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Imp Batrons in SPM/FFW


Absent Friend
So, I'm rereading Supplement 9 again, and looking at the big ships. The notes about the Kokirak BB's say that there are two IN Batrons in the battle area mapped out in the FFW game [1 at Regina, 1 at Rhylanor]. Also, Supp 9 says there is one IN Batron of Tigresses in the battle area, at Rhylanor.

Now, the FFW game says that there are only two IN batrons in the battle area at the start of the war.

What gives? Did one of the Batrons leave? Which one?

Secondly, which units in FFW correspond to which Batrons?

I'm guessing the following:
Tigress=8-0-4 J3
Plankwell=6-2-8 J4
Kokirack=4-4-4 J3

Does that seem resonable?
Wasn't there a korrikak squadron at Jewell. I think supp 9 said there used to be a batron of plankwells, but they were rotated into the strategic reserve.

Also, I think they spilt the tigree squadron up across the sector, so that could be why it was not there at the start as it took a while to gather all the squadrons ships back together, the tigress squadron is probably one of the imperial reinforcements.

Originally posted by RichardP:
Wasn't there a korrikak squadron at Jewell. I think supp 9 said there used to be a batron of plankwells, but they were rotated into the strategic reserve.

Also, I think they spilt the tigree squadron up across the sector, so that could be why it was not there at the start as it took a while to gather all the squadrons ships back together, the tigress squadron is probably one of the imperial reinforcements.Cheers,Richard
Of the 8 Tigresses assigned in the batron to the SPM, one is at Candory, the other at Andor to support the naval interdiction there. so six of them are stationed at Jewell/Jewell at the outbreak.-HG/ Fighting Ships supplement. The Kokirraks were rotated back to Corridor for refit/reserves.

So the two Batrons in theater were the Plankwells, and the Tigresses.
Richard P writes:
Wasn't there a korrikak squadron at Jewell. I think supp 9 said there used to be a batron of plankwells, but they were rotated into the strategic reserve.
Grand Master Liam writes:
Of the 8 Tigresses assigned in the batron to the SPM, one is at Candory, the other at Andor to support the naval interdiction there. so six of them are stationed at Jewell/Jewell at the outbreak.-HG/ Fighting Ships supplement. The Kokirraks were rotated back to Corridor for refit/reserves.

So the two Batrons in theater were the Plankwells, and the Tigresses.
OK, I went and dug out the LBB copy of sup 9.

First of, I screwed up the spelling, its Kokirrak, not Korrikak. Thats my error.

Secondly, yes indeed, a Kokirrak batron is at Jewel. So that gives us 3+ Batrons in the 5Fw game map area.

I say 3+ because of what Sup 9 says about the Tigress'

"Several individual Tigressess have been deployed among the worlds of the Five Sisters subsector to enforce the amber zone blockade of Candory and Andor." Supplement 9, pg38
The number of Tigressess involved is somewhat indeterminate. Presumably, at least two, as Liam states, but maybe as many as 6. Supplement 9 is silent on the notion of Tigressess at Jewel. My own thinking now is that the Tigressess were spread all over the place, as the supplement says, on various missions, thus joining up as a whole batron 2-3 months after the shooting started, at a minimum. That would work well with 5Fw games Imperial Reinforcement Turns.

I'm now thinking the same thing could be done with the Kokirrak squadron at Rhylanor. Have them off on various missions, and having to take some time rejoining as a full squadron. That would leave Jewell and Regina with a full batron each, as it shows for the at start Imperial forces.

As for the Plankwells, Richard is correct:
"For decades, the Imperial Fleet in the Spinward Marches has included at least one BatRon of Plankwell class ships, but recently (1102), the last such squadron was rotated to the strategic reserve in Corridor Sector." Supplement 9, pg40
So the Plankwells would show up in the Imperial Reinforcement turns.

[singing] "You say Kokirrack, and I say Korikack.."
Ok, to sum up:

There are 3 Kokirack Batrons, consisting of 24 main ships, located in the 5FW game battle area.

Of these, 1 full Batron is at Jewel, and 1 full Batron is at Regina. The ships of the third Batron, based at Rhylanor, are engaged in independent operations and scattered all over the place.

There is 1 Tigress Batron, consisting of 8 main ships, is based at Rhylanor, and these ships are also engaged in independent operations and scattered all over the place.

Now, lets see if you can name all of them
Richard P writes:
Its worth looking at the FFW site

Tried to look that up, but the site must have some issues to sort out, cause I got a 'could not resolve with host' or something along those lines.

I've been toying with doing a IMTU full up TOE for the Imperial Navy in the 5FW game area circa 1105. While I liked what Daniel Ward did on his site, [sorry, can't recall the url at the moment] his IN is a bit large for my tastes. I really love Peter Trevors Stuff Online, primarily its ship registration area, although IMTU some of the ships there in would be gone. My thing is for a IN that is not to big and not to small.