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Absent Friend
This got started on the Dain Thrangar thread. I'm just moving it over here.

My next building project will be a complete listing of significant or usefull
npc's[including NPC stats] for my Classic Spinward Marches campaign.
You can get a hint about what I'm doing with the Dresden and Lydia post
over in Lone Star. Basically, starting with the Emperor, and going all the
way down to "Imperial Military guys who wear red shirts." Kinda like
what was done with the Arrival Vengence Folio, only more of it. Presently
I have about 16 pages worth of material, mostly just stats and skills.

NPC's In MY Traveller Universe [IMTU] as of 1105, [INCOMPLETE]
Table of Contents:

Emperor Strephon:
Empress Iolanthe:
Grand Princess Ciencia Iphigenia:
Duke Dresden
Princess Lydia
Grand Prince Lucan:
Grand Prince Varian:
Archduke Dulinor:
Archduches Isis:
Duchess Margaret:
Delphine, Matriarch of Mora:
Duke Norris:
Branj Dilgadin:
Admiral Lord Santanocheev:
Zhodani Provincial Governor: Shtaliajtlas
Zhodani Admiral: Qianzhatl
Zhodani Advisor to Ine Givar:
Zhodani Ambasador:
Zhodani Press Attache: Brienshqloriashav
Zhodani Captain:
Zhodani Spy:
Zhodani Merchant:
Sword Worlds Admiral: Rikstadttar
Sword Worlds Ground Commander:
Sword Worlds Captains:
Commander, 4518th Regiment:
Commander, PSG Division:
Commander, Imperial Army Forces, Efate:
INI officer:
Crew of the Detached Duty Scout _Wayward Dream_:
Marc Hault-Oberlindes:
Sergie hault-Oberlindes:
Sergie's girlfriend, Zinnovia:
Ine Givar leader on Efate:
K'kree, any K'kree
Hiver, any Hiver
Darrian, any Darrian:
Vargr, any vargr:
Aslan, any aslan:
Solsec agents:
Solsec fireteam:
Ministry of Justice Agent:
Trouble Shooters:
SPA Personel:
IN Commodores:
IN Captains:
Imperial Military types wearing Red Shirts:

Non canon, Non OTU, strictly IMTU personalities:[INCOMPLETE]
Treize Khushrenada[from Gundam Wing]
General Noventa[from Gundam Wing]
Colonel Zechs Merquise[from Gundam Wing]
Lt Lucrezia Noin[from Gundam Wing]
Fay Valentine[from Cowboy Beebop]
Roger Smith[from Big O]
Dorothy R. Wainright[from Big O]
Ming the Merciless[from Flash Gordon]
Barbarella[from, uh, you know]
Wanda Von Kreesus[from Oh Wicked Wanda]
Candy Floss[from Oh Wicked Wanda]
Cyrano Jones[from Star Trek]
Harry Mudd[from Star Trek]
Darth Vader[from Star Wars]
Han Solo[from Star Wars]
Luke Skywalker[from Star Wars]

Thats all I got right now. Any additions? Any ideas?
Any thoughts? GIVE ME YOUR BRAIN.
A bunch of these, those at the bottom that is, are already done for you in the Appendix to the T20 Traveller's Handbook (p421 and following). When TA#4 comes out it will expand those to include stats for the same set of characters at levels 3, 9 and 12 in addition to the 6th in the THB
Dr Skull observes:
A bunch of these, those at the bottom that is, are already done for you in the
Appendix to the T20 Traveller's Handbook (p421 and following).
I may borrow elements from that section, however, I'm using CT/MT for my NPC list.

Thanks for the observation though.

Actually, right now what I need are names:

I need 5 Zhodani names [one for a prole, the rest intendant/nobles]
2 Aslan names, 2 Vargr names, 1 K'kree, and 1 Geonee.

