C" starport)

Normal operation is to link these beasties together in pairs and spin them ("crack the whip" style) to provide centrifigual force since they do not carry G-plates. A useful side effect of this allows them to launch "dummy" missiles by inflating what amount to glorified aluminum foul bags held on the outer hull. Since they are not thrusting (and missiles are launched by "dropping" them and letting the spin "drop" them away from the hull) these decoys are almost indistinguishable from a "live" missile past a few hundered KM (or somewhat past ~50,000 KM for decent TL-15 passive sensors).

Scott Martin
Find the current version of the 3D model here:

This is a MOD-4 hull (10m x 22m x 2 decks) and is not yet complete, but the missile tube locations are in, the main hatches are set, and the command module blowout sections are there (the wierd circular areas top and bottom)

Hopefully this is enough for Kafka to run his adventure at the Con later today, and it includes a "person" for scale (readily deleted) If not, hopefully he will drop me a line and I can take screen snaps and upload them as GIF's

I'll try to have the "final" version ready by the end of the weekend, since a lot of this needs serious texturization and other goodies...

www.ScottMartin.ca will probably stop being so much of a placeholder in the next month or so, and will have navigation that doesn't suck quite so much (with "hidden" content that can only be found by hitting things like the link above) by Monday.

Scott Martin