Originally posted by Furtive Envoy:
I wondered if anyone was going to go the Navy Corpsman route for Marine medics... 8)
Originally posted by Furtive Envoy:
So would Marine Medics (of any persuation) drop in on an attack?
Yes, definitely - each trained and qualified marine represents a significant expenditure of resources, and medics/corpsmen "protect the Imperium's investment."
Originally posted by Furtive Envoy:
Would they have or need the ability to wear battle dress (good for surviving, bad for fine motor coordination)?
I haven't had this come up before, but I assume that battle dress already allows fairly fine manipulation - for example, there's no restriction that I know of that says a character in battle dress can only fire weapons designed with the BD gauntlets in mind, which means that fingers can apparently get through standard trigger guards.
(As a side note, I tend to think
many devices in the TU must be "supersized" to some degree - for example, starship controls must allow the crew to operate them while wearing vacc suits in the event the hull is depressurized. It certainly helps to explain those big computers...

Originally posted by Furtive Envoy:
Armed or un-armed?
Armed - the days of the noncombatant medic are long gone.
Originally posted by Furtive Envoy:
I don't have book 4 or Striker, just the 1-3 reprint from here. Is Medical skill common on the tables there?
IIRC, the only way a Marine using
LBB 4 can get Medical-1 is by assignment to specialist school, giving the character a one-in-six chance. (IMTU, this means the Imperial Marine character was sent to school with the IN corpsmen for cross-training, as described above.)
Originally posted by Furtive Envoy:
And not to get off on a tanget, but what about Scout medics? Seems like there should be a lot of them, since they get medical skil on the both Advanced Education Tables!
All of the field branches would certainly require medics: Commo and Survey as part of a starship crew, Exploration for contact teams.