The rest I can figure easily.
Perhaps _Cowboy Bebop's_ Radical Edward should be converted. Also some Hivers and Ithklur, as well.
Now that I think of it, _Stargate SG-1's_ team (Jack O'Neil, Sam Carter, Teal'c and Daniel Jackson), with their equipment.
Now that I think of it, _Stargate SG-1's_ team (Jack O'Neil, Sam Carter, Teal'c and Daniel Jackson), with their equipment.
One of my brief flings with TNE had a fireteam from a TL8 world, sent out to see what else was in the universe. It was interesting.
Perhaps _Cowboy Bebop's_ Radical Edward should be converted. Also some
Hivers and Ithklur, as well.
Pretty much all the major characters from bebop fit well in the Traveller universe.
I'm gonna have 1 Hiver, I dunno about Ithklur, it is, after all, a Spinward Marches campaign that I'm designing. I can understand a Hiver or two floating around, but
I dunno about Ithklur in the marches. As for Solsec presence, their mainly in the
Marches to watch for a Frontier War to break out, and forward that info back home
so the Confederation could take advantage of it.
The table of contents list is growing:
December 31, 2002
I have gone back and edited this post, since the list is still growing. Presently, my long list of npc's runs about 31 pages, and I'm still not finished with it yet.

NPC's In MY Traveller Universe [IMTU] as of 1105, for the Spinward Marches Classic Campaign.

Table of Contents:

css canon, stats and skills
cs canon, stats or skills
c canon, no stats or skills
g generated character
x my checklist

In the case of cs and c, I have generated details to fill in stats and skills.
In the case of css, if the character lacked stats and skills I thought it should
have, I've modified it. As an example, my Emperor Strephon has Pilot skill in stead of Ships Boat. Similarly, the scout ship Wayward Dream is canon, but the crew names, stats and skills are not it canon, so I generated them.
Those not marked x have not been worked on yet.

Royal Family:
Emperor Strephon:x css
Empress Iolanthe:x cs
Grand Princess Ciencia Iphigenia:x cs
Duke Dresden:x c
Princess Lydia:x c
Grand Prince Lucan:x c
Grand Prince Varian:x c

Imperial Nobles & Staff:
Archduke Dulinor:x c
Archduke Ishiggi:x c
Duchess Isis:x c
Duchess Margaret:x css
Duchess of Glisten Avaraja Muktheswara:x c
Delphine, Matriarch of Mora:x c
Duke Norris:x css
Branj Dilgadin:x css
Princess Glorinna Firella:x css
Ek:x css

Imperial Military:
Admiral Lord Santanocheev:x c
Admiral Elphinstone:x c
Vargr Mercenary Admiral Gvungughz x c
Commander, 4518th Regiment: Adkhar Ekiir x g
Commander, PSG Division: Snake Conner x g
Vice Marshall Lord Calavan, Commander, 43rd Army, Efate:x c
Vice Marshall Adam Lord Bryor, Rhylanor:x c
INI officer: Mazun Miraku x g
IN Commodores:
Commodore Arsan Pa:x g
IN Captains:
Captain Gani Didir:x g
Captain Eneri Arkeluki:x g
Reserve/Colonial Captains:
Captain Gamaagin Kaashukiin, Adabicci:x css
Imperial Military types wearing Red Shirts:
Sgt Major Agi Amshur:x g
1st Lt Eneri Nicollson:x g
1st Lt Arvin Snape:x g
Lance Cpl Gamm Uduki x g
Major Ringaal Deastera x css
Sgt Piotyr Chandra x css
Cpl Emil 'Boomer' Brankovich x css
GSgt Thomas Cordova x css
Lance Sgt Sharik Arbig x g
Crew of the Detached Duty Scout _Wayward Dream_: c/g
Commanding Officer, Navigator Dallas Taylor x g
Executive Officer, Pilot Tara Ryan x g
Chief Engineer Urjasz Zabawska x g
Steward / Drive Hand / Communications Operator Norin Laris x g
Doctor/Gunner Ruffus J. Oleander x g
Security Tetradia Ishshu x g
Deck Hand Kizzy Fenwick x g
Cargo Handler Uektsadh x g

