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Imperial fleet Courier


Hi folks, just did that one to get used to the T20 ship design rules. It's based on the courier
of supplement 9. I just added pop-ups to the missile turrets (they were not seen on the illustration) and raised the agility to 3 (seemed logical since we now use a D20 instead of 2D6)... comments please!

Class: Starship, type FF
Tech Level: 15
Size: Medium (400 tons)
Streamlining: Full
Jump Range: 1 x Jump-6
Acceleration: 2-G
Fuel: 256 tons
Duration: 4 weeks
Crew: 5
Staterooms: 8
Small Cabins: 0
Bunks: 0
Couches: 0
Low Berths: 9 Emergency
Cargo Space: 5,3 tons
EP Output: 32 (13 excess)
Agility: 3 (+3EP)
Initiative: +3 (+3 agility)
AC: 13 (+3 agility)
Repulsors: None
Nuclear Dampers: None
Meson Screens: None
Black Globes: None
AR: 0
SI: 145
Main Computer:Model/6 (1320 CPU)
Sensor Range: Medium (Model/3)
Comm. Range: Long (Model/4)

Atmospheric Speeds:
NoE= 1.175kph
Cruising= 3.525 kph
Maximum= 4.700 kph

Cost: MCr 213,844

Laser Battery: 2 Triple Turrets (Beam Laser x 3) USB: 5 Attack Bonus: +5 Damage: 5D8
Missile Battery: 2 Triple Turrets (missile Rack x 3) USB: 4 Attack Bonus: +4 Damage: 4D6

I think she's cool
Now I'm working on the deckplans, but those fuel tanks are really nasty :D
Agility cannot exceed maneuver drive, so Agility 2 is the limit for a 2-g ship.

None emergency low berths is really excessive. Each one has room for four people; do you really need 36 spots?

I'd also think about maxing out the comm system. A courier might need to blast a signal across the solar system if it comes out of Jump in the wrong place. I'd also add at least the maser option for discrete comms and maybe even mesons for really covert signalling.

Do you need to add fuel scoops? A fuel processor might be wise, in case the ship has to frontier refuel somewhere. But maybe it wasn't in the design before.
Originally posted by Tom Schoene:
Agility cannot exceed maneuver drive, so Agility 2 is the limit for a 2-g ship.

None emergency low berths is really excessive. Each one has room for four people; do you really need 36 spots?

I'd also think about maxing out the comm system. A courier might need to blast a signal across the solar system if it comes out of Jump in the wrong place. I'd also add at least the maser option for discrete comms and maybe even mesons for really covert signalling.

Do you need to add fuel scoops? A fuel processor might be wise, in case the ship has to frontier refuel somewhere. But maybe it wasn't in the design before.
To Agility: OOOOPS! Thanks a lot, just have overlooked that. (Won't do THAT mistake again)
The low berths are excessive but after calculating the totals, there was a lot of space left. (Cargo size was more than doubled, compared to the supplement 9 design) Probably that'll change with the maser-comm. Meson-comm even looks better, now you mention that.
Fuel scoops are installed... Just couldn't get the design specs into this forum's window :(
I have worked her over, again comments are welcome.


Class: Starship, type FF Tech Level: 15
Size: Medium (400 tons) Fully streamlined

Jump Range: 1xJump-6 Acceleration:2-G EPOutput: 32 (9 excess)
Agility: 2(+2EP) Initiative: +2(+2 agility) AC: 12(+2 agility) AR: 0 SI: 145
Fuel: 256 tons Duration: 4 weeks/Fuel Scoops &Fuel Purification Plant (Completes tankage in 5.25 hours)

Main Computer: Model/8 (2080 CPU)
Sensor Range: Medium (Model/3)
Comm. Range: System-wide Meson(Model/8)

Crew:5 Staterooms:8 Low Berths:2 Emergency Cargo Space:4.2 tons

Atmospheric Speeds: NoE=1.175kph Cruising=3.525 kph Maximum=4.700 kph

Other Equipment: None

Laser Battery: 2 Triple Turrets (Beam Laser x 3) USB: 5 Attack Bonus: +5 Damage: 5D8
Missile Battery: 2 Triple Turrets (missile Rack x 3) USB: 4 Attack Bonus: +4 Damage: 4D6

