Dependant upon size of party, and nature of the PC's, any of the following have been good ships under my modified MT games:
Type S Scout/Courier: ubiquitous, 4 in comfort, eight in crowding, no commercial useage, but usually includes a built in meta-patron, the IISS.
Type S1 Serpent Class Scout/Couriers : Aerodynes, not ubiquitous, but still moderately common, otherwise nigh identical to the type S performance wise (except for the chin-mount VRF Gauss Gun). I make it available for 2 reciepts of a scout ship. As per the std type S, it's at least 40 years old.
Type S2 Viper Class Survey/Scout: my homegrown variant Type S1. Much better sensor suite, better computer, but otherwise a Type S with a single lab. I make it available for 3 reciepts of a Scoutship. Typically only available as an MOB post 1100, due to the TL 15 gear... the first run is now being sent to detached duty.
Donosev Class Survey Corvette: For a heavy-scout-laden party, this ship I make available upon 4 rolls of Scout/Courier by one PC, and at least one type s rolled by another scout PC. They may trade in their two scouts for a Donosev. Makes for a great "Still in the Scouts" game's base ship. Room also for NPC's in the Crew.
Type T Patrol Covette: Excellent for starmerc oriented games. Not so hot for trade games. Need party of 5-8.
Type R Subsidized Merchant: Excellent for merchant games, good excuse for players to have a ship. Maxes out the capabilities of a Book 2 cargo generqation rules for a consistent break even.
Type A, A2 Good stable merchant designs. readily convertible to other uses (like troop transport, etc).
Gazelle CE For large parties, or "Still in the Navy" games, this staple of large system and most subsector navies is an ecellent choice.
Type TN Rift Patroller (homegrown)Courtesy of MT and careful attentions to detail, and a massively overpowered computer, the 3J4 TN can make it to the islands on one load of fuel. An excellent special missions ship, but lacking in comforts, cargo space, and amentities. The 3J4 capacity makes it a fair courier, too. Externally very close to the type T; you'd have to be counting access ports to distinguish, or doing a density scan to find the huge fuel volume (75%
I don't like the seeker, nor the safari particularly much. Both are too specialized for my games.
Special Case:
Yachts Lousy for any real money making, but OK for dilletant travelling with several friends.
Special Case:
Mercenary Cruiser aka Happy Fun Ball: yank the full size troop SR's (Staterooms), replace with twice as many small SR's, then double up in those! If under MT, the reduced fuel volume means some cargo space, too, and maybe even more troops. And, for the really psycho, put the ratings aboard into bunks, the officers in Sm SR's, the Captain and First Officer in Large SR's, and doubled up troops in small SR's, and you can pack a deccent force aboard... but cabin fever will make long trips a bad idea. And for the really bent: replace one cutter with 3 fighters.
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