Other Scouts:
Scout Administrator Galland:x css

Zhodani Provincial Governor: Shtaliajtlas x c
Zhodani Admiral: Qianzhatl x c
Zhodani Advisor to Ine Givar: Plistepr x g
Zhodani Ambasador: Qiarandlastas x g
Zhodani Press Attache: Brienshqloriashav x c
Zhodani Captain: Dniepr x g
Zhodani Spy: Tliablzhidiliepr x g
Zhodani Merchant: Qenzh Chtilnats x g

Sword Worlders:
Sword Worlds Admiral Wolfgang Rikstadttar x c
Sword Worlds Ground Commander:
Major General Arald Thorkar x g
Sword Worlds Captains:
Captain Ulf Thoran x g
Sword Worlds Ambassador Arnulf Hviti x c

Other Notables:
Arden Admiral: Gailard Soncou x g
Arden Ambassador: Charles Deloir x g
Darrian Ambassador Ros Mabiladh x c
Trexalon Ambassador Matthias Vendermeer x c


K'kree, any K'kree:
!Beuukut!, K'kree Merchant x g

Hiver, any Hiver:
M. Alice, Hiver Story Teller x g

Vargr, any vargr:
Oueth, Vargr Militia x g

Aslan, any aslan:
Tlea'AulreliyhOuhaoleawa'eliea, Aslan Mercenary x css
Yaiy'rlei'es, Aslan Outcast x g

Bwap, any Bwap:
Bwapa-awpapa-a-wawaker x g

Virushi, any Virushi:
Verianisha x g

Ael Yell, any Ael Yell:
Jaeyahiji x g

Droyne, any Droyne:

Law Enforcement/Intelligence Gatherers/Covert ops:
see also INI officer, in Imperial Military section.
see also Zhodani Spy and Advisor, in Zhodani section.
Ine Givar leader on Efate:
Relen Gensar x g
Solsec agent Zora Zelina x g
Ministry of Justice Agent Janice Akis x g
Florian Inteligence Officer Prora Fando x g

Marc Hault-Oberlindes: c
Sergie Hault-Oberlindes:x cs
Sergie's girlfriend, Zinnovia:x cs
Bus. Executive Kafla Thingvellir:x css

Merchant Captains:
Alexander Jamison:x css
Merchant Crew:
Freee Trader Lothario Finger:x css

Enli Iddukagen:x css
Doctors: Eneri Bennet x g
Medics: Angyl Hulagga x g
Emergency Service Technicians[aka Firefighters]:
Frank McGinty x g
Professor Dev Landrel:x css
Professor Sir Gnetus Jerrold Vicervis: x css
Scientist Simone Garibaldi:x css
SPA personel:


Artist: Shid Mimmigen x g
Athlete: Michelle Kazuri x g

Lonis Lampers x g
Osto Burin x g
Duonnette Gimmini xg
Jara Ilgud x g
Francene Kariss x g
Johnny Miigaki x g
Construction workers:
Agugam Kirkamikakhu x g
Citizen workers:
Sissy Kagumish x g
Candi Kumrag x g
Britney Arshugiipaar x g
Rogues/Trouble Shooters:
Jon McRae:x css
Zilla Pegunang:x css
see also Imperial Nobles & Staff

Lay Minister Gani Ishugani x g

Non canon, Non OTU, strictly IMTU personalities:
ncss non-canon canon [stats and skills for non-canon character exist in canon]
ncs non-canon [stats and skills exist, with explanation of where they were found]
ncg non-canon generated/extrapolated

