Andrew Boulton
The Adminator
What colour are they?
The Solomani Marines already wear black. SolSec already wears Black. Does everyone in Solomani Service wear Black? (Does that actually make any kind of sense?)Originally posted by Border Reiver:
Don't know about Imperials but the Solomani Navy is definitely BLACK
The Solomani Marines already wear black. SolSec already wears Black. Does everyone in Solomani Service wear Black? (Does that actually make any kind of sense?) </font>[/QUOTE]The pround defenders of true humanity refuse to needlessly wast the hard-earned money of the citizens they have sworn to defend. Therefor they do not follow unneccesary and wasteful Imperial Customs like differently colored uniforms. The citizens in turn honor their valiant defenders in their choice of colors.Originally posted by BetterThanLife:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Border Reiver:
Don't know about Imperials but the Solomani Navy is definitely BLACK
IMTU the IN uniforms are red (or white and red). Back in 2003 I posted examples to StuffOnline that by funny coincidence also used anime (or manga) characters. I never saw the "Official" page ... send me the link if you find it.Originally posted by Jame:
There was once an Official Imperial Navy Webpage which was linked to by the SJGames site with a whole lot of it; it's now (as far as I can tell) gone off but it had an anime-illo of a (rather cute) girl in IN uniform, which was grey.
Yeah, it's too bad they didn't also tell what colors the sunbursts are shown against. All we can say for sure is that the Navy's isn't yellow, the Scouts' isn't red, the Army's isn't black (actually, if you believe GT Ground Forces, there is no Imperial Army to have a uniform color), and the Marines' isn't maroon (which is probably a great relief to the marines).Originally posted by far-trader:
Not sure where the strongly stated 'official' uniform colours are coming from, all I'm aware of is the official colours for the Imperial Sunbursts worn by the services. Yellow for the Navy, Red for the Scouts, Black for the Army, and Maroon for the Marines.
There's an Imperial merchant service in YTU?I think I added Green for the Merchants imtu.
Not a bad notion, though blue and green would work too.So my take on it is there is probably a single colour of uniform for all the services, and the services are noted by the colour of the Imperial Sunburst flash worn. I figure the default is a nice dress white, subject to active camo in combat.
You know why the British Army wore red jackets? It was the cheapest cloth Cromwell could find.Originally posted by Michael Brinkhues:
Well, in reality the only color Solomanie Clothing Industrie can produce is black. But that's a state secret.
Google for 'HeroMachine'. It might help.Originally posted by rancke:
(And, no, this is one place where I can't just suit myself in my own TU. I can't draw for toffee, so I'm dependent on on official illustrations to show my players how an NPC looks, and having to tell them "He looks like this except that his uniform looks like the one that guy I showed you last adventure wore" is damaging to the mood).
If I still had it I'd have linked to it. This was back in '99 to '00, and last I saw it it was in Hungarian and had nothing to do with Our Favorite Game.(In fact, I was hoping that someone would point it out to me!)Originally posted by Hemdian:
IMTU the IN uniforms are red (or white and red). Back in 2003 I posted examples to StuffOnline that by funny coincidence also used anime (or manga) characters. I never saw the "Official" page ... send me the link if you find it.
Regards PLST
I didn't know there was a yahoo group, and I didn't know there was a version 3 on the way (though I hoped there might be.)Originally posted by far-trader:
There's also a HeroMachine yahoo group and version 3 is in development right now. Your chance to shape the destiny of the future of the character illustrator for the masses awaits[![]()
That is almost exactly my experience!
I loved ver 1, used it to no end, even while ver 2 was in beta. Loved ver 2 even more and bought a copy of the full version right quick. Don't get me wrong, the free versions are nearly as fully functional and varied. I just wanted to support the creator/artist for the work and show how much I used it. I await ver 3 in anticipation![]()