Design Specifications
400-ton Hull: 400.0 tons; MCr48.00 (building time:14 month / Wedge)
Bridge: -20.0 tons; MCr2.00
Computer: -1.6 tons; MCr115.20; -9EP; (Model/8fib)
Flight Avionics: -0.8 tons; (CF0.9); (Model/1fib)
Sensors: -1.8 tons; (CF1.8); (Model/3fib)
Communications: -3.6 tons; (CF4.5); (Model/8fib Meson-Comm)
Jump Drive 6: -28.0 tons; MCr112.00; -24EP
Jump Fuel: -240.0 tons (1 x Jump 6)
Maneuver Drive 2: -20.0 tons; MCr14.00; -8EP
TL15 Power Plant: -16.0 tons; MCr42.00; +32EP
Power Plant Fuel: -16.0 tons; (4 weeks of operation)
4 Hard Points: MCr0.40
2 Triple Pop-up Turrets: MCr10.00; (double weapon size requirements)
2 Triple Turrets: MCr2.00
6 TL15 Beam Lasers: -2.0 tons; MCr6.00; -6EP; (USB 5)
6 TL15 Missile Racks: -4.0 tons; MCr4.50; (USB 4)
2 Missile Magazines: -2.0 tons; MCr0.20; (Holds 20 missiles each)
40 Missiles: (-2.0 tons); MCr0.20; (standard missiles - would be upgraded for wartime missions)
Fuel Scoops: MCr0.40
Fuel Purification Plant: -3.0 tons; MCr0.03; (Completes tankage in 5.25 hours)
8 Staterooms: -32.0 tons; MCr4.00
1 additional Airlock: -3.0 tons; MCr0.05
2 Emergency Low Berths: -2.0 tons; MCr0.20; (holds 8 persons)
Cargo: -4.2 tons
Totals: MCr361.18; (MCr288.944 with 20% standard design discount)
Now, I don't really understand T20 rules (since I don't have 'em) but what I understand looks good!

If you'd create a CT or MT version, I'd be forever grateful...
Originally posted by Jame:
Now, I don't really understand T20 rules (since I don't have 'em) but what I understand looks good!

If you'd create a CT or MT version, I'd be forever grateful...
Thanks, but it's basically a conversion from CT (Supplement 9 - Fighting Ships - page 20)
Since that's a High Guard 2nd Ed. design, it's USP should be sufficient to use it in MT.
Originally posted by KrasnyKot:
I think she's cool
Now I'm working on the deckplans, but those fuel tanks are really nasty :D
I have done deckplans for this ship that are posted at: Joseph's Courier Designs

There are also deckplans in _GT:First In_, but I don't think they match the illustration in Supplement 9 very well.

I ended up sticking the fuel tanks up front in the long, bulbous nose, and the missile turrets on the bottom.

- Joseph
Originally posted by Joseph Kimball:
I have done deckplans for this ship that are posted at: Joseph's Courier Designs[/QB]
Looks o.k. to me. It only seems to be quite large, especially when compared to the tanks (they should eat up about 60% of the ship's volume!) :confused:

There are also deckplans in _GT:First In_, but I don't think they match the illustration in Supplement 9 very well.[/QB]
I strongly believe it's another type or class of vessel, since it's a Scout Service Courier. G:T First In states, on the same page, that theres a naval courier, too. I think that's the one of supplement 9. ;)

I ended up sticking the fuel tanks up front in the long, bulbous nose, and the missile turrets on the bottom.[/QB]
I put them in the bow, too. It occurred because I started aft with the engines.
But even so the tanks are getting in the way a lot. :rolleyes:
Originally posted by KrasnyKot:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Joseph Kimball:
I have done deckplans for this ship that are posted at: Joseph's Courier Designs
Looks o.k. to me. It only seems to be quite large, especially when compared to the tanks (they should eat up about 60% of the ship's volume!) :confused:
[/QB]</font>[/QUOTE]I am pretty sure I counted enough squares to be 60% of the volume. That made the nose very long, about half again as long as the living area behind. Perhaps I need to revisit my original drawing on graph paper and recount. :rolleyes:
- Joseph
Originally posted by Joseph Kimball:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by KrasnyKot:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Joseph Kimball:
I have done deckplans for this ship that are posted at: Joseph's Courier Designs
Looks o.k. to me. It only seems to be quite large, especially when compared to the tanks (they should eat up about 60% of the ship's volume!) :confused:
</font>[/QUOTE]I am pretty sure I counted enough squares to be 60% of the volume. That made the nose very long, about half again as long as the living area behind. Perhaps I need to revisit my original drawing on graph paper and recount. :rolleyes:
- Joseph [/QB]</font>[/QUOTE]OOOPS, I only meant it SEEMS large ;) Don't let me be the one who made you count squares, I couldn't stand that