Treize Khushrenada[from Gundam Wing]
General Noventa[from Gundam Wing]
Colonel Zechs Merquise[from Gundam Wing]
Lt Lucrezia Noin[from Gundam Wing]
Fay Valentine[from Cowboy Beebop]
Roger Smith[from Big O]
Dorothy R. Wainright[from Big O]
Ming the Merciless[from Flash Gordon] ncs[Old TML]
Barbarella[from Barbarella] ncs[Old TML]
Wanda Von Kreesus[from Oh Wicked Wanda] ncg x
Candy Floss[from Oh Wicked Wanda]
Cyrano Jones[from Star Trek]
Harry Mudd[from Star Trek] ncss
Darth Vader[from Star Wars] ncss
Han Solo[from Star Wars] ncss
Indiana Jones[from Indiana Jones] ncss
Deckard[from Blade Runner] ncss
Luke Skywalker[from Star Wars] ncss
Aeon Flux[from Aeon Flux]
Colonel Wolf Yularen[from Star Wars CCG]

Well, thats it for now.
Well, I just finished up working on the Non canon, Non OTU, strictly IMTU personalities. A couple I had I pulled, but the rest are done. I'll be posting them in the Character Dump section of the Adventurers Forum either today or tommorow.

I'm still working on the complete list, but if you did the stats and skills on all of the characters, you would have 40 pages of material.

I've got one thing left to work on; Bartenders.

Aeon Flux!

If she's in YTU, what about her setting? Is one of the worlds IYTU like the world her, ah, misadventures were set in? And don't her compatriots wonder how she keeps coming back from the dead?
Originally posted by RainOfSteel:

Aeon Flux!

If she's in YTU, what about her setting? Is one of the worlds IYTU like the world her, ah, misadventures were set in? And don't her compatriots wonder how she keeps coming back from the dead?
Wow! Rain of Steel does the Indiana Jones thing and digs up the past...

I don't think I ever finished getting to the Aeon Flux work up. Hmmm... Maybe Porozlo? Someplace with High pop, Balkanized government, and breathable air.

:D And your PC's could have Trevor Goodchild as a Patron encounter...
Originally posted by plop101:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by RainOfSteel:

Aeon Flux!

If she's in YTU, what about her setting? Is one of the worlds IYTU like the world her, ah, misadventures were set in? And don't her compatriots wonder how she keeps coming back from the dead?
Wow! Rain of Steel does the Indiana Jones thing and digs up the past...
</font>[/QUOTE]What? You didn't see me drag out seven or eight posts out of late 2002, early 2003 period from the IMTU forum a couple of days ago? (The active posts were dropping fast, and I was sort of trying to get some alternate conversations going. Some of it worked, some dropped right off the active list. Oh well.)

Originally posted by plop101:
I don't think I ever finished getting to the Aeon Flux work up.
<wrist slap />

You will now be sent to your stateroom without any Everfresh Sandwiches or SolaCola. And you thought your parents were tough!

Originally posted by plop101:
Hmmm... Maybe Porozlo? Someplace with High pop, Balkanized government, and breathable air. :D
Isn't TL-11 a little low for the Aeon Flux background? Seems like an odd admixture of TL-10 to TL25, or thereabout.

Originally posted by plop101:
And your PC's could have Trevor Goodchild as a Patron encounter...
That, would be, bad . . .
Come on! Everyone overlooks Andromeda... sure, it may have started declining... 2 seasons ago, but still. If you got time, you gonna add Dylan Hunt and Tyr Anasazi. The only problem is those pesky force lances... Has anybody designed those for CT? that be a cool toy.
Sure. I think the general consensus was that they were essentially Gauss weapons (that or I'm remembering another one of these forums which is, as far as I can tell, in the Great Somewhere Else...), which'd be cool. But what're Hunt 'n' Anasazi without Beka Valentine, and the engineer, and Trance Gemini?!?
Trance, i feel, was, and always be a pain in the but. But you're right, Harper and Valentine would be nice additions, and lets not forget Rommie. Gaheris Rhade would be a sweet one too. Neitzcheans are strangly missing from Traveller...