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I'm Seein' Red!


SOC-14 1K
The red-cover PDF's are multiplyin'!! :D

Will this keep happenin'?

Is the CT support in these books a cursory afterthought, or is the dual-statting complete and consistent?

I presume the deckplans are of the print-and-play variety?

Do any of the adventures come with nice subsector maps that are ready-to-print?

And I get one of the adventures if I join the moot??

(I'm not lookin' to pester Hunter or MJD here... just lookin' for a word from a hopefully satisfied customer!)
Depending on the source, dual-statting ranges from complete to somewhat complete. All of the Avenger product line, so far, includes complete dual stats. Much of the QLI product line has complete or near-complete dual stats (except for ships, which are mostly given in the T20 easy-to-read table that translates relatively easily to other systems.)

Many of the adventures come with nice subsector maps that are ready-to-print.

And when you join up, you get one of the QLI adventures (not the Avenger ones, different company, technically) as a freebie for supporting the moot.

I would definitely expect the PDFs to keep coming, as the adventure production process has been streamlined somewhat and is becoming more consistent.

Hope this helps,
Quote: "Is the CT support in these books a cursory afterthought, or is the dual-statting complete and consistent?"

The work i'm doing (golden age starships and the golden age epic trilogy set in D 268) the NPCs are dual statted. The ships are dual statted in the golden age starships line (high guard and T20). In the golden age epic line they are not, but that should not matter because T20 stats are virtually identical to HG stats anyway.
Quote: "Will this keep happenin'?"

Yes. Golden age epic 3, the completion of that trilogy, I am currently writing.

Golden age starships 2,3,4 and 5 are finished, awaiting artwork.

Golden age starships 6 is currently being written. More are planned.
Soon I intend to try to convince my parents to buy a couple of the GA Epics and #1 of the starships. (I'd buy it myself, but I haven't a job to get the money to do so :(