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IMTU: 985-373, Paradise Lost

Recently I've done a little work detailing the worlds of the Outrim Void; having lost my last player, it looks like the future of my Traveller will be limited to such intellectual pursuits. If there is interest, I will expand this information and may soon include an adventure idea for this world. Some may find the ideas here useful should they wish to include 985-373 or a similar world in their campaigns. Enjoy!

1209 985-373 X775000-0 BaLoNi 020Na G6V M3V

[IMTU: X7-K55-W5-0000-0]

At one time this world was home to three nations with a combined population of almost 3000000. The tech level average was A.

The atmosphere of 985-373 during the height of inhabitation was still tainted, but the levels of hazardous organic dust were at a minimum in inhabited areas through the cutting and replacing of the vegetation responsible for the occasional mass-release of toxic pollen dust.

After the nuclear war and the rapid decline (and death) of the inhabitants, the hazardous grasses returned in full force to those areas where they had been cut. Also, fallout in and nearby the formerly inhabited areas presented a radiation hazard.

By 1400, the radiation hazard is at worst minimal; however, the danger of poisoning from inhalation of toxic organic dust is significantly higher than during the period of colonization and inhabitation. With a minimum of difficulty, this world could be transformed into a garden; eradication and replacement of the dangerous plant life in and immediately around areas of inhabitation would eventually remove the atmospheric taint. Settlement could also be rebuilt to the west of the vast prairies that bathe areas downwind with toxic dust. Complete eradication would be unfeasible and probably impossible; in any case such a dramatic measure would be unnecessary, as intelligent placement of settlements and a well-designed cutting program would limit costs and greatly reduce hazards in settled areas.

The pollen itself is not toxic; it is the dust vehicle, provided by a fungus in a symbiotic relationship with the grass (long ago the fungus was a parasite) that causes a frightening and occasionally deadly poisoning. The toxic principle resembles the Terran mycotoxin diacetoxyscirpenol and can cause nausea, vomiting and immune system suppression. Exposure to higher levels of the toxin can result in vomiting and nausea followed by a deceptive period of seeming recovery. This is usually followed by severe subcutaneous hemorrhages, anemia, and death. Although the dust is highly poisonous as a food contaminant, it is much deadlier inhaled and unless the grasses responsible are regularly cut back, toxic dust becomes a very big problem on 985-373. Since the death of the final inhabitants of the world the grasses have reclaimed cut areas and regularly pollute the atmosphere with mycotoxin-laced dust.

Animal life on 985-373 is largely immune to the effects of the mycotoxin; very little is known about life on 985-373 except that it is plentiful.

Certainly tjoneslo, feel free to use any or all of the information.

(and thank you for the link to Traveller Wiki by the way, for some reason I never could find it)
Now I just need a real name to post the author information in the wiki...
tjoneslo: My name is Alan Obrezavic. I will add a little more here, as always feel free to take as little or as much as you want from the information.
More about 985-373 (including a name)

The following information is contained in a report compiled by the captain and crew of the armed passenger-cargoman Marion’s Star and offered for sale to several corporations operating in the Egyrn/Pax Rulin (‘Outrim’) area. This information is NOT common knowledge.

Research indicates that the initial colonists were humans who spoke Galanglic. Although dealing with the toxic dust problem was no doubt a monumental task at first, the colonists obviously overcame the difficulties (it is inferred that an efficient program of cutting and replacement of the culprit grasses existed in the past). It is not known exactly when 985-373 was colonized; a former scout on Marion’s Star extrapolated that 985-373 may have been among the last of the worlds of Egyrn to be settled. At the height of development of the civilization on 985-373, three independent nations existed. The initial technological level of the settlers is unknown, as is the level of regression, but by the time of the final war, the tech level is estimated to have been 10 (A). Retro technology (the existence of a widespread rail network as well as topographical evidence for older rail lines and roads) indicates that the inhabitants of 985-373 had fallen below tech-10 in the past, and were rising in technology when the final war occurred.

The colonists’ name for their world was “Tirion”; the crew of Marion’s Star is unfamiliar with the significance of the word but suspects some cultural or personal connotation (clearly not of Vilani origin). Perhaps this will shed some light on the origin of the colonists. The three nations that developed on 985-373 were known as Ansted, Vidin, and Mindonia. Ansted was the largest and most developed, with some early level-11 technology apparently being manufactured. Vidin no doubt had the most trouble with toxic dust but had become the leader in agriculture by the time of the final war. There were areas of industry in Vidin however; the largest surviving ruin on 985-373 is the dead industrial city of Mahoning, located in Vidin (although the city center took a direct hit from an estimated 75kT nuclear weapon, much of the city survived thanks to its NW-SE orientation along both sides of the Antisana River). Mindonia was the smallest nation and the most bereft of well-preserved ruins. Only two urban ruins were discovered in Mindonia, and both of these were mostly destroyed by nuclear weapons.

The Starports

Ansted, Vidin and Mindonia apparently built independent starport facilities. The best preserved, located in Ansted (the Almaida ruin), seems to have been the equivalent of a Type-B facility. The port was damaged but not completely destroyed by a nuclear strike. The functional ability of the starport in Vidin could not be ascertained; a direct strike by a nuclear weapon (estimated 200-500 kT) completely destroyed all structures associated with the port. Mindonia apparently constructed a Type-D or Type-E facility. This facility does not appear to have been a direct target during the final war; severe damage to nearby structures seems to have resulted from a storm. Some members of the crew of Marion’s Star believe the structures were limited repair and refueling facilities. Others speculate that the structures were for storage. In any event, it is clear that the inhabitants of 985-373 engaged in or expected inter-system travel and probably interstellar visitation. The remains of crashed vehicles as well as two undamaged examples (at Ansted) were examined. Remains of satellites exist but very few remain in orbit by 1406.

If an orbital facility(ies) ever existed, it must have crashed or otherwise been destroyed many years ago. No sign or obvious wreckage could be found.