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Interceptor has arrived


SOC-14 5K
Not sure how many of you got the Popular Science Article dealing with the transporation of USMC through orbit (http://www.popsci.com/popsci/aviationspace/f2c1d65a5f59f010vgnvcm1000004eecbccdrcrd.html)

Somebody got paid a lot of money to come up with a pipe dream concept. Consider the cost involved to put so few Marines in place, just doesn't seem practical.
As I understand the long-term DOD vision, they are looking for ways to eliminate foreign bases without losing the ability to put boots on the ground anywhere quickly. If this idea maintains global rapid-response while eliminating the need for foreign bases, the cost saved would be enormous. Similarly, they have hypersonic drones in the pipeline for deployment in the next few years that may make overseas air bases unnecessary for rapid air stikes.
Seems very expensive for a small number of marines on the ground. More importantly, how do you resupply them and how do you get them back?
Originally posted by Ron Vutpakdi:
Seems very expensive for a small number of marines on the ground. More importantly, how do you resupply them and how do you get them back?
If you're talking "occupation" forces these concerns are show stoppers. If you're talking about reinforcing a group protecting an embassy or something similar the idea has merit.

If you remove the need for a runway - then it has merit for special force type missions.

Another potential show stopper is vulnerability to anti-aircraft fire.

Whether the current limititations to the idea will allow development or not, its the type of thing the military planners should be looking at to see if it's feasible (if nothing else to make sure we can protect against it if someone else trys it.)
I don't care whether it works....the ship deserves 10/10 for pure coolness of design.

Just imagine one of these babies coming out orbit glowing in white heat and doing a Vertical Landing...wow!
