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Imperial Marines - armor color

If anyone remembers the old box of Grenadier Models Traveller Imperial Marines, on the cover it showed two IM's in red armor.

Is there any canon describing this, or was that just artistic license?
I think the canon color is maroon, and as I recall the box cover it is closer to maroon than red but I could be wrong.
There was a mention in the old DGP magazine about it. 'Imperial Marine Red' is a color which they have reserved for their use. No other organization can use that color for their armor.
IMTU, Battle Dress is covered in an auto-camo molecular paint. When activated, it matches the ambient backgroud as closely as possible. The default color of BD is gunmetal grey, though it can be turned black (Army) or maroon (Marines). The energy costs are biometric (biorythmic??), and thus do not drain the suit's onboard power supply.

But that's just IMTU.
IMTU, Battle Dress is covered in an auto-camo molecular paint. When activated, it matches the ambient backgroud as closely as possible.
mine too, and in IR, though I don't say exactly how.
No, no, no ...

All Imperial battledress is white, can deflect blaster fire, but is vulnerable to low tech weapons (spears, bolas, etc) weilded by small fury bear-like creatures.

Regards PLST
Does cannon prohibit two types? "Dress" Battle Dress with official marine colors and Camo units (either low tech or camileon? [sp?])
Originally posted by SGB - Steve B:
Does cannon prohibit two types? "Dress" Battle Dress with official marine colors and Camo units (either low tech or camileon? [sp?])
Not at all.
In fact the old Paper Heros 15mm Traveller figures had both Maroon and Camo Marine Armor. (The undress uniform, out of armor was maroon.)
I thnk I've only ever seen the "red" depiction once. All other times it was either a camoflauge or grey color scheme.
You will find the older stuff is the Maroon. Similar to Games Workshop where the Dark Angels start out wearing black armor and then later a dark green.

Here is the SJG set.

And actually in the entire CT collection there was little color art.
Huh. Interesting, particularly considering that I picked up Trav in '82 or '83. Neat
I did the marines on the cover of Sword Worlds in Olive Drab with a yellow sash. I can't remember why. I'm sure I got it from an offical source... I like the idea of Maroon coloured armour though. There's that one cracking picture by Bryan Gibson of Maroon Marines flying over a city. Best Imperial Marines shot eVar!!!1!
